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Bellah (1970) C ivil religion

Explore the concept of civil religion in the US and UK, its role in promoting social solidarity, impacts on different faiths, and comparisons with functionalist perspectives on religion. Evaluate criticisms and alternatives, including the potential for civic religion to foster peace amid religious diversity.

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Bellah (1970) C ivil religion

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  1. Bellah (1970) Civil religion In a multi-faith country like the U.S.A or the UK, what is it that binds people together?

  2. Bellah (1970) Civic religion Coronation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wKzlKwpm17U • civil religion has replaced religion. He found that in the USA the civil religion is Americanism. It is very similar to religion – images, coins, sculptures, cemeteries and phrases which promote social solidarity. Americanism unites faiths. The American flag was deemed sacred when Congress outlawed its ‘desecration’…

  3. Bellah (1970) Civic religion Other examples…

  4. Civil religion A belief system that attached sacred qualities to society itself. This could be an identity or way of life. Erm, I said this in 1915. Get your own ideas Bellah. Think of rituals within the U.S.A. or UK that show loyalty to a nation. Do you agree that civic religion causes peace and harmony between different religions?

  5. Functional alternatives The history of Communism, originally inspired by noble ideals, clearly illustrates what happens when people attempt to change external reality – create a new earth – without any prior change in their inner reality, their state of consciousness. They make plans without taking into account the blueprint for dysfunction that every human being carries within: the ego. Eckhart Tolle • Non-religious belief and practices that perform functions similar to those of religion.

  6. Most – Will examine different functionalist views on religion Could you answer the following questions? • What 2 psychological functions does religion perform according to Malinowski? • What other 2 functions does Parsons say that religion fulfils? • What is civil religion according to Bellah?

  7. Criticisms Functional alternatives could be criticised in the same way as functional definitions of religion. It ignores what is distinctive about many religions: the belief in the super-natural.

  8. Evaluation • Functionalism emphasises social nature of religion & positive functions, but neglects negative aspects, such as oppression of women • Ignores religion as a source of division & conflict, especially in complex modern society with religious pluralism (e.g. Northern Ireland) • Idea of civil religion may overcome this, but is it really religion?

  9. Essay question Compare and evaluate different functionalist perspectives on religion (33 marks) • Make a plan using the essay map • Intro = answer question in 2 sentences • P.E.E. In each paragraph and link back to question • Conclusion

  10. - Some - Will evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of Functionalist theory of religion Peer assess each other’s essays using the mark scheme. Job done!

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