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967 Uploads
What is leadership & explain the different Trait Approaches to Leadership
42 vues
What is infra-corporate transfer of fund Explain the variable that influence intra corporate transfer of funds
53 vues
What is fuzz
41 vues
What is factor analysis How does it help in interpretation of result
40 vues
What is DSS Explain DSS with suitable example.
49 vues
What is Departmentation & also explain the Type of Departmentation
43 vues
What is decision making Give the process of decision making in a group
33 vues
What is DBMS and describe its importance in relation to file based systems Explain various components of DBMS
34 vues
What is conjoint analysis How does it help in marketing research
44 vues
What is and what should be the role of fashion in our society
29 vues
What is an assessment center How does it work Would you like to participate in such a center Why or why not
30 vues
What is agenda
37 vues
What is a speech recognition system Explain its types and give logical reasons for why do currently available speech rec
22 vues
What is a speech Explain the various styles of speeches.
31 vues
What is a Software Process Why it is required to model a software process List various tools available for process model
32 vues
What is a multimedia system Explain all desirable features of a good multimedia system.
59 vues
What is a firewall What are its benefits
32 vues
What is a breach of contract
37 vues
What is ‘customer relationship marketing’ briefly explain ‘Relationship Marketing strategies’ in Retailing .
29 vues
What HR problems were evident at the Denver Mint
31 vues
What HR problems were evident at the Denver Mint
76 vues
What happens if these are not present
30 vues
What global attitude do you think would most supp ort, promote, and encourage cultural awareness Explain.
38 vues
What factors influenced the purchase of
22 vues
What factors influenced the purchase of the microwave
33 vues
What factors influenced the computer company’s decision to accept the contract
39 vues
What factors influence hybrid mixed strategies involving partial rationalization of production and marketing facilities
37 vues
What does the term Waste treatment mean Why is treatment important.
37 vues
What does the term Waste treatment mean Why is treatment important.
30 vues
What does the story say about our society and the impact of marketing on consumer behavior
26 vues
What does the purchase of a product like Nike mean to Sunder Singh
77 vues
What do you understand by women entrepreneurship
27 vues
What do you understand by the term Vision What is the difference between Vision and Mission What vision Dr. Sukumar has
35 vues
What do you understand by the term Vision What is the difference between ‘Vision’ and ‘Mission’ What vision Dr.
24 vues
What do you understand by an assignment problem Give a brief outline for solving it .
21 vues
What do you understand by an anticipatory breach of contract
31 vues
What do you think of evaluating the performance of managers not only on the achievement of result,
37 vues
What do you think of Daewoo’s expansion into central Europe What are the advantages and risks for the company
52 vues
What do you mean by Sales Force Automation What are the advantages of sales force automation
33 vues
What do you mean by Material planning Explain the factors affecting it.
19 vues