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OPEN DIALOGUE: Clients voices to be heard. Jaakko Seikkula Seikkula, J. & Arnkil, TE (2006) Dialogical meetings in social networks. London: Karnac Books. DIALOGUE “ For the word (and, consequently, for a human being) there is nothing more terrible than a lack of response ”
OPEN DIALOGUE: Clients voices to be heard Jaakko Seikkula Seikkula, J. & Arnkil, TE (2006) Dialogical meetings in social networks. London: Karnac Books
DIALOGUE “For the word (and, consequently, for a human being) there is nothing more terrible than a lack of response” “Being heard as such is already a dialogic relation” (Bakhtin, 1975)
The present moment • To be present in the ”once occurring participation in being” (M.Bakhtin) • ”Neither – nor” (T. Andersen) • From explicit to implicit knowing (D. Stern, 2004) • From narratives to telling • Intersubjectivity: ”I see myself in your eyes” (M. Bakhtin)
“ The conversational style (….) simply follows the conversation, while the narrative and solution-focused styles often attempt to lead it. The conversational style strives to remain dialogical, while the solution-focused and narrative styles may become monological (e.g., when therapists attempt to "story" clients' lives according to a planned agenda).” • Lowe, R. (2005). Structured methods and striking moments: using question sequences in "living" ways.Family Process, 44, 65-75.
Polyphonic self • When the mind is thinking, it is simply talking to itself, asking questions and answering them, and saying yes or no. When it reaches a decision – which may come slowly or in sudden rush – when doubt is over and the two voices affirm the same thing, then we call that ’its judgement´. • Plato: Theatetus 189e-190a.
“Voices are the speaking personality, the speaking consciousness”. (Bakhtin, 1984; Wertsch, 1990) • “Voices are traces and they are activated by new events that are similar or related to the original event”. (Stiles et al., 2004)
Mikko Sinikka T2 Seppo • ”Horizontal polyphony” = social relations T1 Liisa
”Vertical polyphony” = inner voices Mikko Sinikka T2 Seppo T1 Liisa Family therapist technician mother father mother father female spouse son male daughter memory of death Father death sister
Social networks • Private social relations • Collaboration across professional boundaries • ”Horizontal polyphony”
Origins of open dialogue • Initiated in Finnish Western Lapland since early 1980’s • Need-Adapted approach – Yrjö Alanen • Integrating systemic family therapy and psychodynamic psychotherapy • Treatment meeting 1984 • Systematic analysis of the approach since 1988 –”social action research” • Systematic family therapy training for the entire staff – since 1989
MAIN ELEMENTS OF OPEN DIALOGUE MEETING • Everyone participates from the outset in the meeting • All things associated with analyzing the problems, planning the treatment and decision making are discussed openly and decided while everyone present • Neither themes nor form of dialogue are planned in advance
MAIN ELEMENTS OF OPEN DIALOGUE MEETING • The primary aim in the meetings is not an intervention changing the family or the patient • The aim is to build up a new joint language for those experiences, which do not yet have words
MAIN ELEMENTS OF DIALOGUE MEETING/3 • Meeting can be conducted by one therapist or the entire team can participate in interviewing • Task for the facilitator(s) is to open the meeting with open questions; to guarantee voices becoming heard; to build up a place for reflective comments among the professionals; to conclude the meeting with definition of what have we done.
MAIN ELEMENTS OF A DIALOGICAL MEETING/4 • Professionals discuss openly of their own observations while the network is present • There is no specific reflective team, but the reflective conversation is taking place by changing positions from interviewing to having a dialogue • In the conversation the team tries to follow the words and language used by the network members instead of finding explanations behind the obvious behavior
IMMEDIATE HELP • First meeting in 24 hours • Crisis service for 24 hours • All participate from the outset • Psychotic stories are discussed in open dialogue with everyone present • The patient reaches something of the ”not-yet-said”
SOCIAL NETWORK PERSPECTIVE • Those who define the problem should be included into the treatment process • A joint discussion and decision on who knows about the problem, who could help and who should be invited into the treatment meeting • Family, relatives, friends, fellow workers and other authorities
RESBONSIBILITY AND PSYCHOLOGICAL CONTINUITY • The one who is first contacted is responsible for arranging the first meeting • The team takes charge of the whole process regardless of the place of the treatment • The meetings as often as needed • The meetings for as long period as needed • The same team both in the hospital and in the outpatient setting • Not to refer to another place
TOLERANCE OF UNCERTAINTY • To build up a scene for a safe enough process • To promote the psychological resources of the patient and those nearest him/her • To avoid premature decisions and treatment plans • To define open
DIALOGICITY • The emphasize in generating dialogue - not primarily in promoting change in the patient or in the family • New words and joint language for the experiences, which do not yet have words or language • “Listen to what the people say not to what they mean”
“For each theme under discussion, every individual responds to a multiplicity of voices, internally and in relation to others in the room. All these voices are in dialogue with each other. Dialogue is a mutual act, and focusing on dialogue as a form of psychotherapy changes the position of the therapists, who acts no longer as interventionists, but as participants in a mutual process of uttering and responding”. • Seikkula, J. & Trimble, D. (2005) Healing Elements of Therapeutic Conversation: Dialogue as an Embodiment of Love. Family Process 4/2005.
