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Immanuel Gawler

Immanuel Gawler. Senior PYP Exhibition Information for Parents/Caregivers September 2019. What is the exhibition?. Culmination of students’ experience in the Primary Years Program An opportunity for students to: Inquire into an issue of local and global significance

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Immanuel Gawler

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Immanuel Gawler Senior PYP Exhibition Information for Parents/Caregivers September 2019

  2. What is the exhibition? • Culmination of students’ experience in the Primary Years Program An opportunity for students to: • Inquire into an issue of local and global significance • Work collaboratively with others to plan, investigate and present

  3. What is the exhibition? An opportunity for students to: • Use and demonstrate skills and attitudes developed through the program • Demonstrate independence and take responsibility for their learning • Share learning with the community

  4. Year 6 ExhibitionTransdisciplinary theme: Sharing the Planet: An inquiry into rights and responsibilities in the struggle to share finite resources with other people and with other living things; communities and the relationships within and between them; access to equal opportunities; peace and conflict resolution.

  5. Year 6 ExhibitionCentral idea: Human lifestyles can affect the world and its people

  6. Timeline 2019 • Now: Outlining process, unpacking topic, clarifying expectations • End Term 3: Selecting topics, forming groups • Term 3 break: Opportunity to do some finding out, visit some places to gather information • Early Term 4: Inquiring into topics • Week 3, Term 4: Setting up presentations • Week 4, Term 4: Wednesday, 6th November: Exhibition Evening

  7. The inquiry process Tuning in • Provocation • Understanding the exhibition • Unpacking the transdisciplinary theme and identifying issues • Where could this lead? • What could we find out about? • Choosing issues and forming groups • Identifying key questions to investigate

  8. The inquiry process Finding out • Students ask questions to explore their issue • Students investigate their issue in depth • This may include: • Using books, websites, video clips, newspapers, magazines or brochures • Talking to people in person, making phone enquiries or visiting places to find information • Creating and conducting surveys and collecting data • Carrying out product research • Conducting experiments • Asking more questions

  9. The inquiry process Sorting out • Groups organise the information they have collected • Groups think about how to present their learning in a way that: • Clearly communicates their understanding • Provides a variety of formats • Engages those who visit the exhibition

  10. The inquiry process Going further • Students reflect on their learning • Students think about how they can take meaningful action

  11. Curriculum integration: English: • Research, locating information and finding key ideas • Comprehending and analysing a range of texts • Making oral presentations Maths: • Data Handling: conducting surveys, gathering and organising data, graphing ICT • Use of a range of tools for finding, sorting, sharing and presenting information Science • Following scientific procedures, identifying questions and designing and carrying out tests Humanities and social sciences • Investigate changes in societies, individuals and groups • Find out about interconnections between people, places and environments

  12. What about homework? Students homework tasks will typically involve… • Gathering resources • researching and preparing for work to be covered in class • asking parents to helpin the proofreading of work already produced • completing studentreflections, journals, checklists, etc.

  13. Role of students • Selecting and defining the real-life issue or problem • Defining the central idea • Establishing lines of inquiry and student questions • Planning their investigations and finding appropriate resources • Communicating with teachers, peers and parents • Recording their findings

  14. Role of students • Working cooperatively and collaboratively with their group and giving feedback to peers • Demonstrating an understanding of their issue or problem • Demonstrating an understanding of essential elements of the IB Primary Years Program • Self-assessment and reflecting on their inquiry and keeping an exhibition journal • Planning their presentation at exhibition

  15. Role of teachers • Guiding students and facilitating • Supporting students with group work • Planning with other teachers to support the exhibition • Questioning students and providing feedback • Supporting students in finding resources • Monitoring and assessing student progress

  16. Role of parents and caregivers Parents and caregivers can assist by: • Asking students about their inquiries • Encouraging students to be independent inquirers • Helping students access resources (people, places, media, information) • Providing ‘expert’ knowledge where applicable

  17. Role of parents and caregivers Parents and caregivers can assist by: • Respecting student ownership of the process • Supporting, guiding, advising and giving feedback • Celebrating with the students by attending exhibition evening on Wednesday, 6th November

  18. Questions • If you have questions about this presentation or about the exhibition, either now or during the exhibition process, please contact: • Jared Semmler • Angie Eckermann • Andrew Boesch

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