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Learn essential skills and standard procedures to thrive as a police chaplain, focusing on identity and relationship-building within the community and law enforcement agencies. Emphasizes self-awareness, discipline, and spiritual care for optimal effectiveness in supporting officers and citizens during challenging situations. Led by experienced chaplain Jim Crowley of Central Oregon Police Chaplaincy.
Developing Effective Habits for the Chaplain The class would be structured for both the entry level and as well as the veteran Chaplain. This class will focus more on the activities of the Chaplain and some basic models that have helped us here in the Central Oregon Police Chaplaincy. The Class will provide Standard Operating Procedures for the Chaplaincy. They will lend themselves both for the Metro area chaplaincy and the Rural. Consideration for the Motivation for the local Chaplaincy and a hint of Philosophy of the Chaplaincy according to the Disciplines represented. Central Oregon Police Chaplaincy Chaplain Jim Crowley
A successful Chaplaincy is one that has Identity. But it’s more than a Shirt with a Logo! - We know who we are. Chaplain = A chaplain is typically a member of the clergy serving a group of people who are not organized as a mission or church. Central Oregon Police Chaplaincy Chaplain Jim Crowley
Police officers often say to us that "I wouldn't do the difficult work you do for anything!" They are trained and able to face armed robbers or control an unruly crowd. But a sobbing parent at a SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome) incident can erase even the most stoic officer's composure. Entering that saddest of moments is no easier for a chaplain, but the chaplain brings experience, training and skills to the tragedy that are as specialized as the law enforcement resources every officer develops with training and experience. Central Oregon Police Chaplaincy Chaplain Jim Crowley
Chaplains come at any hour, in all kinds of weather. Mostly, they listen. But they also comfort people who are shaking with fear with a gentle touch . . . or perhaps, if someone asks, a prayer will be offered in guarded privacy to support the trembling of spirit that comes in difficult moments – ICPC Webb Site Central Oregon Police Chaplaincy Chaplain Jim Crowley
Notes to teach would support that we are the Chaplain and that’s all we should try to be! We are not the Surgeon, Psychiatrist or the Chief/ Sheriff Be Yourself – Be Real – Remember that you are just the Chaplain – It is healthy to know who you are and healthier yet to remember who you aren’t. Central Oregon Police Chaplaincy Chaplain Jim Crowley
We are not someone’s Pastor • just because we are the Chaplain. • We need to Embrace this by our conduct and behavior. • Include fellow clergy in pastoral care for officers. Contact Pastors in the Community if you can and let them know of counseling contacts. This can be very difficult in some situations with confidentiality scenarios almost impossible but care must be given. • Even if we are pasturing a church • in the area we are not to proselyte. Central Oregon Police Chaplaincy Chaplain Jim Crowley
We are not to use our energy and resources • to build our own kingdom. • - We are Not a Fire Fighter/Police Officer – it would be best if we not tell them their job. • Illustrate the difficulty that we have observed with retired law enforcement officers serving as chaplains. It has been my experience that retired officers can make great chaplains – they can make horrible ones as well! Creating second guessing for a police officer will cause them great pain and grief and possibly their life! Central Oregon Police Chaplaincy Chaplain Jim Crowley
We need to maintain Perspective! • Psalm 103 • - We know our call. • Illustrate my call to the Chaplaincy • in Vancouver, Wa. • Illustrate the recent First Call meeting with George Fox/ Warner Pacific and the hope to create the Competent Chaplain. • We are Called! • - COPC Mission/Goals/Purpose Statements Central Oregon Police Chaplaincy Chaplain Jim Crowley
Spiritual Care • We Need to stay tuned into our Discipline – • Holistic • Emotional • Spiritual • Relational • Physical • Intellectual/ Cognitive Central Oregon Police Chaplaincy Chaplain Jim Crowley