5 years follow-up of Open Dialogue in Acute psychosisSeikkula et al. Psychotherapy Research, March 2006: 16(2),214-228) • 01.04.1992 – 31.03.1997 in Western Lapland, 72 000 inhabitants • Starting as a part of a Finnish National Integrated Treatment of Acute Psychosis –project of Need Adapted treatment • Naturalistic study – not a randomized trial • Aim 1: To increase treatment outside hospital in home settings • Aim 2: To increase knowledge of the place of medication – not to start neuroleptic drugs in the beginning of treatment but to focus on an active psychosocial treatment • N = 90 at the outset; n=80 at 2 year; n= 76 at 5 years • Follow-up interviews as learning forums
OPEN DIALOGUE IN ACUTE PSYCHOSIS Table 1. Charasteristics of the patients at the baseline (N=80) Male Female Total --------------------------------------------- Age (mean) 26.9 25.9 26.5 Employment status Studying 12 12 24 30 % Working 27 11 38 48 % Unemployed 7 2 9 11 % Passive 4 5 9 11 % Diagnosis (DSM-III-R) Brief psychotic episodes 12 7 19 23 % Nonspecified psychosis 8 6 15 18 % Schizophreniform psychosis 9 8 17 21 % Schizophrenia 20 10 30 38 %
OPEN DIALOGUE IN ACUTE PSYCHOSIS Figure 1. Means of hospital days at 2 and 5 years follow-ups 2-5 years
OPEN DIALOGUE IN ACUTE PSYCHOSIS Table 2. Psychotic symptoms at 5 year follow-up compared to neuroleptic medication during the first 2 years/ % Rating of symptoms Neuroleptics 0 1 2 3 4 Total ------------------------------------- Not used 85 9 3 3 0 100 Used or cont. 58 17 8 17 0 100 ------------------------------------- Total 80 10 4 6 0 100 Chi-square 5.93; df=3; p=.145 (NS)
OPEN DIALOGUE IN ACUTE PSYCHOSIS Table 3. Relapses compared to use of neuroleptics during the early phase of the treatment Neuroleptics Not-used Used Total/% Chi-sq. P -------------------------------------------------------- Relapses 0-2 years 0 56 7 63/ 82 8.97;3 .030 At least 1 9 5 14/ 18 Relapses 2-5 years 0 47 9 56/ 73 2.96;2 ns At least 1 16 3 19 27 ---------------------------------------------------------- Total number of relapsed cases 28%
COMPARISON OF 5-YEARS FOLLOW-UPS IN WESTERN LAPLAND AND STOCKHOLM ODAP Western Lapland Stockholm* 1992-1997 1991-1992 N = 72 N=71 Diagnosis: Schizophrenia 59 % 54 % Other non-affective psychosis 41 % 46 % Mean age years female 26.5 30 male 27.5 29 Hospitalization days/mean 31 110 Neuroleptic used 33 % 93 % - ongoing 17 % 75 % GAF at f-u 66 55 Disability allowance or sick leave 19 % 62 % • *Svedberg, B., Mesterton, A. & Cullberg, J. (2001). First-episode non-affective psychosis in a total urban population: a 5-year follow-up. Social Psychiatry, 36:332-337.
TABLE 5 Psychological status of patients at the onset of the crisis in the Poor and Good outcome groups. Poor Good Total outcome outcome Variable N=17 % N=61 % N=78 % Duration of psychotic symptoms/months before contact • - mean 7.6 2.5 3.6 • - sd 7.6 4.1 5.3 *** Duration of prodromal symptoms/months before contact • - mean 26.7 7.0 12.6 • - sd 29.4 17.0 22.8 ***
TABLE 6Treatment variables of the Poor and Good outcome groups during the two-year follow-up period Poor Good Total Outcome outcome Variable N=17 N=61 N=78 Hospitalization (days) • - mean 47.5 9.0 18 *** • - sd 56.0 19.2 36.3 Use of neuroleptic drugs • Not used 47.1 80.3 73.1 • Ongoing or discontinued • medication 52.9 19.7 28.9 ***
Open dialogues with good and poor outcomes for psychotic crisis/ Jaakko Seikkula, 2002 /Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 28(3):263 - 274 SUMMARY Good outcome Poor outcome Interactional dominance by clients 55-57%10 – 35% Semantic dominance by clients 50-70% 40 -70% Symbolic language area in sequences 67 – 80%0 – 20% Dialogical dialogue in sequences 60 – 65%10 – 50%