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CITRIS Building Startup Space Committees

CITRIS Building Startup Space Committees. Overview and Guidelines December 14, 2005. Gary Baldwin, Keat Saw, Carlo Sequin, Scott Shackleton. NanoFab Suite (fifth floor) Bill Flounders, Costas Spanos, Arun Majumdar, Luke Lee, Eicke Weber, Per Peterson, Gary Baldwin (chair)

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CITRIS Building Startup Space Committees

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  1. CITRIS Building Startup Space Committees Overview and GuidelinesDecember 14, 2005 Gary Baldwin, Keat Saw, Carlo Sequin, Scott Shackleton

  2. NanoFab Suite (fifth floor) Bill Flounders, Costas Spanos, Arun Majumdar, Luke Lee, Eicke Weber, Per Peterson, Gary Baldwin (chair) Macrolab Suite (Rooms 200, 201, 244 and portions of 140, 145, 148) Alice Agogino (chair), John Canny, Kara Nelson, Ruzena Bajcsy, Karl Hedrick Basement Laboratory (Room 145) Kathy Yelick, Eric Brewer, Steven Brenner, Andrew Packard, Mark Hansen, Gary Baldwin (chair) Technology Museum Kris Pister, Homayoun Kazerooni, Stephen Conolly, Yuri Suzuki, Jasmina Vujic, Ken Goldberg, Gary Baldwin (chair) Classrooms 240, 250, 254 and Auditorium-related (301, 310, 306, 311, 312) Anthony St. George, Pam Atkinson (chair), Lisa Pruitt, Dan Garcia, Paul Wright, Raja Sengupta Computer Server Room (131) Eric Brewer, Kathy Yelick, Jasmina Vujic, Hua Pei Chen, Patrick McGrath, Gary Baldwin (chair) Cyber Café Dan Garcia, Alex Bayen, Kimmen Sjolander, Jose Carmena, Roberto Horowitz, Sahand Negahban (HKN), Paul Rene Monasterio (TBP), May Chu (SWE) Members-at-large: Richard Newton, Shankar Sastry, Gary Baldwin, Carlo Sequin, Scott Shackleton, Keat Saw, Khossrov Taherian Committee Members

  3. West View: Floors 2-7 visible

  4. Looking south from engineering esplanade

  5. A few typical spaces Signature conference room (sixth floor) Small conference room Entrance to main auditorium Entrance corridor

  6. Main Auditorium (third floor)

  7. Level 3

  8. Level 1 (basement)

  9. Level 2

  10. Level 3M: First Level NanoFab

  11. Level 4

  12. Level 5

  13. Level 6

  14. Level 7

  15. Help us to make the CITRIS building truly functional Think through what should comprise the basic infrastructure Make sure we didn’t miss anything in the infrastructure design Help develop usage guidelines for open, collaborative research spaces Fit-out of open office spaces for cubicle furniture Furniture plan for key conference rooms Specify needs for facilities fit-out for computer rooms and collaboratories Define A/V, networking, broadcasting, and other infrastructure Specify needs for Distance Learning Center Help with security guidelines (e.g., space accessibility to students after 5 PM ) Content for open spaces: entrance, café, tech “museum” Expected outcome from committees

  16. Successful functioning of the building heavily depends on works of these committees CITRIS goals and mission embrace highly multi-disciplinary, collaborative research CITRIS Headquarters serves many colleges, departments, and four UC campuses Plan for general occupancy model of temporary space - - for the life of projects/programs only The basic structure, both interior and exterior, is designed and fixed. We want to minimize any changes: they’re costly. Generally, throughout the building, design for consistency in every aspect: cubicles, furniture, networking, telephony, displays, amenities, etc. Specific goals and objectives for each committee will be distributed during the first meeting of each committee (after 1/1/06). Meet monthly, for the first few months (approximately through Spring ’06 term). Following that, probably quarterly update. Report quarterly Plenary session twice each semester to review checkpoints Have tentative design documents ready by early summer 2006 Dedicated webspace on www.citris-uc.org for document sharing, diagrams, updates, etc. To obtain access and instructions, go to: http://www.citris-uc.org/file_repositories A few guidelines

  17. Jan 3 - Jan 31, 2006      Bid Period Feb 27, 2006                 Contract Award Mar 15, 2006                 Construction Start Spring, 2008             Construction Completion Summer, 2008 Move In Approximate Schedule

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