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Explore the progress of boater safety education in the United States, focusing on mandatory education requirements, regional comparisons, and on-the-water/hands-on education initiatives. Learn about current programs and future recommendations.
National Boating Safety Advisory Council Report On Boater Safety Education: Progress in the United States
National Boating Safety Advisory Council Update Report On Mandatory Education & On-the-Water/ Hands-On Education
States Requiring Motorboat Operator Proof of Education DC AS GU NMI PWCs Only (Certain Ages or Rentals Only) - 6 Born-on or after date - 17 Certain Ages Only (Usually preteens, teens &/or young adults only) - 17 PR Short-Term Phase-In (requires participation by all boaters) - 8 VI No Education Requirements - 8 Note that each state has unique requirements that may impact different age operators. As of January 21, 2009
Boating Safety InstructionTotal Reported NASBLA-approved Certificates IssuedFY ‘06 -FY ‘08 2006 USCGAUX: 45,353 USPS: 24,129 2007 USCGAUX: 40,482 USPS: 20,953 2008 USCGAUX: 35,604 USPS: ~21,000
Percent of RBS Budget Spent on All Boating Safety Education ProgramsRBS Dollars (millions),All States, FY ‘06 -FY ‘08 9% 8% 7%
All Boating Safety Education ProgramsRBS Dollars (millions), Projected vs. Spent, FY ‘06-FY ‘08 28.7% 33.9% 35.1%
Percent of RBS Budget Spent on All Boating Safety Education Programs Regional Comparison, FY ‘06- FY ‘08
Boating Safety Education Programs2008 Regional Cost Per Student
Where We Go From Here • Continue to track data to look for national, regional, and state trends. • Continue to conduct comparative studies to help determine key denominators in successful programs. • Work with NASBLA on collection of similar data for on-the-water/ hands-on education.
On-the-Water Education • On-the-water / Hands-on Education does not have any standards. • Little data available from course providers on certificates earned. • NASBLA is working towards establishing best practices for on-the-water/ hands-on education. • NASBLA’s Education Standards and Best Practices Subcommittee is creating list of best practices; identified 42 courses to date.
National Boating Safety Advisory Council USCG Report On On-the-Water / Hands-on Education
Advanced Education opportunities for“On-the-Water / Hands-on Education” • Advanced On-the-Water Education is offered by: • American Canoe Association • US Powerboating • US Sailing Association • U.S. Power Squadrons • Boy Scouts of America • Multiple Commercial Providers
American Canoe Association “On-the-Water” Education • American Canoe Association (ACA) continues to have a substantial number of students completing “on-the-water” education. • In an average year the ACA through their outreach efforts teach on-the-water education to an estimate of over 800 thousand students. (2007 study conducted by Radford University) • The ACA on-the-water curriculum has been acknowledged as the National paddlesports Education Program by many organizations that have aquatic programs. • The ACA’s Safety Education & Instruction Council developed national instruction programs and On-the-Water Safety Curriculum for all disciplines.
US Sailing & US Powerboating “On-the-Water” Education • US Sailing & US Powerboating continue to have a strong “on-the-water” education program and are considered the national leaders for on-the-water sail and powerboat education. • 5 basic courses designed for on-the-water training for Sailing • 9 courses designed for Powerboat Operators • The courses cover the full spectrum of on-the-water boating education, ranging from the entry level beginner to the advanced boat handling.
U.S. Power Squadrons “On-the-Water” Education • The following initiatives were developed by the USPS University. The curriculums for several disciplines have been completed, other remain in the developmental stage. • Inland Navigator Course is now available which includes the on-the-water curriculum. • Boat Handing Under Power is available, but the on-the-water component is still under development. • 6 Hour Advanced Power Boating Handling is available, but the on-the-water component is still under development. • Partners in Command is a Seminar for mates and crew it is available, on-the-water component is still under development.
Boy Scouts of America “On-the-Water” Education • Boy Scouts of America Aquatic Merit Badges in Motorboating, Canoeing, Rowing, Sailing, and Whitewater continue to increase in popularity. • These “on-the-water” curricula continue to target male youths; ages 11 to 18. • One new skill-training of on-the-water programs approved for adults was introduced this past summer (2008). • Paddle Craft Safety
Federal Register Vol. 72 No. 217 November 9, 2007 Notice 63619 Solicitation for Grants Update Practical “on-the-water” course. • The Boating Safety Division solicited grantees to carry out a program to encourage and develop a small boat practical “on-the-water” course curriculum for the 2008 grant cycle. • The two organizations that received grants to develop on-the-water courses are: • The National Safe Boating Council who is developing a Basic Safe Boat Handling Course. • CEERI, Inc. who is developing an on-the-water component offered at the dealership.
Future Plans and Recommendation for On-the-Water Training Courses • Continue to monitor trends and numbers of organizations who offer on-the-water training. • NASBLA’s Education Standards and Best Practices Subcommittee is creating a list of best practices. Conducting surveys of currently available on-the-water courses. To date, NASBLA has identified 42 courses. • Continue to be proactive to encourage through the national non-profit grant cycle for development of on-the-water courses.