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Russian Revolution Review Game

Russian Revolution Review Game. A government with unlimited power is called a(n). autocracy. When Alexander the I died a group of army officers rebelled in what is known as the ______. Decembrist Revolt .

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Russian Revolution Review Game

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  1. Russian Revolution Review Game

  2. A government with unlimited power is called a(n) • autocracy

  3. When Alexander the I died a group of army officers rebelled in what is known as the ______ • Decembrist Revolt

  4. These two wars fought before WWI showed Russia how weak they were to other industrial nations. • Crimean War • Russo-Japanese War

  5. What major reform did Alexander II implement in 1861? • Emancipated the Serfs

  6. Alexander III’s policy of forcing everyone in his empire to learn Russian and join the Orthdox Christian church was known as… • Russiafication

  7. On January 22nd 1905 workers marched to the Czar’s winter palace demanding representative government. They were fired upon by the palace guards. What is this day known as? • Bloody Sunday

  8. What was one major change Nicholas II made to stop the unrest that was the Revolution of 1905 • Formed a Duma (an elected legislature)

  9. Who was Gregory Rasputin? • An illiterate peasant “holy” man that advised Alexandra

  10. What happened in February of 1917 that led to the abdication of Czar Nicholas? • Workers took to the streets to protest the lack of food • Soldiers refused to fire upon the protesters and instead joined them

  11. Groups of workers and soldier that formed in towns throughout Russia to run the government were called…. • Soviets

  12. What two groups ruled Russia between February and October 1917? • Provisional Government- leaders from the Duma • Soviets- councils of workers and soldiers

  13. These were moderate socialists who believed that Russia was not ready for a revolution by the proletariat. • Mensheviks

  14. Who was the leader of the Bolsheviks? • Vladimir Lenin

  15. What did the Provisional Government do regarding the war with Germany in June 1917? What was the result? • Launched an offensive that was a disaster • 200,000 casualties in June, led to many people losing faith in the Provisional Government

  16. Who revolted in October 1917? • Bolsheviks

  17. Name one difference between Marx and Lenin. • On the Socialist Revoltuion • Marx believed workers would lead revolution • Lenin believed peasants, lead by intellectuals, would lead revolution • On Government • Marx: no need for government after revolution • Lenin: need intellectuals to lead government

  18. What was the Treaty of Brest Litovsk? • Ended Russia’s involvement in WWI • Very one-sided in favor of Germany

  19. What new conflict began after the October Revolution? • Civil War

  20. Who supported the Red Army? Who supported the White Army? • Red- Bolsheviks • White- Opponents of the Bolsheviks

  21. These were people assigned to military officers in the Red Army to ensure their loyalty to the Bolshevik cause. • Commissars

  22. What were three reasons why the Bolsheviks won the Civil War • White Army was not united • Use of terror through the secret police (the Cheka) • War Communism supplied the Red Army

  23. True or False: Lenin’s New Economic Policy involved the government having greater control over the economy. • False: less

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