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The FFA Advisor. Objectives. 1. Define role model. 2. Explain the function of an FFA advisor as a role
Objectives 1. Define role model. 2. Explain the function of an FFA advisor as a role model (even more than other teachers). 3. List 10 characteristics of a good role model. 4. List 10 advisor responsibilities 5. Describe the ethical issues associated with being an FFA advisor and prescribe appropriate responses. 6. List the FFA rules of ethical behavior 7. Identify the duties of the advisor as outlined in the state or national constitution. 8. State the Advisor's part in the opening and closing ceremony 9. List resources that will help you as an advisor do the best job possible.
Objective 1: Define Role Model • Someone who is looked upon as a model by others who are impressionable. A person who is selected as a role model should process traits which are admirable.
Objective 2: Explain the function of an FFA advisor as a role model? • Why are you as an advisor a role model? • Why is any teacher a role model? • Why does the ag teacher have even more opportunity to be a role model than others? • Why do you think the owl is the symbol for the FFA advisor?
Would you know a good role model if you saw one?What are the traits of a good role model?
Objective 3: List 10 characteristics of a good role model • Dependable • Trustworthy • Respects young people • Able to communicate • Listens actively • Empathizes and displays kindness • Sees solutions and opportunities • Is flexible, open and approachable • Is honest and non-judgmental • Knows how to have fun • Is persistent and committed • Shows a great deal of patience • Is resourceful and can access information in the community
Objective 4: List 10 advisor responsibilities • Duties of a Youth Organization Advisor… Handout
Objective 5: Ethical Issues in Being an FFA Advisor • What is it to be ethical? • A set of principles of right conduct. • A theory or a system of moral values. • Who expects you to be ethical? • Everyone… but especially parents, and your boss the school system • Can you think of situations where ethical issues might arise with being an advisor?
Objective 5: Ag Teacher CreedRef: NAAE Website • I am an agricultural educator by choice and not by chance. • I believe in American agriculture; I dedicate my life to its development and the advancement of its people. • I will strive to set before my students by my deeds and actions the highest standards of citizenship for the community, state and nation. • I will endeavor to develop professionally through study, travel and exploration. • I will not knowingly wrong my fellow teachers. I will defend them as far as honesty will permit. • I will work for the advancement of agricultural education and I will defend it in my community, state and nation. • I realize that I am a part of the public school system. I will work in harmony with school authorities and other teachers of the school. • My love for youth will spur me on to impart something from my life that will help make for each of my students a full and happy future.
Objective 5: Ag Teacher Creed • Can you find a code of ethics within the creed? • Does it imply that you as an Ag Teacher will behave in a certain way?
Agriculture Teacher's Creed I am an agricultural educator by choice and not by chance. I believe in American agriculture; I dedicate my life to its development and the advancement of its people. I will strive to set before my students by my deeds and actions the highest standards of citizenship for the community, state and nation. I will endeavor to develop professionally through study, travel and exploration. I will not knowingly wrong my fellow teachers. I will defend them as far as honesty will permit. I will work for the advancement of agricultural education and I will defend it in my community, state and nation. I realize that I am a part of the public school system. I will work in harmony with school authorities and other teachers of the school. My love for youth will spur me on to impart something from my life that will help make for each of my students a full and happy future.
Objective 6: Guide to Ethical Behavior – Ref. FFA Manual • Since you are going to be an advisor you should also feel an obligation to adhere to these same rules of conduct as your students. • Dressing neatly and appropriately for the occasion. • Showing respect for the rights of others and being courteous at all times. • Being honest and not taking unfair advantage of others. • Respecting the property of others. • Refraining from loud, boisterous talk, swearing and other unbecoming conduct. • Demonstrating sportsmanship in the show ring, judging contests and meetings. • Being modest in winning and generous in defeat. • Attending meetings promptly and respecting the opinion of others in discussion. • Taking pride in our organization, activities, supervised experience program, exhibits, and the occupation of agriculture. • Sharing with others experiences and knowledge gained by attending national and state meetings. • Striving to establish and enhance my skills through agricultural education in order to enter a successful career. • Appreciating and promoting diversity in our organization.
Objective 7: Duties of the advisor outlined in National FFA constitution • Article XI. State and Chapter Officers • Section B The offices of an FFA chapter shall be: president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, reporter and sentinel. Other officers may be elected as deemed appropriate by the local advisor and/or governing body. The teacher(s) of agricultural education shall be the FFA advisor(s). Chapter officers shall be elected annually or semi-annually by the members present at any regular meeting of the chapter.
Objective 7: National Constitution, Continued • Article VI. Degrees and Privileges of Active Membership • Section E • Written records of achievement of all requirements, verified by the chapter FFA advisor, shall be submitted to the state association at least one month prior to the state FFA convention at which the State FFA Degree is to be received. The state advisor shall provide for review of the records and submit a recommendation to the state association governing body, which shall nominate at the state FFA convention the candidates who have been found worthy to receive the honor. The State FFA Degree will be conferred upon the candidates subject to approval by the delegates at the state convention.
Objective 7: Duties of the advisor as outlined in the state constitution • Written records of achievement verified by the local advisor shall be submitted to the state advisor by the local chapter's governing body at least one month prior to the state convention. The State Advisor will then review the records and submit a recommendation to the governing body of the state association. This body will nominate at the regular state convention the candidates who have been found most worthy to receive the honor. The State Farmer Degree will be awarded to the candidates upon approval by the delegates
Objective 8: State the Advisor's part of opening & closing ceremony • Vice President: "The advisor." • Advisor: "Here by the owl." • Vice President: "Why stationed by the owl?" • Advisor: "the owl is a time-honored emblem of knowledge and wisdom. Being older than the rest of you, I am asked to advise you from time to time, as the need arises. I hope that my advise will always be based on true knowledge and ripened with wisdom. • "Mr/Mrs.Vice President, why do you keep a plow at your station?" • .......................... • Advisor: "Why is the president so stationed?"
Objective 9: Resources to Help You as an Advisor • The FFA Manual • The Student Handbook • Making a Difference • New Horizons • The Agricultural Education Magazine • National FFA Website • The Agriculture Teacher Manual • Local Program Guide on CD • State Department Website for FFA
Something to think about from, The Icebergs of LeadershipNovember, 1981 Issue of MichiganState University Educator
Review Questions 1. Define role model. 2. Why is a teacher / advisor a role model 3. What are some characteristics of a good role model 4. What are some of your responsibilities as an advisor 5. Describe the ethical issues associated with being an FFA advisor and prescribe appropriate responses. 6. What are some of the duties of the FFA advisor 7. State the Advisor's part in the opening and closing ceremony 8. As an FFA advisor what are some resources that will help you do the best job possible.