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Research Funding for Women in Denmark: Past Challenges and Current Progress

Explore the journey of research funding for female applicants in Denmark over the past decade, including the barriers faced and the initiatives taken to support and advance women in academia. Learn about the current status and future plans for promoting gender equality in research funding.

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Research Funding for Women in Denmark: Past Challenges and Current Progress

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  1. Research Money for Female ApplicantsExperience from the The Danish Council for Independent Research Professor Ebba Nexo Vice chair, The Danish Council for Independent Research Women in Academia, Aarhus, May 18-19, 2009

  2. The Danish Research Funding Agencies and Research Policy Organisations 2008 (mio. kr.) 314 1.156 818 272 848 Scientific research councils Programme Commissions The Danish Research Coordination Committee

  3. The Danish Council for Independent Research - http://fi.dk/ • 88 members • 36 women (41%)

  4. How Research Money for Female Researchers Came on the Agenda Post.doc. applications, Sweden 1995

  5. How Research Money for Female Researchers Came on the Agenda Post.doc. applications, Sweden 1995

  6. How Research Money for Female Researchers Came on the Agenda Post.doc. applications, Sweden 1995 Female applicants had to publish 2.5 times more than male applicants to obtain the same scores Wenneras C, Wold A.: Nature 1997 387; p 341-3

  7. The Danish Debate that Followed Immediate need for a sex reversal in the Danish research landscape Plenty of male sexism in the debate on research The PrimeMinister wants special jobs for women Women do not want to advance in science

  8. Applications Danish Research Councils 1996 Share of women in public research institutions: 28 % Share of applications from women: 23 % No detectable problem related to post. doc. grants

  9. Success rate Danish Research Councils 1996 Share of women in public research institutions: 28 % Share of applications from women: 23 %

  10. Money applied for Danish Research Councils 1996 A female applicant applies for less than a male applicant

  11. Money Applied for and Granted Danish Research Councils 1996 A female applicant is granted a smaller fraction of the amount applied for than male applicants

  12. Conclusion Applications for the Danish Research Council 1996 Female researchers: 28 %, Female applicants: 23 % Success rate Money The number of female applicants is lower than expected Female applicants have a lower success rate than male applicants Grants for women are half the size of those for men

  13. Why do Female Applicants Get less than Their Share? Less talented? Perform research within low esteem areas? Do not know how to write a proposal? Unfair evaluation? - Members of The Research Councils:1996: 89, 25 women (28 %) -Little is known concerning evaluations by male evaluators as compared to female evaluators

  14. The FREJA Initiative – 1998-2001 FemaleResearchersinJointAction • Getting a grant • Total budget: 78 mio. Dkr • 327 applications - 16 grants Impact of getting a grant • All have got permanent positions – 10 as professors

  15. Applications Danish Research Councils 2006 compared to1996 Fraction of female researchers 0.37 (2006) versus 0.28 (1996) Fraction of female applicants 0.28 (2006) versus 0.23 (1996) The fraction of female researchers had increased 0.09 but the fractions of Female applicants had only increased 0.05

  16. Success rate Danish Research Councils 2006 compared to1996 2006 1996 The fraction of applications granted has diminished for both sexes The difference between female and male applicants has diminished

  17. Money Applied for Danish Research Councils 2006 compared to 1996 2006 1996 Both male and female applicants apply for more money The difference between male and female applicants have diminished

  18. Money Granted Danish Research Councils 2006 compared to 1996 2006 1996 Female applicants are granted comparable to male applicants Female applicants are granted relatively more than male applicants A major change since 1996

  19. Male Fraction Female PhD Post doc Assist. Prof. Associat. Prof Full Prof New Challenges Fraction of female applicants 0.28 (2006) Fraction of female researchers 0.37 (2006)

  20. Male Fraction Female PhD Post doc Assist. Prof. Associat. Prof Full Prof New Challenges - Female Research Leaders • 2008: 35 mio. Dkr • 207 applications – 10 grants 2009: 70 mio. Dkr 198 applications

  21. Sapere Aude – ”Dare to Know”A new Career Program Proposed by The Danish Council for Independent Research for 2010- • The goal - Support and advance young research talents - Promote clear career directions - Develop a stepping stone to international funds - Expand the pool of talent – both female and male researchers • The action • Increase the number of grants at three levels – suggestedvolume/year • - Post. Doc. 45 • - Starting grants - 27 • - Advanced grants - 7

  22. Research Money for Female ApplicantsSummary Ten years ago female researchers had a tough time Programs geared towards female researchers works To day Too few female researchers in high level positions women in boards - applications from women A career program for both female and male researchers are to be launched Currently no plans for further initiatives especially for women

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