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Our Road to Summon

Our Road to Summon. ECU Libraries: 2010-02-25 b y Mark Custer. 1. Our Road to Summon™. 2. Our Road to Summon. …. Summon Customers within ASERL:. College of William and Mary Duke University East Carolina University North Carolina State University University of Miami

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Our Road to Summon

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Our Road to Summon ECU Libraries: 2010-02-25 by Mark Custer

  2. 1 Our Road to Summon™

  3. 2 Our Road to Summon …

  4. Summon Customers within ASERL: • College of William and Mary • Duke University • East Carolina University • North Carolina State University • University of Miami • Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

  5. 4 Pillars of Content: • Local, general collections • Licensed collections • Librarian-approved, external collections • Local, unique collections

  6. 4 Viable Options: • Ebsco Discovery Service • Ex Libris Primo Central • Serials Solutions Summon • WorldCat Local

  7. For the remainder of this talk Part 1: Selection Part 2: Implementation Part 3: Post-launch / 6 months down the road

  8. Selection Milestones

  9. Discovery Tool Task Force Update and Preview of our Final Report Patrick Carr |Nick Crimi | Mark Custer | Beth Ketterman | Nara Newcomer | Johnnie Swindell | Michael Tucker | Beth Winstead ECU Libraries May 25, 2010 2 – 3 PM

  10. Recommendation

  11. Recommendation

  12. Recommendation

  13. Recommendation

  14. For the remainder of this talk Part 1: Selection Part 2: Implementation Part 3: Post-launch / 6 months down the road

  15. Implementation Milestones

  16. For the remainder of this talk Part 1: Selection Part 2: Implementation Part 3: Post-launch / 6 months down the road

  17. OpenURL Searches performed

  18. Other resources to check out: An Evaluation of Serials Solutions Summon as a Discovery Service for the Dartmouth College Library. Online at http://www.dartmouth.edu/~library/admin/docs/Summon_Report.pdf From "I hate it" to "it's my new best friend!" : Making heads or tails of client feedback to improve our new Quick Find discovery service. Online at http://www.information-online.com.au/sb_clients/iog/data/content_item_files/000001/paper_2011_A3.pdf Grant, Carl. “Gladiators” to perform sleight-of-hand at Charleston Conference. Commentary from Carl Grant, October 30, 2010. Online at http://commentary.exlibrisgroup.com/2010/10/gladiators-to-perform-sleight-of-hand.html Klein, Michael. Hacking Summon. Code4Lib Journal, 2010 (11). Online at http://journal.code4lib.org/articles/3655 Rowe, Ronda. Web-Scale Discovery: A Review of Summon, EBSCO Discovery Service, and WorldCat Local. The Charleston Advisor, Volume 12, Number 1, July 2010 , 5-10. Summon Usability Testing (2010). NCSU. Online at http://www.lib.ncsu.edu/userstudies/studies/2010_summon/ Vaughan, Jason. Library Technology Reports, Jan 2011, Vol. 47 Issue 1

  19. Questions?

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