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How can people protect freedom?

How can people protect freedom?. bat. tles. Con. sti. tu. tion. in. tol. er. a. ble. e. qual. it. y. Protecting Freedom. guar. an. tee. free. dom. gov. ern. ment. fights between armies or air forces. bat. tles. Con. sti. tu. tion.

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How can people protect freedom?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. How can people protect freedom?

  2. bat tles Con sti tu tion in tol er a ble e qual it y Protecting Freedom guar an tee free dom gov ern ment

  3. fights between armies or air forces bat tles

  4. Con sti tu tion the written set of rules by which the United States is governed

  5. having the same value or rights e qual it y

  6. being able to make your own choices; not controlled by anyone else free dom

  7. a group of people who rule or manage a country, state, district, or city at any time. gov ern ment

  8. guar an tee to promise to do something

  9. in tol er able too hard or painful to stand

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