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In the name of Allah the most beneficent and the most merciful. As District Coordinator Skills & livelihood (Guddi baji) Idara-e- Taleem -o- Aagahi Bahawalpur. Presented By: Irum Batool.
In the name of Allah the most beneficent and the most merciful.
As District Coordinator Skills & livelihood (Guddi baji) Idara-e-Taleem-o-Aagahi Bahawalpur Presented By: Irum Batool
Since 2000 ITA work on education system all over the Pakistan.In 2010,ITA took first initiative TVET(Technical and vocational training) for learning, skills & livelihood by signing (MOU’s) with Dept of Schools,TEVTA and UNILEVER Pakistan Ltd. (UPL) to use schools in the afternoon, and start Guddi baji (Pakistan’s First Rural Beauticain Program).
Guddi Baji literally meaning “Doll sisters”Guddi baji program (3 months beautician course) basically design for rural women.They are interested for learning beautician techniques and want do something other than doing home tasks all the day.It is a perfect example of creating livelihood for youth especially for rural women in a sustainable manner.
Objectives of Guddi Baji Program Selling beauty services Selling Unilever brands Become Brand ambassadors of Unilever Rewards against sales Presentable Develop Self Confidence Independent Share Seven Key Messages To support family Create Desire to grow income
Different Phases Of the Program • Phase I (2010 - 2011) • Phase II (2012) • Phase III (2013)Present
GuddiBaji program launched in RahimYar Khan in Nov 2010 , extended to Bahawalpur in 2011 supported by Unilever Pakistan Limited. Targeted 3 Towns with 100 GB’s. Ahmadpur Uchsharif Yazman Phase I (2010 - 2011)
In 2012 we cover 9 District with 28 towns and 826 GB’s as Beneficiaries. Phase II (2012)
In Phase III,we targeted 139 GB’sas beneficiaries from 4 towns Muzafargarh. Khanewal. Kabeerwala. Mian Chanuu. Phase III (2013)
Tool Kit used for Guddi Baji Program Following 9 tools used for the Project • Schools Identification. • Recruitment / Selection Criteria. • Hiring of Trainer. • Setup of Training Lab • Training session. • Attendance. • Entrepreneurship Development Training(EDT). • Examination. • Certificates Awarded.
School identification through the Dept of Education /DCO Identify those schools which are in the center of all Rahbar towns, meetings with DCO & Dept of Education shared copy of MOU’s & No Objection letter signed with "Schools Education Department, Secretary School Education Government of Punjab” After getting permission shared permission letters to head of the concern schools for facilitation & provision of rooms.
DCO & EDO Permission Letter for Khanewal, Kabeerwala & Mian Chanu Muzafargarh Permission Letter
Recruitment / Selection Criteria In Phase I & II selection of Guddi baji’s was done by our patner BRC(Business Research & Support Channel). So, in Phase III we done this task own,according to SOP’s share by UPL. • Hire local person as Socail Mobilizer for recruitment of Guddi Baji’s to save cost of travelling from Bahawalpur to Muzafargarh & kahnewal. • Shared all key objectives and standard operating procedures to all recruitment team members as provided by UPL. • Shared list of Potential towns / villages to social Mobilizers provided by UPL. • Recruitment in Towns/Localities was not done where Rahbar is not in place • We ensured that the Guddi Baji’s recruited satisfy the following criteria: • Matriculate/Middle (Have basic reading, writing and analytical skills) • Belongs to a village having minimum population of 5000 and maximum 10000 (700 to 1500 House Holds) • Eager to work with UPL for 3 years.
Ensured that no more than 3 Guddi Baji’s were recruited from any village. • Provide replacements in Khanewal when selected Guddi Baji refuses to sell Unilever products on cash basis. • Only one Guddi Baji is to be recruited per household.
Hiring of Trainers Meeting with Zonal Manager TEVTA Nazir Khan Niazi,give introduction about Guddi Baji project and share training session of Muzafargarh center, present request letter to cooperate in hiring of TEVTA certified trainers for our 3 Centers • Khanewal • kabeerwala • Mian Chanuu. Request Letter to ZM TEVTA for Tevta Certified Trainer
Setup of Beautician lab After sharing of EDO’s/DO’s permission letter to heads of the schools/center prepare lab for guddi baji’s as a complete setup like beauty parlour with all cosmetics & electronic materials,aprons and manuals for curriculum.Display posters,standees of 7 key messages,panaflexes,rewardplan,monthly income plan and all marketing material(sunsilk,lux & fair&lovely) from unilever Pakistan limited. • Training Session Free 2 months beautician training started in • Muzafargarh (22nd April 2013) • Khanewal (24th May 2013) • Kabeerwala (3rd june 2013) • Mian Chanuu (4th June2013
Attendance Maintain daily & weekly attendance with complete data each week with respect to all Guddi Baji’s from all 29 towns in 2012 & 4 towns as per formats given by unilever and shared all attendance record to Miss Habiba Haroon (from Unilever) and Program Manager(Guddi Baji) on daily as well as weekly basis. Daily & Weekly Attendance Formats 2012 Weekly Attendance Format 2013
Entrepreneurship Development Training(EDT) After 2 months success full beautician training we conduct EDT first time for Guddi Baji’s in phase III. Objectives of the EDT: • At the end of training Guddi Baji’s understand what kind of Knowledge, Skills and attitude require for Successful Business. • Become able to design best business Plan. • Manage their business by enhancing their attitude. • To develop entrepreneurial quality and motivation. • Mobilize the community to become part of their business team. • Identify opportunities from threats. • Deep technical entrepreneurship skills. • Become creative, innovative, communicative and resourcefulness
Examination At the end of beautician training & EDT session, conducted 100 marks paper according to format given by TEVTA for Guddi Baji’s for evaluation of their learning and performance during the session. After this prepare mark sheet for our record and to share with DM TEVTA to sign the certificates. Guddi Baji Exams Format
Certificates Awarded Guddi Baji’s awarded with signed certificates from DM TEVTA,shared mark sheet of the students for their record with request letter for signing of Certificates. Request Letter to DM TEVTA for Signing of Certificates
Challenges • In first two phases,BRC team selected/recruited guddi bajis.Don’t sharing of information for Selling of unilever products for 3 years when girls know about it, left the course during training phase.with the help of trainers we enrolled the girls to complete the batch. • Commit financial incentive with head of the school in chichawatni but unable to pay it,head of the school lock the room and refused to continue training in the school.After long discussion,she was agree for only two months and training session completed as per her order. • Due to no proper sharing of latest information,unilever sold first stock to Guddi Bajis on credit basis not on cash, after one month during training in khanewal,this information shared by Habiba our latest strategy is to sell products on cash basis.It create hustle bustle and large no of girls left the course.we faced lot of problems regarding set target for class strength .with the help of SM we provide replacemaent on time and comptete the training with 41 students as beneficiaries.
