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Learn about the Tunisian government's efforts to combat corruption and promote transparency and integrity in governance. Discover the impact of corruption on the economy and the measures taken to address this issue.
Republic of TunisiaGovernmentPresedencyGouvernance, Transparency , Integrity and Fightagainst the Corruption Dr. Abderrahman LADGHAMMinister of The Governance and The Fightagainst Corruption Caserta, september 19, 2012
Bad Governance and Corruption relating to the former political system, mixed withimpunity, hadfedenoughpopularanger and hadcomtributed to the famousTunisianRevolution of January 14, 2011. BeforeAfter
The Ministry of the Governance and the Fight against corruption, recently created, is to execute all the programs and the projects relative to it with full transparency, and in partnership with all the concerned parts.
Key figures • The corruption does cost 2 points of growth to Tunisian Economy, • The transparency and the Governance generate 2 points of growth, • 9 Tunisian citizens on 10 consider that the corruption is a serious socioeconomic phenomenon, • 35% of Tunisian citizens are accommodated to the phenomenon of corruption. • Source IACE January 2012
corruption and badgovernanceToday • Continuous well lubricated system of corruption, • Culture of mediocrity, • Occult fight against transparency, • Illicit Market : 20% of GDP, • Redistribution of corruption: new networks, • Social and political instability, • Bad governance (political parties, civil society and media ...), • little visible government action
L’islam et la corruption • قال تعالى: (ولا تأكلوا أموالكم بينكم بالباطل وتدلوا بها إلى الحكام لتأكلوا فريقا من أموال الناس بالإثم وأنتم تعلمون)[البقرة:188] • [188] Ne vous dépouillez pas injustement les uns les autres de vos biens ! Ne les offrez pas non plus aux juges dans l’espoir de vous accaparer illégalement et en toute connaissance de cause d’une partie des biens appartenant à autrui ! • [188] Und fresset nicht untereinander euren Reichtum auf durch Falsches, und bietet ihn nicht der Obrigkeit (als Bestechung) an, daß ihr wissentlich einen Teil des Reichtums anderer zu Unrecht fressen möchtet.
Guidelines for the establishment of a systemic approach to fight against corruption The Institutionallevel : - Strengthening of the coordination of supervisory bodies based on a comprehensive and coherent strategy guided by the principles of independence, autonomy and neutrality, - Revision of the legal form of the missions and operations of the ombudsman, - A court specialized for Fighting Against Corruption (FAC): specialized judicial pole. The LegalLevel: - The establishment of a unified regulation with consistency and clarity for the FAC, in particular through a new system governing public procurement, - The establishment of a legal framework for the denouncement (internal and external) of the corruption that protects Whistleblowers,
Guidelines for the establishment of a systemic approach to fight against corruption • The Administrative DevelopmentLevel : - Generalisation of proceduresmanuals, - Strengthening training and development of administrative staff about the FAC, - Establishing a mapping corruption risks: integrity scan. • Creation of a network of partners to FAC: - Involvement of civil society, - Accountabilityand awarness of citizens, - Strengthening the independence and neutrality of the media.
Public Procurement: 18% of GDP. (Bad governance and corruption surcharge of 20%), - Increase the effectiveness, efficiency and transparency of systems procurement: national system of public procurement, well designed and in accordance with accepted international standards.
The assessment of the regulatory and organizational procurement has been completed and approved by the Government at the beginning of September 2012 Increase the value of contracts approved by the CSM between 2008 and 2009: use general markets nationally equipment (rolling stock, medicines, fuels), and regional pooled procurement.
Report on public procurement, 2010: 8500 procurement (contracts written): • 1.7 billion $ / 16% of total market which 63% of public works market Excluding orders < $ 65,000 / 84%
The Monitoring Committee and Investigations Procurement, reviewed 850 requests / 3 last years: It yields: • 60% of opinions were in favor of the applicants. • Evaluation of the institutional and regulatory framework for public procurement: • The evaluation methodology of the national procurement aims to assess the quality and proper placement of public procurement , • Two decrees of May 2011 and June 2012 introduced new slides to better control the time of award and the quality of services to be performed.
