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Join Matt Lynch, a leading Perth SEO Specialist and the General Manager of Perth Digital Marketing Company Vorian Agency in this Social Media Marketing Training Seminar on Pinterest. Matt has over 23 years Online Marketing & Information Technology experience, with his primary speciality being Search Engine Optimisation (SEO). Matt is an experienced senior technical marketing specialist working both within agency and in-house roles. He is a certified Google AdWords Specialist and Google Partner, Bing Ads Accredited Professional, Hootsuite Solutions Partner and MailChimp Expert.<br><br>Matt enjoys keeping up with the 'bleeding edge' of technology advancements and social media evolvement to ensure current knowledge in an ever changing landscape, leading to early adoption and determination of opportunity for marketing enhancement. <br><br>Vorian Agency delivers integrated online and offline marketing solutions to business wrestling with how to market in today’s changing environment. <br><br>Vorian Agency is a full service Digital Agency based in West Perth, that provides customised marketing solutions including; search engine optimisation (SEO), pay-per-click advertising (PPC), social media marketing (SMM), web design and development, branding, print and graphic design, as well as video and audio production services that are aimed at promoting your brand’s products and services through a variety of results oriented strategies.<br><br>Vorian Agency services can be seen at http://www.vorianagency.com.au, phoning 1300 100 333 or emailing info@vorian.com.au
Pinterest Seminar Thursday 19th November, 2015 9:00am – 11:00am
Matt Lynch Vorian Agency - General Manager With over 23 years Online Marketing & Information Technology experience, my primary speciality is Search Engine Optimisation (SEO). I am an experienced senior technical marketing specialist working both within agency and in-house roles. I am a certified Google AdWords Specialist, Bing Ads Accredited Professional. I enjoy keeping up with the 'bleeding edge' of technology advancements and social media evolvement to ensure current knowledge in an ever changing landscape, leading to early adoption and determination of opportunity for marketing enhancement.
Vorian Agency delivers integrated online and offline marketing solutions to business wrestling with how to market in today’s changing environment. Vorian Agency is a full service Digital Agency based in West Perth, that provides customised marketing solutions including; search engine optimisation (SEO), pay-per-click advertising (PPC), social media marketing (SMM), web design and development, branding, print and graphic design, as well as video and audio production services that are aimed at promoting your brand’s products and services through a variety of results oriented strategies. Vorian Agency is a Google Partner, Bing Ads Accredited Company, HootsuiteSolutions Partner and a MailChimp Expert Company.
Connect on Social Media… LinkedIn: au.linkedin.com/in/mattlynchseo Facebook: facebook.com/mattrlynch Google+: plus.google.com/+MattLynchAU Twitter: twitter.com/mattrlynchInstagram: instagram.com/#mattrlynch About Me: about.me/au.mattlynch SlideShare: slideshare.net/mattrlynch YouTube: youtube.com/user/aumattlynch Vimeo:vimeo.com/mattrlynch Vine:vine.co/mattlynch Yelp: mattlynch.yelp.com.au • Pinterest: pinterest.com/mattrlynch FourSquare: foursquare.com/mattrlynchKlout: klout.com/#/mattrlynch Blogger: seo-matt-lynch.blogspot.com/Ello: ello.co/mattrlynchTumblr: mattrlynch.tumblr.com/Flickr: flickr.com/photos/au_mattlynchTrueLocal: truelocal.com.au/member/mattlynchOcho: @mattrlynchSnapchat: au.mattlynchEverytrail: everytrail.com/profile.php?user_id=1460969 Email: matt.lynch@vorian.com.au
Connect with Vorian Agency Pinterest.com/vorianagency Google.com/+VorianAgencyWestPerth Twitter.com/VorianAgency Facebook.com/VorianAgency Linkedin.com/company/vorian-agency Foursquare.com/v/vorian-media-group Yelp.com.au/biz/vorian-agency-west-perth Klout.com/vorianagency About.me/VorianAgency Slideshare.net/vorianagency Instagram.com/vorianagency Flickr.com/photos/vorianagency Youtube.com/user/VorianAgency Vimeo.com/vorianagency Vine.co/u/VorianAgency
Interactive Questions? During today’s session, you are welcome to tweet questions to our Vorian Agency Twitter Account @vorianagencyusing the hashtag#voriantraining https://twitter.com/vorianagency
Housekeeping Before we start, please note the following: • Exits • Toilets • Mobile Phones on Silent • Question & Answer session at end of the Presentation • The PowerPoint Presentation Slide is available to download at www.vorianagency.com.au/seminars or from the Vorian Agency SlideShare account • Vorian Agency info packs are provided to showcase our service offering • Vorian staff are available to arrange an appointment or answer specific questions • Please provide your feedback on today’s seminar on the supplied questionnaire • Please invite others you may know to register for our free seminar series
Pinterest – Visual Social Media • Pinterest is a place to discover ideas for all your projects and interests, hand-picked by people like you. It takes ‘scrap-booking’ to a new level. • Pins are visual bookmarks for good stuff you find anywhere around the web or right on Pinterest. • Boards are where you collect Pins by theme or topic. • Look around to find great ideas and see what other people are Pinning. • Follow boards that look interesting.47% of online shoppers in the U.S have made purchases based on Pinterest recommendations, proving that Pinterest can be a great tool for your company. • According to Shopify, a commerce platform with over 160K merchants, Pinterest is the second largest source of traffic to their stores.
