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Learn about the benefits of dual credit courses, how they impact student success, and the rewards they offer in terms of time and money. Discover the variety of courses available and the student requirements for enrollment.
Amarillo College Dual Credit www.actx.edu/dualcredit
Jason Norman, M.Ed. Director of Career Pathways/Dual Credit Adjunct Faculty in Psychology
Definition of dual credit • A cooperative partnership between a high school and a college enabling high school students to earn college credits while completing the requirements for high school graduation.
Impact of dual credit The University of Texas studied the impact of Dual Credit programs in Texas. Their findings: • Dual Credit students are two times more likely than students entering college with no dual credit to graduate in four years. • Among students who graduate in four years, dual credit students, on average, graduate one semester earlier compared to students with no prior college credit. • Students reported that dual credit provides early exposure to college that benefited them when taking college courses after graduating from high school. https://www.utsystem.edu/documents/docs/ut-system-reports/2018/dual-credit-and-success-college
Rewards of Dual Credit • Save time and money we charge $50/credit hour – 3 hour course $150 Our top 5 transfer institutions charge anywhere from $960-$1800 per course • Establish a college transcript & ACADEMIC HISTORY • Academic Course are easily transferable • Students learn to go to college Amarillo College dual credit students have a 93% success rate in their dual credit courses.
College-Level Work • Expect homework CONSISTENTLY • Dropping a class can have financial aid implications • Students may not make an “A” • There are deadlines for assignments • FERPA guidelines are followed
Dual credit courses offered at bushland high school BIOL 1408 – Biology I for Non-Science Majors EMSP 1501/1163 EMT Basic BIOL 1409 – Biology II for Non-Science Majors ECON 2301 – Principles of Macroeconomics ENGL 1301 – Freshman Composition I ENGL 1302 – Freshman Composition II GOVT 2305 – US Government HIST 1301 – United States History I HIST 1302 – United States History II MATH 1414 – College Algebra/STEM Majors MATH 1316 – Trigonometry MATH 1342 – Statistics PSYC 2301 – Introduction to Psychology SOCI 1301 – Introduction to Sociology SPAN 1411 – Beginning Spanish I SPAN 1412 – Beginning Spanish II SGNL 1301 – Beginning ASL I SGNL 1302 – Beginning ASL II SPCH 1315 – Public Speaking 65 hours offered at Bushland
Student Requirements Provide Proof of College Readiness • EOC scores • ACT Scores • SAT Scores • PSAT Scores • PLAN Scores • TSI scores
Student Requirements - Continued • Complete an AC application ASAP for admission using online application if application not completed to be done before the end of May 2019 before you leave for the summer. • Meet prerequisites for the course • Complete a Dual Credit Contract – Mrs. Fisk/Mrs. Climer will assist • Register for the course – Information will come from Mrs. Fisk/Mrs. Climer • Pay cost associated with the course • $50 an hour fee, 3 hour course = $150 • 4 hour course = $200
Engl 1301 freshman composition I Engl 1302 freshman composition ii Govt 2305 us government Econ 2301 principles of macroeconomics PSYC 2301 Introduction to psychology Soci 1301 introduction to sociology Spch 1315 public speaking Arts 1301 art appreciation Musi 1307 music lit/music appreciation Bcis 1305 business computer applications Educ 1100 first-year seminar Hist 1301/1302 us history i/ii Huma 1301 introduction to humanities I We will start registering for Summer 2019 on April 8.Payment will be due May 1 0 Get with your counselor if you are interested
Contact Info Becky Burton P.O. Box 447 Amarillo, TX 79178 bkburton@actx.edu 806-371-5122 Jason Norman p.o. box 447 Amarilllo, TX 79178 Jason@actx.edu 806-371-5214