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Delivering Fixed Mobile Convergence (FMC) with IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS).
Delivering Fixed Mobile Convergence (FMC) with IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) Dr. Mazlan Abbas Wireless Communica5ons Cluster MIMOS Berhad 2008
Agenda • Why FMC? • Why IMS? • How do we start? • New and exci5ng applica5ons • Research challenges • Values • Roadmap to deliver FMC using IMS • Milestones/Schedule 2008
Why FMC? • Wireless network + fixed network + internet service crea5on & paradigm à All IP network • Overlay of various networks à allows many IP-‐based apps to be func5onal on the move • As networks converged à need for seamless connec5vity, to access different services regardless of loca5on, terminal and network
Why IMS? • Operators need to create new revenue streams, cut expenditures, but extend their value chain up to service crea5on • Improved end-‐user experiences • Standardized IP mul5media environment, developed by ETSI TISPAN and 3GPP
How do we start? • Must Break the Vicious Cycle Where are the users? IMS Telcos / Operators Telcos don’t implement IMS! No testing ground! Devices Users Device Manufacturers No exciting applications! Applications Limited device support! Applications Developers
MIMOS CoE • Set up a testbed for applica5on developers and users to try out new services • Create new and exci5ng applica5ons to aZract more users • Demonstrate to both telcos and device manufacturer the importance of suppor5ng IMS
New and exci5ng applica5ons? • Personal mobility • Terminal mobility
Applica5on (1): Personal Mobility • On his desktop (Ethernet), Bob sees that Jane is available with the help of the IMS presence server • Bob decided to talk to Jane by giving her a call • Jane accepted the call and they started talking • A`er a while, Bob feels thirsty and wanted to get a drink from the Pantry. • So, Bob switches the call from his desktop onto his PDA (WiFi), and con5nue talking to Jane on his way to the Pantry.
Applica5on (2): Terminal Mobility • On his laptop at home, Bob starts an audio conference with his business counterpart • Before the mee5ng finishes, Bob rushes into a Taxi as to meet up a customer at the coffee shop in Town • While on mobile, Bob con5nues with his mee5ng using his laptop
Using mul5ple interface Zone 3 Zone 2 Zone 1 Wakeup WLAN Download over WLAN Shutdown GPS Wakeup WLAN Wi-Fi Connect to WLAN Wi-Fi Zone 6 Zone 5 Zone 4 Airport Radio State Radio State Radio State Radio State Radio State Radio State Radio State GSM GSM GSM GSM GSM GSM GSM WLAN Link Going Down. Café Shutdown GPS Start Download over WLAN WLAN WLAN WLAN WLAN WLAN WLAN WLAN WiMAX WiMAX WiMAX WiMAX WiMAX WiMAX GPS GPS WiMAX Battery level low Shutdown WiMAX Stop download Switch to WiMAX Download over WiMAX Shutdown WLAN Wakeup GPS GPS GPS GPS GPS GPS Zone 9 Zone 7 Wi-MAX Wi-MAX Zone 8 Network Network Network SSID/ SSID/ SSID/ BSSID BSSID BSSID BSSID Operator Operator Operator Operator Security Security Security Security NW NW NW NW Channel Channel Channel Channel QoS QoS QoS QoS Physical Layer N/A Data Rate Data Rate Data Rate Data Rate Physical Layer N/A Physical Layer N/A Network Type Type Type Type SSID/ Cell ID Cell ID Cell ID Cell ID Physical Layer N/A OFDM OFDM AT&T NA AT&T NA AT&T NA AT&T Café AIrport NA GSM GSM GSM GSM 13989 13989 13989 13989 N/A N/A N/A 00:00:… 00:00:… NA NA NA NA 1900 1900 1900 1900 N/A N/A N/A N/A 9.6 kbps 9.6 kbps 9.6 kbps 9.6 kbps N/A 802.16d 802.11b 802.11b NA Café Airport PKM .11i .11i EAP-PEAP EAP-PEAP EAP-PEAP 11 6 6 Yes .11e .11e 40 Mbps 11 Mbps 11 Mbps NA T-Mobile OFDM
Research challenges (1) • How is the VoIP quality maintained in event of packet lost due to bad WiFi signal? Network conges5on? Search for beZer network? • What triggers the switching from one media/ network to another? Applica5on QoS drops? RSSI drops? • Which network to choose for handover? How to discover the surrounding networks? Mechanism of handing over the call? • Who has the control on network selec5on? Client or server?
Research challenges (2) • Reuse exis5ng components from IPv6 team – VoIP and IPTV – Probe on network condi5ons through IPv6 stack – Cleverly tap onto Mobile IPv6? • Mixing up technologies – One ipv4 client with another ipv6 client? – Performance difference of connec5on switching supported by SIP and MIP? Which one is beZer? When should one be used?
Values • Provide solu5ons and reference models to FMC implementa5ons on the following: – User experience on seamless connec5vity – Challenges to operators or service providers – Client devices requirements • Solu5ons are captured as patents and papers
IMS for FMC roadmap Capability & Features Optimized IPTV Low-power device Secure VoIP Adaptive VoIP Ubiquitous Communications Codec Selection Scheme Sleep Mode Management Scheme IMS-based Fixed Mobile Convergence Network Selection Scheme IMS Community Eco-System IMS Core (CSCF + HSS) Test-bed Mobile IPv6 IP Sec IPv6 SSM AAA > 2010 2008 2010 2009 Development of Technology
Milestones/Schedule 2008 • Q1 – Iden5fy issues on sefng up IMS test-‐bed – Iden5fy requirements, usage scenario of performing service adapta5on, leverage on IPv6 capability • Q2 – Set up and test the IMS network – Develop IMS-‐enabled VoIP applica5on – Design the codec selec5on scheme – Iden5fy por5ng works on IPv6 VoIP into IMS compa5ble applica5on – Develop an IMS-‐enabled VoIP integrated with IPv6 capability, demonstra5ng codec selec5on and device switching – Conduct performance measurement
Milestones/Schedule 2008 • Q3 – Design the network selec5on scheme – Iden5fy por5ng works on IPv6 IPTV into IMS compa5ble applica5on – Develop an IMS-‐enabled IPTV integrated with IPv6 capability, demonstra5ng network selec5on – Conduct performance measurement • Q4 – Showcase IMS-‐enabled VoIP and IPTV applica5on prototype
Tangible Outputs • IMS-‐based VoIP client running on IPv4 and IPv6 • VCC server on IMS • Handover management server on IMS • Informa5on Server (provides network info) • Triggering algorithms • IMS on IPv6 and IPv4 compa5bility and performance study • SIP-‐based versus MIP-‐based connec5on handover study
Role of MIMOS • To host and manage the opera5on/maintenance of the CoE • Facilitate and interface with developers or content providers – To provide par5cipants with SDK as to aid their developments – To provide sample applica5ons on service crea5on, programming advice and troubleshoo5ng – To define and provide test plan – To manage the project from implementa5on, tes5ng and commercializa5on • To promote local developer’s contents/services – University, Companies or Individual (through funding sources)