3) Abuse of endorsements and litigation. 4) Delay in the final rule market 1) Requirementsdefinition 2) Delay in procurement phases 6) Publication of notices and reports from supervisory bodies and recourse. 7) Specific provisions in the fight against corruption, 5) independence of the Commissions market 11) Procurement planning 8) Training public purchasers 9) Promotion of SMEs 10) Documents type 11 levels of renal / June 2012 Report
4 pillarsidentified Governance and streamlining the legal framework • Performance Transparency Professionalization The implementation of these 4 modules will be achieved with technical assistance of:
The World Bank • Streamlining the procurement and execution of public procurement. • Assessment of the regulatory system governing public procurement (support to SMEs, environmental aspects, requirements definition, agreement in procurement). • Final assessment report submitted in early June 2012 and approved in September. • Training public purchasers through training of trainers (7000 procurers).
W.BANK/AD BANK/E UNION: - PPP through public procurement and concessions SOUTH KOREA The implementation of e-procurement began with the design of the system architecture, consolidation, implementation and generalization in the purpose of ensuring greater transparency of public procurement procedures.
National Portal of e-procurement Garantie électronique Liste des produits Paiement électronique Portail Système d’approvisionnement électronique Système de contrat à prix unitaire e-documents / lien externe TONEPS Tunisian ON-line E-Procurement System Ministère des finances Demande de service (SR) Sélection de l’appel d’offres Gestion des contrats Vérification/ contrôle Shoppingmall Gérant Direction des impôts Résultats des entreprises Infos unis sur l’ appel d’offres Décision de la méthode du contrat paiement Demamde de commande Demande de fourniture Contrat à prix unitaire Institution de certification Acheteurs publics Caisses de sécurité sociale Gestion des usagers Fournisseurs Gestion du standard des documants Distridution du e-documents Gestion du e-document Lien des informations Institution de garantie
The UNDP The strategy against corruption announced on July 2, 2012 in the framework of cooperation with UNDP provides: 1) Establishment of a National Integrity System, 2) Promotion of the role of Civil Society, 3) Strengthening the Independent body to fight against corruption, 4) Establish a communication plan and a participatory platform to generalize the culture of the fight against corruption.
THE OECD The new Tunisian government is committed to deepen and expand cooperation with the OECD in several areas to improve its procurement system and promote a transparent conduct of business, namely: - The signing of the PIT charter in international trade and financial activities (May 23, 2012).
CleanGovBiz: A circular of March 2012 on the establishment of a cell GLCC in each department, region (Local Gov) and public enterprise: agenda dedicated to Governance (OECD) June 19, 2012 ( Integrity Scan).Mapping, June 11, 2012 • The open GOV particular to develop local governance and local investment, • More than 150/400 applications and files relating to corruption have been educated since the creation of the Department.
The priority reform projects also are open public procurement to improve transparency, integrity, governance and the Fight against Corruption, • Customs OOperations • Ffraud and tax evasion • Financial Markets • Land Registration Reform These projects will include simplifying procedures, the mastery of time and mastering the cost of procedures in order to reduce the administrative burden
Acheived actions : • Lifting of reservations to the entry into force of the UN Convention on the Fight against Corruption in 2003, • Revitalization of the National Forum of Independent fight against corruption in early April 2012 (Decree Law 120), • Starting the operation PEER REVIEW Peer Review in relation to the implementation of the UN Convention on the Fight Against Corruption, • Fight against illicit trade: draft traceability of products sold (20% of GDP).
Implementation of the Tunisian-German Academy of Governance and fight against corruption. 1 / Currently in Berlin since May 2012, 2 / A Tunis from January 2013 to National Administration School (ENA ), 3 / Dialogue on how legal intelligence services (defense, internal governance .., civil society and the German side) provided 17 / 9/2012 but delayed in Tunis, Mai 2012.
SOCIAL CONTRACT Signature of the national charter on Transparency, Integrity and Probity in 2013.
CONCLUSION The Governance and the Fight against Corruption (GFAC) through a great effort for training, exchange of good practices and experiences compared. Tunisia has the support of the Deauville Partnership and the OECD to assist in its efforts to establish the foundations of good governance and transparency, as well as appropriate control mechanisms against corruption: training, networking establishment of pilot sites, establishment of adequate infrastructure …