What helps? - Nurturing/Growing Spiritually - Share the Dream of the Chaplaincy with Like Hearted Chaplains. - Share your burdens too! - Have a Teachable Attitude – the right attitude brings altitude! John Maxwell - Create a means for accountability. - Your Officers have this in place. - No Man/Woman is an Island. Illustrate – we really do need each other. COPC annual Retreat for Spiritual Nurturing/ Fun/ Eating/ Hiking/ Fishing/ Team Building/ Eating!!! Central Oregon Police Chaplaincy Chaplain Jim Crowley
How to Build Effective Relationships that Make Us Affective in the Chaplaincy. • SPEND TIME WITH THEM!!!! • - Relationships with Ground Ponders! • - Relationships with Command Staff! • - Relationships with inner Agencies! • - Amongst the Law Enforcement Family Central Oregon Police Chaplaincy Chaplain Jim Crowley
- The Emergency Services Family - Dispatch - ODOT - FBI - Police - Sheriff - Corrections - State Patrol - Forest Services - Port/ Naval/ Air/ Rail Police Services - Fire – Local – State – Federal Central Oregon Police Chaplaincy Chaplain Jim Crowley
- Other Chaplains • - Hospice • Hospital • Illustrate the perception by hospital chaplains to provide a sanctuary for shaking baby scenarios. • Get my Tasser!!! • - Industrial • - Private sectors • Other Faiths – • Effective means of relationships in all of these areas are expressed best by our willingness to be part of the team as opposed to becoming the only team. Central Oregon Police Chaplaincy Chaplain Jim Crowley
Sometimes we see walls that have been built while we’re trying to clean off the mortar from our trowels!!! Jim Crowley Central Oregon Police Chaplaincy Chaplain Jim Crowley
We Must Never Give Up! Persistence and Expectations Think on These Things – Meditations for Leaders by John Maxwell pg 115/125 1) Many People do not persist because they’re uncertain what it is they really desire. DO YOU WANT TO BE EFFECTIVE? Central Oregon Police Chaplaincy Chaplain Jim Crowley
2) People sometimes quit because they don’t feel gratified. I think that it is safe to say that the Chaplaincy provides opportunities to be a hero!!! Ta Da! But that’s not why I answered the call. There are a lot of lost souls out there – they are hurting and wounded and rejected. They are out in the trench of life. When the Trauma hits there’s no time for a committee meeting or a church service!!! Central Oregon Police Chaplaincy Chaplain Jim Crowley
3) Often Persistence wanes when there seemingly is no hope. You have to have dark nights and ugly things to know that you can get through them. Boy, I hope I remember how much I need them when they come!!! The line between failure and success is pretty thin sometimes – ever played golf? 4) Many Fail because they are unwilling to pay the price for Victory. 5) People sometimes lose determination because they have not tasted many victories. Central Oregon Police Chaplaincy Chaplain Jim Crowley
Illustrate my first ride along with Vancouver PD Perseverance Two frogs fell into a can of cream, or so I’ve heard told. The sides of the can were shinny and steep; The Cream was deep and cold. Oh, what’s the use? Said No. 1, Tis fate – no helps around. Good bye my friend! Good bye sad world! And, weeping still, he drowned. Central Oregon Police Chaplaincy Chaplain Jim Crowley
But No 2, of sterner stuff, Dog Paddled in surprise, The while he wiped his creamy face And dried his creamy eyes. I’ll swim awhile at least, he said – Or so I’ve heard it said – It wouldn’t really help the world, If one more frog was dead. An hour or two he kicked and swam. Not once he stopped to mutter, But kicked and swam, and swam and kicked, Then Hoped out via butter! T.C. Hamlett Central Oregon Police Chaplaincy Chaplain Jim Crowley
Effective Structures – Bylaws to SOPS. - Making of the Chaplain; - Application - Interview with Board Members - Interview with Senior Chaplain - Interview with Board - Full Background Check/ Interview with Detective - Mentoring Stage/ Probationary Period - Evaluation with agency served Central Oregon Police Chaplaincy Chaplain Jim Crowley
- What works in Portland may not work in Lakeview!!! • What always Works even in Bend, Oregon • Relational Chaplaincy provides opportunities to serve. • If they don’t know you they will not call you on the norm even if your Name is Norm! • - Models – SAFER-R - PEWTER Central Oregon Police Chaplaincy Chaplain Jim Crowley
