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Extended Definition Paragraph. Read every slide. Follow all the directions. Turn everything in for credit. English 2011 Summer School Mrs. L. Ray. Go to the next slide. What is an extended definition?. More than a dictionary definition An in-depth explanation of an idea
Extended Definition Paragraph Read every slide. Follow all the directions. Turn everything in for credit. English 2011 Summer School Mrs. L. Ray Go to the next slide.
What is an extended definition? • More than a dictionary definition • An in-depth explanation of an idea • A definition that includes examples and comparisons • More than a description, more like a complete picture of something Go to the next slide.
Pick a topic. Write it down. hero love fear hope success happiness physical fitness humor beauty popularity money hate boredom honesty failure loyalty friendship marriage fun courage shame curiosity joy relaxation violence intelligence stupidity music freedom parent Go to the next slide.
Draw a picture that represents the topic you chose. Courage Go to the next slide.
Make a list of five things your topic is not. Courage • Something that one can learn • Something that you can fake • something that people should make fun of • physical strength • abusive behavior, violence, and bullying Go to the next slide.
Courage is like a tiger that automatically protects her cub.Courage is inner strength.Courage is (like) the guts you never thought you had. Fill in the comparisons. Go to the next slide.
Tell an anecdote (little story) that will help others understand your definition of the topic. Read mine; then write yours.Last year there was a fight at school between an average-sized student and a much larger boy. The little guy was being beat badly. Most students were standing around yelling and hollering to keep the fight going. One boy from the crowd suddenly slammed into the bigger boy and knocked him down. He was stunned long enough for the smaller guy to get away from him. The boy who helped just backed into the crowd as the assistant principals and resource officer walked up. Go to the next slide.
Give an example of a thing, a person, or an event that perfectly explains your topic.Here are three examples for courage. -A person who speaks out to shut up mean people who are laughing at a person who cannot help being the way he is.-A person who reports someone for stealing money from a book bag.-A person who says they won’t let a friend cheat from his test.-A girl who keeps going to school, being a good sister, and going to church even after her mother dies of cancer Go to the next slide.
Give another example to explain or define the topic. Read mine; then write yours. Courage is an every-day thing, not just something found on the battlefield. A driver who stops to help someone on the road at midnight, a fireman who risks his own life to save a person from burning, a teenager who refuses to protect his friends who are selling drugs to middle school students—all are courageous. Go to the next slide.
Do some people misunderstand the topic? If so, explain why or how. Read mine; then write yours. People think that courage is learned or is planned. I think courage is instantaneous. Courageous people do not think about what they are about to do. They simply do the right thing, the brave thing because that’s the way they are. Also, you can’t look at someone and tell if they are courageous. It’s all inside. Go to the next slide.
Write the dictionary definition of the topic. Go to dictionary.com to find the def. and a few synonyms. Courage - “the quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, pain, etc., without fear; bravery” From Dictionary.com Synonyms: bravery, fortitude, mettle, nerve, valor, bold Go to the next slide.
Put it all together in a paragraph. Write the opener. Here are a few ways to begin: Question Shocking fact or interesting information Anecdote (a little story) Quotation (Go to quotationspage.com and type in your word.) “Imagine this…” (Describe a situation.) Tell what it’s not. (Use your list.) Go to the next slide.
Write the topic sentence. Use a general statement or short definition or a quote, but don’t tell too much. Here are a few samples: Courage is inner strength. OR Courage is a powerful yet ordinary thing. OR Courage is all inside. Go to the next slide.
Now, write your paragraph. Include at least three of the following in your paragraph: • Something your topic is not • A comparison or two • Your anecdote • An example or two • People’s misunderstanding • The dictionary definition • A few synonyms for the word Go to the next slide.
Be sure your final sentence is a good conclusion. • Repeat or refer to the opening technique. • Sum up with a question. • End with the dictionary definition. Go to the next slide.
Here’s mine: “Courage” Ruth Gordon once said, “Courage is very important. Like a muscle, it is strengthened by use.” Courage, to me is an ordinary thing; it is everywhere. It is not learned, and it cannot be practiced. It is not abusive or bullying or violent just for the sake of violence. Dictionary.com defines courage as “the quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, pain.” Last year at school, two boys got into a fight. One was much bigger than the other, and he was beating the smaller boy badly. Suddenly a student came from the crowd, boldly slammed into the bigger boy, knocking him down. The smaller boy had time to get away from his enemy. To me, that is courage, the instantaneous act of someone who did not hesitate to face difficulty. I believe courageous people act without thinking; they simply have brave hearts, stout spirits. Courage is indeed very important. Everybody needs some of it. Go to the next slide.
Proofread, correct mistakes. You may type your paragraph and email it to me as an attachment. lray@greenville.k12.sc.us OR You may write it neatly on notebook paper. FORMAT: At least eight sentences, name, course, and date in upper right corner, centered title.