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The Power of Positive Psychology

2. . . The field of positive psychology at the subjective level is about valued subjective experiences: well-being, contentment, and satisfaction (in the past); hope and optimism (for the future); and flow and happiness (in the present). At the individual level, it is about positive ind

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The Power of Positive Psychology

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Presentation Transcript

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    10. 10 A personalized, subjective system of positive expectations, feelings, and goal-strivings applicable to future life concerns.

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    26. 26 Why Does Optimism Confer a Health Benefit? Optimism is an attitudinal variable that moderates the impact of stress and/or enhances a sense of well-being (Reker and Wong). Optimism may operate through less direct mechanisms in the form of adaptive health behaviours (e.g., seeking medical advice early) (Scheier & Carver). Optimism may operate through the use of adaptive coping strategies in the context of potentially stressful situations (Reker; Scheier, Weintraub & Carver). Optimism directly effects the immune system, thereby enhancing its performance (Udelman).

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    28. 28 Can Optimism be Enhanced? How? One of the main differences between a pessimist and an optimist is that a pessimist fails to perceive that there are alternatives.

    29. 29 Can Optimism be Enhanced? How?

    30. 30 The Optimistic Personality (Gary T. Reker, PhD) Optimists are self-motivators (Motto: Use it or lose it.) Optimists are happy and productive (Motto: Do what you enjoy and enjoy what you do.) Optimists have realistic expectations (Optimists want what they can get. Pessimists never seem to get what they want.) Optimists are future-oriented (Motto: You get what you want or desire, if you know what you want or desire.) Optimists seldom worry (Optimists don't fret, mope or stew. They know that it's not good for you.) Optimists reinterpret undesirable life events more positively (Motto: If you're over the hill, stop and admire the view.) Optimists employ problem focussed coping strategies (When the going gets tough, optimists get going.) Optimists like themselves, accept themselves, know themselves, and help themselves (Hey man, like this is ME.) Optimists are not afraid to seek social support from others (To an Optimist: Happiness is...other people.) Optimists look at the bright side of life (Motto: You can't be optimistic if you have a misty optic.)

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    34. 34 Broad Conceptualization of Meaning

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    61. 61 Enhancing Personal Meaning (Gary T. Reker, PhD) Adopt a Unifying Philosophy: Your reach should exceed your grasp or whats a heaven for. Browning Accept Personal Responsibility: Ask not what life you can do for you; ask what you can do for your life. Exercise Personal Choice: You can always take the ME out of MEANING, but youll never take the meaning out of ME. Reker Actualize Personal Values: He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how. Nietzsche Pursue Valued Activities: Its not the years in your life, its the life in your years. Reflect on Past Achievements: You dont know where youre going until you know where you have been. Birren Anticipate a Positive Future: You cant be optimistic if you have a misty optic. Set Realistic Goals: Its not the load that breaks us down, its the way we carry it. Missinne Embrace Significant Human Relationships: A person first starts to live when he can live outside of himself. Discover a Deeper Understanding of Life: The ultimate meaning of life is to preserve its continuation.

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