Pinterest – Visual Social Media • Pinterest has become the fastest growing social platform in the world by active users. The unique demographics of Pinterest users as well as an aesthetically pleasing site design help drives sales. • Pinterest’s average orders exceed Facebook’s. • 60% of major brands have a Pinterest account. • Over 70% of pinners are still from the USA – predominantly young, affluent females with a greater propensity to shop than their counterparts on Facebook or Twitter. A study by RichRelevance revealed that the average order placed by Pinterest shoppers is $169, far exceeding those from Facebook ($95) and Twitter ($70). • The sales potential of Pinterest is the key reason why 60% of top brands already have a Pinterest account. This should convince smaller businesses to include this social network within their marketing strategy.
How many on Social Media? • Facebook 1.49 Billion monthly users • YouTube 1.0+ Billion monthly users • Twitter 316 Million monthly users • Instagram 300 Million monthly users • Google+ 300 Million monthly users • LinkedIn 255 Million monthly users • Pinterest 250 Million monthly users • Tumblr 230 Million monthly users • Snapchat 200 Million monthly users • Flickr 65 Million monthly users • Vine 42 Million monthly users
Read the Success Stories • Find out how other businesses are successfully using Pinterest as part of their online marketing and sales strategy. • https://business.pinterest.com/en/success-stories
The Pin It button • Add the Pinterest – Pin It button to your web browser so you can easily add (Pin) images from websites, to your boards. • https://about.pinterest.com/en/goodies#browser
Pinterest Widgets • Encourage your website visitors to do your viral marketing for you! Provide a Pinterest Widget to your website, to provide the convenience of a ‘Pin It’ button on your webpage making it easy for users to immediately share your images. • https://business.pinterest.com/en/widget-builder
Pinterest Board Widget • Increase your Pinterest Follower growth by providing the Pinterest Board Widget directly on your website, to encourage your website visitors to immediately connect and continue to follow your brand… a great idea to maintain ‘stickiness’ to your brand, well after the consumer has left your website. • https://about.pinterest.com/en/goodies
Pinterest Woobox App - Facebook • Incorporate Pinterest within Facebook with the Woobox App to cross pollinate your social media accounts and create discoverability.
Pin Alerts • Pinalerts alerts you via email when someone pins something directly from your site. This is a great way to track repins from your site, connect with other pinners and build a community. • Rather than telling you what was pinned, it identifies who has pinned content from your website so you can thank them and invite them to follow your other boards on Pinterest. • http://pinalerts.com/
Pinterest Offline • Include your Pinterest URL or username, next to the Pinterest logo, for your offline marketing references. Make it easy for consumers to find you online.
Pinterest on your Mobile • Continue your marketing activities away from the office, monitor your account, add more pins, with the Pinterest App available on smart phones and tablets, on both Android and iOS.
HootSuite ViralTag for Pinterest • Unlike many of the other apps, which simply give you the option of creating a new stream for viewing network activity, ViralTag for Pinterest actually adds the ability to post to Pinterest. That means that it also includes HootSuite's scheduling options so that now, you can publish Pinterest shares at the most optimum times for your network, as well as ensure consistent activity. • Ideally, brands should spread their pinning activity out throughout the day, and now they can with ViralTag. • This app includes a 2-day free trial, and $4.99 / month thereafter subscription fee. • Using this app, HootSuite users and brands can now also more easily cross-promote their content and social networks by sharing pins to their other social accounts.