Some of our Successes - Coles board - Officer Payroll Deductions - Donations from Christian Businesses - Fundraisers – Auctions etc. - Sponsored BBQ’s and Dinners. Lunches are the Best. - Hertz/ Dealerships that have a vision. Advertisement! Who would have thought!!! Central Oregon Police Chaplaincy Chaplain Jim Crowley
Budget – Does your agency have training funds or Budget to assist the Chaplain to be a success? IF not who does and do they share the same Ministry expectations that drives you. Share about our board – Hunting / Pay/Time Off/Business Expenses/ Tools for the trade Central Oregon Police Chaplaincy Chaplain Jim Crowley
If I Only had a Class A Uniform! What kind of clothing are you going to wear and do you think that color matters? - we need to look professional. - we need to be appropriate My K.C. Ride when I showed up in the Precinct with my fancy little suit on most of the officers and folks though I was somethin’ that I wasn’t. What you wear tells a story. Don’t Forget Your ID dummy. Central Oregon Police Chaplaincy Chaplain Jim Crowley
Tools for the Trade We are being inundated with more Technology than I could ever imagine. Lack of Technology does not remove you from an effective Chaplaincy. An abundance of Cell Phones, Bluetooth, Laptops, PDA’s, Blackberry’s, Hand Free Devices, Offices with Espresso Bars, Web Sites and flat screens don’t make for a successful chaplaincy if they don’t know who we are. Central Oregon Police Chaplaincy Chaplain Jim Crowley
What relationship do you have with the local Ministerial Group? Central Oregon Police Chaplaincy Chaplain Jim Crowley
Setting the Standard What are we offering our Chaplains – what are you doing to grow and become better equipped. COPC Training Monthly/ COPC Annual Retreat for Chaplains. Activities for the Spouses/ Staff Meetings. Use your local agencies for Resources on Training. TRAIN THERE WITH THEM AND ALLOW THEM TO COME. Use Neighboring Chaplaincy’s for Training and Resources. Central Oregon Police Chaplaincy Chaplain Jim Crowley
Team Members Not all Pastors Make for good Chaplains! You IS What you IS. Joke or something about Zebras – Are they Black Horse with White Stripes or are they White Horses with Black Stripes. Some things we may never figure out ya know. Central Oregon Police Chaplaincy Chaplain Jim Crowley
WEDIDN’T START OUT HERE – YA KNOW!!! We didn’t start there either! Central Oregon Police Chaplaincy Chaplain Jim Crowley
Resources for Effective Chaplaincy. - ICPC - FFC - ICISF - Other Non Profit Chaplaincy’s Central Oregon Police Chaplaincy Chaplain Jim Crowley
Be Yourself – Be Real We need to be ourselves spiritually – Use Devotion material from below Tozer Website - Insight for Leaders Literature Ministries International [lmi@flash.net]tozer@litmin.com Central Oregon Police Chaplaincy Chaplain Jim Crowley
Failure and Success: Not Measuring Up Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord. --1 Corinthians 15:58 Central Oregon Police Chaplaincy Chaplain Jim Crowley
It is good to come to the understanding that while God wants us to be holy and Spirit-filled, He does not expect us to look like Abraham or to play the harp like David or to have the same spiritual insight given to Paul. Central Oregon Police Chaplaincy Chaplain Jim Crowley
All of those former heroes of the faith are dead. You are alive in your generation. A Bible proverb says that it is better to be a living dog than a dead lion. You may wish to be Abraham or Isaac or Jacob, but remember that they have been asleep for long centuries, and you are still around! You can witness for your Lord today. You can still pray. You can still give of your substance to help those in need. You can still encourage the depressed. Central Oregon Police Chaplaincy Chaplain Jim Crowley
I hope you have not missed something good from God's hand because you felt you did not measure up to Gideon or Isaiah. In this your generation, give God all of your attention! Give Him all of your love! Give Him all of your devotion and faithful service! You do not know what holy, happy secret God may want to whisper to your responsive heart. Jesus, Author of our Faith, 72. Central Oregon Police Chaplaincy Chaplain Jim Crowley
"Father, I commit myself to faithfulness today. I don't have the great gifts of these 'former heroes of the faith.' But You've given me life today; You've given me the gifts You want me to have and use; You've called me by Your grace to serve You. I give it all to You today. Amen." Central Oregon Police Chaplaincy Chaplain Jim Crowley