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This discussion explores probing Higgs boson couplings to fermions, gauge bosons, and itself at current and future colliders. It delves into precision electroweak observables informing about Higgs properties and theoretical developments in QCD and EWK. The dialogue also covers measuring the Higgs potential and advancements required for experimental data utilization in a language from .Discussion.Points.Keith.Ellis.&.Beate.Heinemann.
Discussion Points Keith Ellis & Beate Heinemann
Big Questions • How well can the Higgs boson couplings to fermions, gauge bosons and to itself be probed at current and future colliders? • How do precision electroweak observables inform us about the Higgs boson properties and/or BSM physics? • What progress is needed in theoretical developments in QCD and EWK to fully capitalize on the experimental data? • What is the best path towards measuring the Higgs potential?
Improvements w.r.t. HL-LHC Kappa-framework EFT-framework
# of “largely” improved H couplings (EFT) 13 quantities in total
# of “largely” improved H couplings (kappa) 12 quantities in total
Discussion points • Probing Higgs coupling at the level of ~0.1-1% very interesting and complementary to direct searches • Significant advances in theory needed to exploit data from hadron and lepton colliders • HL-LHC has reach in probing many H couplings to few % level • All ee colliders achieve major improvement in their first stage already in probing H sector compared to HL-LHC: • At least half of couplings get improved by factor 5 or more • W/Z couplings of H probed to few 10-3 • Lepton colliders less model dependent (BR_untagged, Gamma_H) than hadron collider • FCC-hh improves rare decays by an additional large factor (~10x better than HL-LHC for nearly all) • Electroweak precision observables • Interesting probe of NP if prec. ~100x better than H and complementary • FCC-ee has extensive programme on EWPO at MZ and MW • Capabilities of linear colliders ? Somewhat complementary ? Giga-Z not in current plan. • Higgs self-coupling: • di-Higgs process probes lambda to 50% at HL-LHC => improvements from HE-LHC (~15%), ILC500 (~27%), CLIC (~9%), FCC-hh (~5%) • Single Higgs production at also sensitive through loop effects
EWK observables: improvement factor WARNING: Information missing in some cases, e.g. CEPC info incomplete, no Giga-Z at LCs (which would add time of course),…
Accelerators relevant to Higgs physics M. Cepeda
Schedules: starting from T0 NB: number of seconds/.year different for different colliders by up to 30%
Comparison of Colliders: kappa-framework • Main observations: • hh and eh coll. don’t constrain unless is assumed • Proposed end ep colliders improve w.r.t. HL-LHC by factors of ~2 to 10 • Initial stages of colliders have comparable sensitivities (within factors of 2)
Sensitivity to λ: via single-H and di-H production • Di-Higgs: • HL-LHC: ~50% • Improved by HE-LHC (~15%), ILC500 (~27%), CLIC (~9%), FCC-hh (~5%), • Insensitive to other operators • Single-Higgs: • Sensitivity ~35% in global analyses for FCC-ee365, ILC500
Invisible H decays: H→ETmiss • Direct searches dominate sensitivity • HL-LHC will have sensitivity to ~2.6% • e+e- colliders improve to ~0.3% • FCC-hh probes below SM value: ~0.025%