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Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ. The Prayer for the Colossians Colossians 1:9-12. The Reason for the Prayer : Epaphras had told them about the church in Colossae, for which Paul gave thanks - and wrote to correct
Grace Bible ChurchGlorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ
The Prayer for the ColossiansColossians 1:9-12 The Reason for the Prayer: Epaphras had told them about the church in Colossae, for which Paul gave thanks - and wrote to correct Paul regarded their conversion as genuine due to the evidence of their faith, hope and love
The Prayer for the ColossiansColossians 1:9-12 Christians confess their sins so that they can properly walk with the Lord without hindrance. The news Epaphras brought news enabled Paul and his companions to pray for them specifically
The Nature of PrayerUnceasing This is not speaking about prayers that never end - Paul did many other activities This attitude of prayer is one that is both God conscious and people conscious We should be quick to recognize God and give Him praise for daily blessings great and small
The Nature of PrayerUnceasing Our needs can ultimately only be met in God so we pray when we learn a need and recalled We petition the Lord and seek His intervention first, then we consider what He would have us do
The Nature of PrayerAsking Praying (proseuvcomai / proseuchomai) is a general term used only in reference to praying to God Asking ( aijtevw / aiteô) is more specific for a request of the will for a particular thing We make no demands of God, only humble requests based in our confidence of God’s character
The Request of the Prayer be filled with the knowledge of God’s will Full or thorough knowledge (ejpivgnwsiV / epignôsis) - permeated with the knowledge of the will of God The manner in which we live our lives is determined by our knowledge of God and His will
The Request of the Prayer be filled with the knowledge of God’s will People tend to be adverse from learning theology because there are other things they would rather do God is not far away and He desires to be known - Psalm 145:18; James 4:8 Those who desire to know God will be humble, mourn over their sin, repent and read / study / His word
The Means to Fulfill the Prayer in all spiritual wisdom and understanding Theology books may not be helpful in knowing God since many are just the religious musings of men Wisdom (sofiva / sophia) is the ability to apply knowledge correctly. People with lots of academic knowledge without wisdom are educated fools
The Means to Fulfill the Prayer in all spiritual wisdom and understanding Understanding (suvnesiV / sunesis) is more specific in being critical /discerning between true and false The world values knowledge and fleshy wisdom - God does not - 1 Corinthians 1:26-31
The Desire of the Prayer walk in a manner worthy of the Lord Walking implies both agreement and direction - Amos 3:3 The narrow path (Mt. 7:14) is difficult (Jn 16:33; 2 Tim. 3:12), but Jesus is with us (Mt. 28:20; Heb. 13:5) Walking in a manner worthy of the Lord is the means by which we please Him It is to have conduct in keeping with our calling - Ephesians 4:1-3
The Characteristics of a Worthy Walkbeing fruitful in every good work We will know the true and the false by their fruit - Matthew 7:17-18 We were saved by Gods’ grace through faith - but are to walk in good works as a result - Eph. 2:8-10 Good works include: Ephesians 4:2-3; Galatians 5:22-23; 6:10; Hebrews 13:15; 1 John 3:16-18 Good fruit can only be produced if we abide in the vine - John 15
The Characteristics of a Worthy Walkincreasing in the knowledge of God Continued spiritual growth allows for production of even more good works Matthew 25:14-30
The Characteristics of a Worthy Walkstrengthened with all might The Lord’s ability to enable and work through His followers is unlimited - Romans 8:32 This is for the express purpose of “attaining all steadfastness and patience with joy.” Patient endurance of circumstances and people is a character of God to be developed in us.
The Characteristics of a Worthy Walkstrengthened with all might The empowerment of God allows us to count tribulations & trials to be a source of joy because of the spiritual maturity they develop in us.
The Characteristics of a Worthy WalkGiving Thanks to the Father Without rescue and transfer to Jesus’ kingdom, we would not have an inheritance of the saints.
A Model for Prayer Filled with full knowledge of God’s will Have spiritual wisdom & understanding Walk in a manner worthy of the Lord Bear fruit in every good work Increase in the knowledge of God Strengthened – to endure / be patient Give thanks to God
Grace Bible ChurchGlorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