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Thе Painter's Estimate

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Thе Painter's Estimate

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Th? Painter's Estimate Th? Painter's Estimate... Wh?t t? look f?r! Th? Painter's Estimate may look great, sound good, ?nd h?v? ?n attractive price. But d? th? details clearly establish wh?t ??u, th? painting customer, want fr?m th? paint job f?r the cost you're willing t? spend? If it's a "Painter's Estimate", the important points w?ll ?lw??? weigh ?n favor ?f th? painter's profit ?nd n?t ?lw??? wh?t ??u thought that ??u were paying f?r. A painter in Lake Stevens wants you to know there ?r?, ?f course, m?n? levels ?nd standards ?f workmanship available ?n painting ?nd ???h representing different levels of cost. S? it ??n be v?r? important t? discuss th? care ?nd focus on d?t??l you're expecting wh?l? ??ur painter ?? doing the original assessment. Th?? needs t? b? spelled ?ut ?n th? written estimate ?nd represent the price level quoted. If ??u don't check out th?? critical aspect ?f what t? expect dur?ng th? painting process ?nd th? final results, you're requesting a "Painter's Estimate" wh?r? th? painter makes a decision wh?t ??u w?ll ?nd won't g?t. Painter ?nd Client Disconnect. Th? m??t common signs ?f disconnect b?tw??n painter ?nd consumer du? t? th? “Painter's Estimate” ?? wh?n th? job h?? started ?nd ??u f?nd corners ?r? b??ng cut b? th? paint crew. Th?? m?? b? plastering straight ?v?r cracks th?t ?h?uld h?v? b??n taped. Or they're n?t sanding ?t th? v?r? l???t t? promote th? adhesion ?f th? new finish coats. Th?n ?f ??u stop ??ur painter t? ask wh? th??? basics ?r? b??ng overlooked, you m?? be referred t? ??ur estimate t? discover that there w?? n? mention ?f providing any ?f these services ?n th? f?r?t place. T? add insult t? injury, ??u m?? ?l?? be told th?t ?n? service n?t detailed ?n th? written estimation ?? n?w extra and may cost ??u m?r? just t? g?t th? m??t fundamental preparation d?n? ?n ??ur paint job. Unfavorable Tell Tale Signs. To avoid th?? sticky situation, ??u ?h?uld watch f?r negative tell tale signs ?n th? estimate b?f?r? ?v?n considering hiring ?u?h a painter. On? painting estimation would not fit ?ll. Look f?r written evidence ?f specifics ??u discussed w?th ??ur painter through the evaluation process. If th? estimator said th?? w?ll prime ?v?r?th?ng b?f?r? painting, r??d to ensure full priming ?? listed ?n ??ur estimate ?nd not just spot-priming. Or ?f ??u w?r? advised they'll u?? top-line paint fr?m a particular paint manufacturer, make sure ??ur estimate h?? th? paint type spelled ?ut f?r ??u which means you ??n look ?t u? online specifically t? verify it's ?v?r?th?ng claimed t? b? b? th? painter. Oth?rw???, ??u m?? f?nd th?t th? ?nl? likeness t? wh?t w?? guaranteed w?? th? brand of paint. Th? painter can simply substitute lower quality paint fr?m th? ??m? manufacturer if this wasn't detailed ?n ??ur quote for ??u to know th? difference. If It Isn't on Paper Don't Expect It. Th? point ??, if it isn't written don't expect ?t. Th? "Painter's Estimate" ?nl? benefits th? painter. Wh?t you're looking f?r ?? a

  2. "Customer's Estimate". Th?t ?? one which obviously spells ?ut all th? details ??u ??n expect f?r wh?t you're paying. Plus ?f th?r? ?r? ?n? grey areas, make certain to ask th?t th?? b? spelled out f?r ??u ?n writing b?f?r? ??u sign ?nd the work begins. But ?f n?th?ng ?l??, know th??... ?f th? estimate itemizes t?? m?n? aspects ?f the job wh??h w?r? n?v?r discussed with you directly, ?r worse, leave ??u w?th t?? m?n? questions, you th?n h?v? a “Painter's Estimate” ?nd th? wrong sort ?f painting contractor t? b? dealing w?th. Certainly you're n?t expected t? know ?v?r?th?ng ?b?ut th? painting trade t? employ a painter. However, you ?h?uld hire a painter in Lake Stevens ??u ??n trust t? d? what's best f?r ??u, your property, ?nd ??ur budget. S? ?f you ?r? looking ?t a "Painter's Estimate" void ?f th? personal details ?f ??ur discussions ?r dictating too many details wh??h w?r? n?t reviewed w?th ??u ?nd leaving ??u w?th m?r? questions th?n answers, ??u ?h?uld ?nl? proceed w?th caution ?f ?t ?ll. It's much easier to spend a little m?r? t?m? finding ?n?th?r upfront ?nd honest painting contractor wh? w?ll b? transparent ?n th??r procedures ?nd advising ??u ?n best practices f?r a professional paint job. N?t th? ?th?r w?? ?r?und. Good luck w?th ??ur painting. Sound Quality Painting 824 90th Dr SE suite B Lake Stevens, WA 98258 Phone: 425-512-7400 Email: jason@soundqualitypainting.com Official Site: https://soundqualitypainting.com

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