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Online Personal Trainer ACTION PLAN Lesson 1: Static Posture. Created by: IaWellness. Control Panel (bottom of screen). Click the “Pause” button located on the bottom of your screen. You will now have control of the slides. .
Online Personal Trainer ACTION PLAN Lesson 1: Static Posture Created by: IaWellness
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Static Posture • Inactivity, slouching and poor work habits are a few of the many factors that contribute to poor posture. • Posture, which refers to the alignment and positioning of the body with respect to gravity, is an important aspect of everyday life. • Whether you are sitting or standing, good posture is essential for minimizing strain on your joints and muscles while preventing aches and injuries. • Over the years, bad posture can cause a structural change to the body that affects physical appearance and reduces proper joint and muscle function. The sooner you start practicing good posture, the better. • This lesson will review static posture in 3 different positions: • Standing, Sitting and Lying
OVERVIEW • Static Posture • Standing • Normal Standing Posture • Anterior Pelvic Tilt • Posterior Pelvic Tilt • Thoracic Kyphosis • Forward Head Posture • Sitting • Lying/Sleeping Posture • Dead Man's Float • The Soldier • Sleeping Beauty
STANDING The human spine has three distinct curves that allow it to maintain its integrity and a natural “S” shape. • Cervical Spine • Thoracic Spine • Lumbar Spine • A good standing posture means the chest is held high and the shoulders are retracted back, down and relaxed. The head is not tilted forward, back or sideways. Abdomen and buttocks are pulled in, and the knees are relaxed (not locked). Feet are parallel with weight balanced evenly on each foot. • According to the Southern California Orthopedic Institute (SCOI), an ideal standing posture, when viewed from the back, should display no lateral (sideways) curvature of the spine.
Normal Definition: Corrective Exercises: Use the following corrective exercises to maintain this normal posture during static and dynamic movements. • Try this “good posture test” • Stand with your head, shoulders, buttocks, and calves against a wall. Place your feet 2 inches away from the wall. • If you are unable to get into this position, you may have some postural issues. If you are able, have someone take a picture to see your total body alignment. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F4oZaJxsZ_E
Anterior Pelvic Tilt(Lumbar Lordosis) Definition: How to Correct Lumbar Lordosis: Stretch the hamstrings Strengthen the core (Front and Back) • The pelvis is tilted forward, increasing your lower spine extension and lifting your buttocks up. • Your upper body will lean back and your shoulders will round forward to maintain balance. • This posture could lead to back pain, herniated disc issues, weak hip muscles and arthritis in your vertebra.
Anterior Pelvic TiltCorrective Exercises for Lumbar Lordosis 3. Straight Leg Hamstring Stretch 4. Downward Dog 1. Frog Squat 2. Lunge and Twist
Posterior Pelvic Tilt (Sway Back) Definition: How to Correct Sway Back: Stretch the core Strengthen the hamstrings • The pelvis is tucked beneath your body, causing your buttocks to appear flattened and your lower back to lose its natural curve.
Posterior Pelvic Tilt Corrective Exercises for Sway Back 3. Floor Glute Bridge 4. Downward Dog 1. Supine Pullover 2. Press Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch
Thoracic Kyphosis (Hunchback) Definition: How to Correct Kyphosis: Stretch the chest Strengthen the Back • A hyper-curvature of the upper back that causes the back to round and the shoulders to fall forward. • If not treated, it will cause an appearance of a hump on the upper back, also known as “hunchback”. • The combination of poor posture and aging increases the compression of the vertebrae and causes a collapse within the bone's structure. This results in a compression fracture that causes both stiffness and pain.
Thoracic Kyphosis Corrective Exercises for Kyphosis or Hunchback 3. Chest Stretches 1. Back Extensions 2. Foam Rolling-Upper Back Roll
Forward Head Posture Definition How to Correct Forward Head Posture: Stretch the back neck muscles Lengthen the front neck muscles Increase shoulder flexibility • When you are sitting or standing, the ears should be directly above the shoulders. • The muscles at the front of the neck are partially responsible for holding the head back and high. • When you sit hunched over, your front neck muscles weaken.
