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Understanding Cell Structure and Function

Learn about major cell organelles, cell cycle phases, DNA replication, and more. Homework includes reading assignments and an engaging CSI activity. Understand the roles of key cell components like the nucleus, mitochondria, ribosomes, ER, Golgi apparatus, and more.

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Understanding Cell Structure and Function

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  1. Chap 3 - Cells Learning Objectives: Describe the structure and function of the major cell organelles. List the phases of the cell cycle and describe the key events in each phase. Describe DNA replication. Homework: Read Chapter 3, pgs 78 – 91 (Beginning with “The Cytoplasm” through “Chromatin”). Review Table 3.3, “Parts of the Cell: Structure and Function” pgs 88 – 89.

  2. OPENING ACTIVITYCSI: Solving Crimes with DNA Evidence http://www.cbs.com/primetime/csi_miami/ Goal: To learn more about how DNA is used in crime-scene investigation Instructions: ∙ Work in a group of 5-6 people. ∙ Quickly review the CSI case (there are 3 identical copies enclosed – share amongst yourselves). ∙ Use the CSI resource cards in the packet to help you formulate answers to the 5 questions on the first page (left-hand side) of the case. Try to formulate answers in your own words (re-state) rather than copying word-for- word. ∙ Be prepared to share and discuss your conclusions with the class.

  3. Follow-Up Discussion • What is DNA? • What kinds of cells is DNA typically isolated from? • How is DNA tested for a possible match? Site at least 2 different types of tests and explain what they reveal. • What does “epithelials” refer to? • When a cell no longer has a nucleus, how can DNA be extracted form that cell?

  4. PREDICT How many cells in your body? How many different kinds?

  5. Typical Cell Structure, page 60 Instructions: Individually, practice labeling the organelles on the handout.

  6. The Plasma Membrane • Surrounds the entire cell • Made of phospholipids and ___________ • Is __________ permeable (it allows some substances to pass through but not others) • Substances move through the membrane _________ (not requiring any energy as in diffusion and filtration) or __________ (requiring energy form ATP) Plasma membrane Question: What is ATP? (*homework from Ch 2)

  7. The Cytoplasm • The _______ _______ between the plasma membrane and the nucleus • Gelatin-like • Consists of organelles – helps everything hang together

  8. Nucleus • ______ _______ of the cell • Larger than most other cell organelles • Most cells have one nucleus but some are multinucleated • 3 recognizable regions: 1. nuclear _________ (a double semi-permeable membrane surrounding the nucleus) 2. _________ (dark spherical area on the nucleus where ribosome subunits are assembled) 3. _________ (DNA containing area; when a cell is preparing to divide, the chromatin coils and condenses to form short chromosomes.)

  9. Mitochondria • ______ _______ of the cell providing ATP • Contain both ____ and ____ • Sausage-shaped membranous organelles • In living cells they squirm, elongate, and change shape • Consists of 2 membranes (an outer and an inner membrane called the _______ which folds back and forth upon itself)

  10. Ribosomes • Small, dark-stained granules of ______ and a type of RNA called ________ RNA • Sites of _______ synthesis

  11. Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) • A network within the cytoplasm (interconnected tubes and membranes enclosing fluid-filled cavities or cisternae) • Continuous with the nuclear membrane • There are 2 types: 1. ___________ (no part in protein synthesis – they help with lipid metabolism, steriod-making hormones, detox of drugs, breakdown of stored glycogen) 2. ________ (studded with ribosomes which produce all proteins secreted form cells)

  12. Golgi Apparatus • Principle ‘traffic director’ for cellular _______ • Main function is to modify, concentrate, and package the ______ and ______ made at the rough ER

  13. Lysosomes • Spherical organelles containing _________ enzymes • Digest _______, viruses, and toxins • Degrade worn out or nonfunctional __________ • Perform glycogen breakdown and release • Breakdown nonuseful tissues such as the webs between the developing fingers/toes of a fetus • Break down ______ to release Ca+ into the blood

  14. Peroxisomes • Contain powerful enzymes like _________ (molecular O2 to detox harmful alcohols and formaldehyde). Also, neutralize dangerous free radicals.

  15. Cytoskeleton(NOTE: Visible only when the cell is getting ready to _________) • Centrioles – small, barrell-shaped organelles oriented at right angles to one another

  16. Cellular Extensions • Cilia – ________ motile extensions • Flagella – ________ undulating motile extensions

  17. Review • Which organelle is the command center of the cell and contains chromatin? Which organelle contains oxidases to detox harmful substance?

  18. Review Continued • Organelle that contains digestive juices? Organelle that supplies ATP?

  19. The Cell Cycle • _______ – cell carries out all routine functions; resting from dividing • a. ______ (G_) – growth phase; several minutes to hours in length • b. _________ (S) - DNA is replicated • c. ________ (G_) – growth and final preparations for division • Mitotic phase – series of events that parcel out the replicated DNA of the original (mother cell) into two new cells (________ cells) • Cytokinesis – ________ __ of the cytoplasm during late mitosis Centrioles appear

  20. A Closer Look at DNA Replication (S phase) • Before a cell can divide, its DNA must be _________ so that identical copies of the cell’s genes can be passed on to each of its offspring • Helix _______ • 2 complimentary strands are in place exposing the _________ _____ • Each strand serves as a template

  21. DNA Replication Instructions: Complete the two new strands of DNA. Lagging Strand Leading Strand A - 1. ? - T 5. ? C - - G 2. ? 6. ? T - 3. ? 7. ? - A G - 4. ? 8. ? - C

  22. A Closer Look at Mitosis http://www.cellsalive.com/mitosis.htm

  23. Interphase (Before Mitosis) • Cell carrying out ________ activities • In late Interphase, ________ condenses and two pairs of _______ appear • The nuclear membrane also begins to disintegrate Nucleoli disappear also

  24. Early and Late Prophase • Asters are seen • Chromatin condenses into chromosomes • Chromosomes connected at midpoint (kinetochore) by centromere Centrioles separate from one another; spindle fibers form between them

  25. Metaphase • Chromosomes cluster at the ______ of the cell with centromeres precisely at center/ equator of spindle An enzyme called separase triggers separation of the chromosomes

  26. Anaphase • Chromosomes are _____ ____ (now called _________ ) • Moving chromatids look V-shaped

  27. Telophase and Cytokinesis • __ new cells forming • Nucleus begins to _____ with new nuclear envelope, nucleolus, etc. • _________ (pinching-in of cytoplasm) completes the division of the cell into 2 _______ cells

  28. Review of the Mitosis 1. ? 2. ? 3. ? 4. ?

  29. Abnormal Cell Cycles Can result in _______ formation (cells growing and dividing much faster than normal) Click to see: http://hcd2.bupa.co.uk/fact_sheets/html/skin_cancer.html

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