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Welcome. RAL Particle Physics Masterclasses 17 - 19 March 2004 Bill Scott http://hepwww.rl.ac.uk/pust/masterclass.htm. Particle Physics and RAL. Rutherford High Energy Laboratory created in 1957 for research into particle physics. UK accelerators - NIMROD proton synchrotron

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome RAL Particle Physics Masterclasses 17 - 19 March 2004 Bill Scott http://hepwww.rl.ac.uk/pust/masterclass.htm

  2. Particle Physics and RAL Rutherford High Energy Laboratory created in 1957 for research into particle physics. UK accelerators - NIMROD proton synchrotron  Closed in 1978 and revamped as ISIS pulsed neutron source - visit today. Today, RAL is a multi-disciplinary laboratory e.g. Space-Science, Lasers, DIAMOND..., employing in total > 1000 people (  90 Particle Physic). PPD now using international facilities - CERN (Geneva), DESY (Hamburg), SLAC (Stanford), FNAL (Chicago) + underground expts in Minnesota, Sudbury, Boulby…  Talks today will cover some of the work in these centres + future projects.

  3. Rutherford 1911- 1919Rutherford, Geiger and Marsden discovered the nucleus using  particles (University of Manchester).

  4. ISIS - Pulsed Neutron Source

  5. DIAMOND Synchrotron To be built at RAL. Start of operation = 2006. Cost = £195M. Studies at molecular/atomic level.

  6. Masterclass-2004 Programme 10.30 Particle Physics Today-I Dr. Bill Murray 11.10 Introduction to ISISDr. Martyn Bull 11.30 Group A1-A4: 11.40 ISIS Visit / A5-A8: Q & A A1-A4: 12.20 Q & A / A1-A4: ISIS Visit Group B1-B8: 11.40 Study of W± Decays 12.45 Buffet Lunch (R18) 13.30 Particle Physics Today – IIDr. Bruce Kennedy 14.10 Group A1-A8: 14.20 Study of W± Decays Group B1-B4: 14.20 ISIS Visit / B5-B8 Q & A B1-B4: 15.00 Q & A / B5-B8 ISIS Visit 15.35 The Search for WIMPs in the UK Dr. Nigel Smith 16.15 Tea and Departure (R22) Material can be found at: http://hepwww.rl.ac.uk/pust/masterclass.htm

  7. Competition for CERN 50th Anniversary • Task: “Happy 50th Birthday, CERN • – A Celebration” • Produce one of the following: • An article suitable for a magazine such as New Scientist, outlining the history and achievements of CERN (Approx 1000 words) • A Powerrpoint Presentation on the same topic • A Website (suggested maximum of 5 pages) on the same topic. • 1st Prize: • Team of 4 (orindividual winner + 3 invitees) and a teacher from the school - visit to CERN and Geneva (probably 1 day with 2 nights in CERN hostel) – (Funded by PPARC) • Timescale: • Competition Deadline: October 2004 • Judging by mid-November (3 Judges include to include PPARC, IoP and HEPP Community) • CERN visit February 2005

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