HootSuite Tailwind for Pinterest • The FREE Tailwind app for Hootsuite allows you to create new Pins, schedule drafts for later, or Pin to multiple boards at once—all from within your Hootsuite dashboard.
Tailwind Pinterest Analytics • Tailwind is a robust analytics and campaign management tool for Pinterest that helps you discover your most influential followers, identify popular pins, track engagement on your account and monitor the competition. • http://www.tailwindapp.com/
Consistent Account Name • Maintain your brand consistency with a consistent account naming policy across your various social media channels. • Select your Pinterest business name as something memorable and with the keywords that will help your SEO. Something that is clearly associated with your business and is easy to spell helps. • Proverb: Failing to plan is planning to fail • You may not use them today, but secure them for tomorrow!
Style Guide • Generate a brand ‘Style Guide’ for your online business • Research your target demographic to develop your ideal ‘persona’ • Determine your ‘Tone of Voice’, type of language used and how you will come across • Consistent naming convention for account creation • Consistent brand approach for use of logo, hero images, fonts and colours • Prepare consistent business descriptors for use in ‘About’ biographies. You have 160 characters to work with and consider this to be prime real. Use specific keywords that will ramp up your SEO, this is an essential key for effective social media marketing. • Look to incorporate target keyword strategy throughout, and hashtag strategy. • Have an image naming policy. Don’t just name your image “image1.jpg”. Name your images using descriptive keywords. Google can’t read your images but it can read the title so pick a descriptive filename - preferably a file name you want that image to rank for, because it will help with your search engine rankings.
Personal or Business Account? • If you created a personal account and really want to make it into a business account for your brand, you can convert across.https://www.pinterest.com/business/convert/
Board Sequence Matters • Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/mattrlynch • The first eight boards are important. The first and second board are the most important. This is simply what is seen first and draws the user’s attention. • Have you filled all thumbnail spots? Have a minimum of eight images pinned inside your board, to provide content to this container.
Choose the best board cover • Your board cover image visually explains to your channel visitors what the board will contain – capture their attention immediately.
Optimising – Edit Boards Use keywords that pertain to your business when you write a description for your Boards and pinned images. What keywords do people use in a Google search to find your type of products? Think how search engines think. If you know this ahead of time you can build these keywords in the descriptions of your pins. The more specific your board names, the more likely people will find the image they want.
Categories • Cover many categories, to distribute your results within search.
Pinning, Sending, Sharing Check the pins for each board, has a description been given, use of #hashtag, use of brand reference, any CTA? Also link your Pinterest social media marketing activity to your Facebook profile page and Twitter business account.
Use High-Quality Images • Use high-resolution, professional-quality photographs and illustrations. Don’t use images that are poorly lit, out of focus or otherwise appear amateurish.
Write good Descriptions • Every Pin should have a description that gives context. The best descriptions make Pins more inspirational and also provide extra information so people can figure out if something’s right for them. They should mention the most compelling aspects of the Pin and inspire people to do something. They also use correct capitalization and punctuation. • Images shouldn’t contain promotional information (“10% off” or “Two for $9.99!”), calls to action (“Call now!”) or references to Pinterest functionality (“Click here to pin!”). • Don’t include hashtags in the image. • While only about 75-100 characters of your description will appear in grid view, you can include up to 500 and they’ll all appear when people click to see the Pin close-up. Generally speaking, more characters mean more helpful details and more opportunities to show up in search results.
Are you branded? • Keep branding and logos tasteful • Done well, branding can add credibility to your Pin without being distracting or overly commercial. • If your logo is in the Pin image, make sure it’s large enough to be seen in a grid view on mobile—but not so large that it takes over the image. • Use Rich Pins wherever possible so your brand stays on the Pin as it gets repinned. • Avoid talking too much about your brand in the description.
Colours that convey your brand • Use colors and settings that convey your brand • Showcase products in an inspirational context by placing them in a background that conveys the tone of your brand. • Play with photography and coloring if you’re showing products on a white background.
Size and shape do matter • Pins look best when they’re vertically oriented. We recommend an image aspect ratio of 2:3 to 1:3.5 and a minimum width of 600px. • Pins get cut off in feeds if the ratio is greater than 1:3.5 so make sure the image isn’t too tall. For example, an image that is 600px wide should be between 900px and 2100px tall.