Forward Head PostureCorrective Exercises for Forward Head Posture: 2. Fish Pose 3. Shoulder Stretch 1. Isometric Neck Pushes
SITTING The S-shaped curvature of the spine characteristic of good standing posture should also be maintained while seated, according SCOI. • Maintaining this good posture involves keeping your back straight, shoulders back, and buttocks touching the back of the chair. • Placing a rolled up towel, pillow or cushion behind your lower back may help you maintain the curves of your spine. • Distribute your body weight evenly on both hips, with your knees even or slightly below your hips. • Your feet should be flat on the floor or crossed at the ankles, not the knees. • Avoid sitting in the same position for more than 30 minutes.
Stability Ball PROs and CONs of Sitting on a Stability Ball: The stability ball is a piece of exercise equipment used for strength training, improving balance and stability. Replacing the office chair for the stability ball is increasingly popular because of the potential for improved health, posture and strength.
Stability Ball BENEFITS: Sitting on a stability ball can improve stability, balance and engage the core abdominal muscles. Stronger abdominal muscles protect the lower back and promote better posture. DRAWBACKS: Stability balls lack arm rests and back supports, so the upper body might not be properly and fully supported, especially if core muscles are not strong enough to maintain good posture without support of a chair. - If you use the stability ball in place of an office chair, you might feel that the ball is not tall enough or it is too tall for your desk. Stability balls come in different colors and sizes, and for best results you should choose a ball that fits your height range.
Stability Ball MAKING THE SWITCH: Progression: If you are new to using a stability ball, you might need to start out using the ball in small increments. Your body and muscles might not be accustomed to sitting in this manner for long periods and get fatigued. Start off sitting on the ball for 30 minutes to an hour. Increase time gradually. As your muscles and body build strength, endurance and becomes familiar with the seating position, it will become easier and you will be able to use the ball for longer periods.
Lying / Sleeping Posture • Most people crawl into bed and assume the same position every night without much thought. Is your sleep environment (hard bed or soft pillow) or sleep posture causing your aches and pains? Your sleep posture may be to blame. Misalignment during sleep can put stress and strain on the spine, neck, shoulder, hips and jaw. This in turn affects how you feel the next day or week. It can also interfere with your ability to relax well enough to fall asleep. There are 3 curves on the body that you should pay attention to while sleeping: • The lower back • The middle of your back • Near the neck
Sleeping Positions What kind of sleeper are you? A stomach, back or side sleeper!! Here are the 3 different sleeping positions and tips for a better night sleep: Dead Man's Float- The Stomach Sleeper The Soldier- The Back Sleeper Sleeping Beauty- The Side Sleeper
Sleeping Positions 1. Dead Man's Float- The Stomach Sleeper This sleeper spends the night on their stomach, head turned to the side, with arms splayed under their head or at their side. In this position, the neck is hyper-flexed and exerts pressure on the nerves along the underside of your arms that can cause pins and needles and awaken you from sleep. The body's weight compresses the lungs, preventing a fully expanded deep breath. It also exerts unnecessary pressure on the breasts. Improve this position by removing the pillow. Try raising the whole side of your body slightly with a long pillow, or place a pillow under your hips.
Sleeping Positions 2. The Soldier- The Back Sleeper Sleeping on your back can cause the tongue to fall inwards and block the breathing tube. If you are a soldier sleeper, you may snore and you should avoid this position if you have sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a common disorder in which you have one or more pauses in breathing or shallow breaths while you sleep. A soldier sleeper is not good for you or your bed partner, who may have to endure every snort and rattle all night. Infants however, should always be placed on their backs to prevent sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Improve this position by placing a pillow under your knees and a small pillow under your lower back. People with heart failure, certain respiratory diseases, glaucoma or gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD) may benefit from taking their solider position into a semi-sitting position.
Sleeping Positions 3. Sleeping Beauty- The Side Sleeper This type of sleeper sleeps on the side, their back slightly curled with knees bent and arms folded. This is the healthiest sleeping position. This posture complements the natural curvature of the spine. Do you want to make this position even better? Add comfort and reduce stress on the hips by putting a pillow between your knees. Use a pillow of moderate height to support the head. Try a water pillow that can be easily adjusted. If there is room, stretch arms out front.
Lesson 1 Activities: 1. Try all of these corrective exercises. Take 5 minutes to warm up with a walk/jog and arm swings. 2. What kind of sleeper are you? What are you doing to improve your sleeping posture?
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