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Back to School 2008-2009

Back to School 2008-2009. Rules ,Procedures and Consequences. Curriculum and Instruction. Standards Based-instructional objectives and goals presented with a variety of teaching strategies, using higher order thinking skills, and applying the curriculum to real-life, hands-on experience.

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Back to School 2008-2009

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Back to School2008-2009

  2. Rules ,Procedures and Consequences

  3. Curriculum and Instruction Standards Based-instructional objectives and goals presented with a variety of teaching strategies, using higher order thinking skills, and applying the curriculum to real-life, hands-on experience. www.georgiastandards.org

  4. Dress Code • Banded items include (but are not limited to) the following:  hats, visors, hoods pulled up, sweatbands, skull caps, bandanas or other head garments including non-prescription sunglasses worn inside the building; beach or shower shoes, bare feet, flip flops, rubber and/or metal cleats; shoes with any type of wheels or other rolling apparatus; clothing that shows the bare midriff, bare back or the bare shoulders. shorts, dresses and skirts that are too tight, too short, (five inches from the top of the kneecap) or not worn at the waist are not permitted.

  5. Agenda • Communication • Daily behavior • Eagle points Please read and sign the agenda everyday

  6. Homework • New format • 2 list of spelling words-choose 1 • Spelling test given weekly to increase reading fluency and writing skills Sent home on Monday return on Friday

  7. Grading • 1,2,3 • 1-does not meet the standard • 2-does not consistently meet the standard • 3- consistently meets the standard • Graded work samples will come home in the white folders sign and review the work, please do not correct or keep papers

  8. Contact information Email address Pamela_Hendrix@douglas.k12.ga.us Phone number 770-651-4400

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