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Transition to Euro for Škoda Auto: Challenges and Opportunities in the Czech Republic

Explore the impact of adopting the Euro on Škoda Auto, addressing financial crisis challenges and reaping benefits for stable planning and growth in the automotive industry. Learn about exchange rate dynamics, revenues, costs simulation, and the importance of Euro implementation.

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Transition to Euro for Škoda Auto: Challenges and Opportunities in the Czech Republic

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  1. Ten Years of the EURO Inspiration for the Czech RepublicHOLGER KINTSCHERMember of the Board of Management Škoda Auto a.s. Praha 25.11.2008

  2. Productionplants in theCzechRepublic Kvasiny Superb, Roomster Production: 76Tsd cars Staff: 3.2Tsd. Vrchlabí OctaviaTour, Octavia Production: 100Tsd. cars Staff: 1.3Tsd. Poland Prague 75 Km 135 Km Germany Pilsen Ostrava Mladá Boleslav Octavia Fabia Production: 399Tsd. cars Staff: 22.5Tsd. Brno Slovakia Austria

  3. 30 countries 172 Tsd. Cars 28% share of export Škoda markets in 1991

  4. Škoda markets 2008 100 countries 690 Tsd. cars 89% share of export

  5. Δ% Key figures 1-9/2008 vs.1-9/2007 Deliveries to customers Tsd.cars 531 462 14.8 3.1 Numberofemployees Tsd.emp. 26.2 25.4 10.5 Turnover Million.€ 6,359 5,755 (14.3) Profit before tax Million.€ 451 527 5

  6. Key figures 1-9/2008 vs.1-9/2007 (76) 531 527 69 14,8% 14,3% 2007 451 462 1-9/2007 1-9/2007 1-9/2008 1-9/2008 Deliveriestocustomers(Tsd. cars) Profitbefore tax (Million €) 6

  7. Significant impact on Škoda Auto Externalimpacts Financial crisis More expensive / restrictivefinancingofproducts (cars) Decreaseoftotalmarkets Extreme Competition pressure in Central Europe CO2-Discussion/Legislation Negative exchangeratedevelopment(CZK, USD, GBP..) 7

  8. Development of the exchange rate CZK/EUR Averagerate 1-9/2007 28.08 CZK/EUR Averagerate 1-9/2008 24.81 CZK/EUR Evaluation 11.6% 8

  9. 2.601 Revenues and Costs simulation Basis: Skoda Auto:1-9/2008 Million. € 6,091 5,626 1 % others* 32% 68 % EUR 56% ? 31% 12% Naturalhedging CZK Revenues Costs * USD, GBP, JPY, CHF, DKK, NOK, SEK, SKK, PLN 9

  10. Revenues and Costs simulation Basis: Skoda Auto:1-9/2008 Costs 43Bill. CZK 1,740 Revenues 18Bill. CZK (82) 1,574 + 84 + 166 724 640 28.08 CZK/€ 24.81 CZK/€ 28.08 CZK/€ 24.81 CZK/€ 1-9/07 1-9/07 1-9/08 Million€ 1-9/08 10

  11. Million € Impactof CZK/EURExchange RateDevelopment on Škoda Auto 1-9/2008 in comparison to 1-9/2007 (166) 84 (82) Revenues Costs Impact

  12. Planning stability ??? CZK/€ 14.10.08 23.10.08 29.10.08 18.11.08 Averagerate 2007 27,76 CZK/EUR Highestrate 2008 26,36 CZK/EUR Lowestrate 2008 22.97 CZK/EUR 12

  13. Advantagesofswitchingfromlocalcurrency CZK to EUR • Eliminationoftheexchangerate risk of CZK/EURandrelatingcosts - purchaseandsales in EUR • Stableplanning / good sign forinvestors • Simplifyingoftheaccountingandtreasuryoperations • More transparent pricepolicy 13

  14. Škoda challenges • To win the fight against financial crisis • To assure the finance stability of the company • To bring the figures back to 2007 level • To stay in the first league of automotive industry Skoda prefers EURO Implementation as soon as possible, because with Euro we will manage our challenges better 14

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