Link your Pins • Link out to places that help people and are relevant to the image. • For example, a movie Pin should lead to the trailer or a review, and a product Pin should lead to where a Pinner can make the purchase.
Don’t Distract • Pay attention to composition • Don’t use more than four separate images in a Pin. • Images should have a focus or a clear theme - not just an assortment of random products. • Don’t add a border or other alteration (like rounded corners) to Pin images.
Pins last forever… • So avoid time-sensitive information • Steer clear of including prices or words like “new” that won’t always be relevant.
Follow and Connect • Connect via Facebook, or invite your friends from your email contacts.
Pinterest Communications • News, You & Messages
Pinterest Messages • Pinterest has expanded the Send Pin to include more advanced messaging and pinning. Sending a Pin had always been a one-way feature. You could send me a pin that you thought I would be interested in, but all I would get is a notification and a link to the original pin that you found. • Now, when you send a pin, you can include text to describe the pin or why you're sending it. And when I get it, I can reply or even send a Pin back to you. • When working with and collaborating on projects, it's incredibly useful to be able to send pins back and forth, pinning them to appropriate boards or even group boards (or even Secret Boards!). • And Pinterest Messaging also supports sending pins to multiple people and having conversations on the platform. • Businesses and clients can share inspiring pins back and forth to discuss and guide a project. Bloggers can work together on articles.
Advance Features – Rich Pins • Rich Pins are Pins that include extra information right on the Pin itself. There are 6 types of Rich Pins: app, movie, recipe, article, product and place. • App Pins include an install button, so Pinners can download your app without ever leaving Pinterest. (For now, App Pins are compatible with iOS apps only.) • Place Pins include a map, address, and phone number. • Article Pins include headline, author and story description, helping Pinners find and save stories that matter to them. • Product Pins include real time pricing, availability and where to buy. Pinners also get notifications when product Pins they've added drop in price. • Recipe Pins include ingredients, cooking times and serving info to get Pinterest cooks excited to hit the kitchen. • Movie Pins include ratings, cast members and reviews to help Pinners learn about new flicks. • To get started, you'll need to prep your website with meta tags, test out your Rich Pins and apply to get them on Pinterest. If you're not technical, you might want to ask your developer or site owner to help get you going!https://developers.pinterest.com/rich_pins_overview/
Selling – from Pinterest (US) • Buyable Pins are mobile friendly, safe and secure. Plus, Pinterest won’t take a cut of your sales! If you use Shopify or Demandware, you’ll be able to enable Buyable Pins (if you don’t, you can sign up for our waitlist).
Want to run a competition? Do: • Remember that Pinterest is all about people discovering things that inspire them. Reward quality over quantity. • Make it easy to get involved with clear and simple instructions. • Read our anti-spam measures to keep your contest fun and useful. • Check out our branding guidelines if you’re going to reference Pinterest in any way. Don't: • Suggest that Pinterest sponsors or endorses you or the contest. • Require people to add Pins from a selection—let them add what they like. • Make people Pin your contest rules. This is a biggie. • Run a sweepstakes where each Pin, board, like or follow represents an entry. • Encourage spammy behavior, such as asking participants to comment. • Ask people to vote with Pins, boards, or likes. • Overdo it: contests can get old fast. • Require a minimum number of Pins. One is plenty. • Call your contest a “Pin it to win it” contest. If you use Pinterest as part of a contest or sweepstakes, you are responsible for making sure it complies with all legal requirements. This includes writing the official rules, offer terms and eligibility requirements (ex: age and residency restrictions), and complying with marketing regulations (ex:, registration requirements and regulatory approvals). These rules can vary from place to place, so please work with a lawyer or other expert to make sure you’re in compliance. You should also always comply with our Terms of Service. Please note that Pinterest isn’t responsible or liable in any way to you if you use us as part of your promotion.
Copyright • Be aware of Copyright(s), and how to take action.
Hashtags # • Hashtags turn topics and phrases into clickable links in your posts on your personal Timeline or Page. This helps people find posts about topics they’re interested in. To make a hashtag, write # (the number sign) along with a topic or phrase (written as one word) and add it to your post. • Use hashtags (#) to focus posts on topical keywords, or brand name. • Regularly post with hashtags (Your Brand Hashtags, as well as topic hashtags). • Don’t over do the amount of hashtags implemented within a post. • Keep an eye on trending topics and particular #tags, and blend these into your posts. • http://www.hashtags.org/ • Hashtags can be used as keyword links within Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Google+