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The Italian Natural Gas Market: an Overview

May 12 th , 2014. The Italian Natural Gas Market: an Overview. Matteo Verda Istituto per gli Studi di Politica Internazionale - Milano. European gas markets. EU total: 462 Bcm. 2013, in Billion cubic metres (39 MJ/cm). Source: Eurogas. Italian gas markets.

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The Italian Natural Gas Market: an Overview

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Presentation Transcript

  1. May 12th, 2014 The Italian Natural Gas Market: an Overview Matteo VerdaIstituto per gli Studi di Politica Internazionale - Milano

  2. European gas markets EU total: 462 Bcm 2013, in Billion cubic metres (39 MJ/cm). Source: Eurogas.

  3. Italian gas markets In Billion cubic metres (39 MJ/cm). Source: OECD and Ministerodellosviluppoeconomico.

  4. Italian gas supply In Billion cubic metres (39 MJ/cm). Source: Ministerodellosviluppoeconomico.

  5. Italian gas supply (2) imports production Source: SnamRete Gas and Ministerodellosviluppoeconomico.

  6. Italian gas supply In Billion cubic metres (39 MJ/cm). Source: Ministerodellosviluppoeconomico.

  7. Italian gas supply 2012. In Billion cubic metres (39 MJ/cm). Source: Ministerodellosviluppoeconomico.

  8. Infrastructures: max theoretical capacity 2013. GCV: 39 MJ/mc. Source: GIE and Ministerodellosviluppoeconomico.

  9. Source: GIE.

  10. Italian demand winter summer Source: SnamRete Gas and Ministerodellosviluppoeconomico.

  11. Final consumption In Billion cubic metres (39 MJ/cm). Source: SnamRete Gas.

  12. Prices - residential price taxes €/1.000 cm. First half 2013. Source: Eurostat, [nrg_pc_202].

  13. Prices - industrial price taxes €/1.000 cm. First half 2013. Source: Eurostat, [nrg_pc_203].

  14. Thanks! Matteo Verda, Istituto per gli Studi di Politica Internazionale (ISPI) – Milano mail:matteo.verda@unipv.it blog: www.sicurezzaenergetica.it Twitter: @matteoverda Linkedin:Linkedin/in/matteoverda

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