Achievements From the very first day we set our target for Preparing today’s youth for tomorrow’s challenges. We achieved our target step by step, starting from Bahawalpur District since 2011,with only 3 centers &100 GB’s to now targeted 8 districts with 24 centers and 774 GB’s as beneficiaries.
Self Sustained program SSP(Paid Group) After successful completion of Guddi Baji phase I & II, ITA took 2nd step for another TEVET Program “SSP self Sustained” Program, also known as Paid Group(ITA Own Initiative) in Guddi Baji Labs In this program we charge minimum fee Rs2000-Rs3000 for 3 months Courses from trainees.
Running Trades Currently, we are working in two trades for 3 months courses • Beautician • Tailoring
Geographies covered & beneficiaries From 2012 to till now, we covered 6 District with 15 towns and 1067 trainees Tailoring:216 Beautician:744 passed out Beautician:107 Currently Enrolled
Steps used for SSP’s Labs Admission Criteria: • Trainers of our GB labs help in the recruitment process for Paid groups. Mobilize in the community and display hand made charts as advertizing for admissions.(in Schools, Degree colleges etc) • No restriction for trainees regarding specific towns / villages for getting admission in the course. • Minimum qualification required for trainee is Middle/primary (Have basic reading, writing and analytical skills) • Admission form filled by the student and Attach - Photocopy of NIC -Last academic record -1 passport size picture. • Rs 2000/- charge as fee for course • Course duration is 3 months.
When no of students exceed the limit(max 30) then divided in two shifts. • Provide all training material (only for demo).,practicing material brought by students themselves. • Same training panaflex syllabus provided to Guddi baji lab used for paid group session. Training Session: • 3 months training session conducted by TEVTA certified & experienced trainer. Fee collection Record: • Issued student fee receipt acknowledgement to the students against fee collected by District coordinator & Finance officer .In some cases trainer also collect fee from students. • Maintained files for admissions forms(hard copy) as well as soft according to format.
Maintain fee record sheet of all labs in soft as well as hard form and attached with - Students Enrollment sheet with Fee details - 3 months attendance copy of the students - Copy of Fee register receipt and accounts copy -Share Deposit slips in case of other District like (Multan,Muzafargarh) Attendance: • Daily attendance shared by trainer. Monitoring Visits: • Monitor training session of labs twice a month. Examination: • Conduct exams(100 marks paper) at the end of course. Certification: • Awarded by DM TEVTA signed cerficates.
Admission Form with Required Documents Enrollment Sheet with Fee Details
Fee Record Sheet Attendance Record
Challenges • First challenge I faced in SSP no single documentation shared.(MOU’s,permission letter etc). • Face problem when I met with Zonal Manager Tevta(Nazir Khan Niazi) he had no single information regarding our SSP. • No advertising or publicity material. Trainers made Hand made Charts for admissions and display in the centers. • SSP effected by many other organization, they offer not only free courses and also pay stipend and giving training material to students.
Achievements With lot of Challenges and problems we targeted 5 Districts with 12 Towns and 960 students as beneficiaries from 2012 to till now Tailoring:216 (Passed out) Beautician:744 (Passed out)
Suggestions/Reccomendations • Provide advertising or publicity material. • Share documentation/Mou /permission,finacial incentive for school if any, to share all with Dept of Education, head of the schools • Training Curriculum in the form of manuals/paneflex for trainees of new centers. • Amend fee register form.
Reporting to Marium PM(Skills & livelihood) • Inauguration report of centers • Shared all Guddi Baji Record(2011-2013) • Daily & Weekly Attendance • EDT Report of centers • Case Studies • Monthly work plan • Monthly Budget for Guddi Baji • Compiled all Livelihood Data from 2011-2013 of all districts where ITA work. • Delivered financial incentive cheques Rs15000/- to head of the schools(Muzafargarh,Khanewal,Kabeerwala & Mian Chanu)