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Kingston Outcome of the Caribbean Regional Preparatory Meeting for the Third International Conference on Small Island Developing States. Sixteenth Meeting of the Monitoring Committee of the Caribbean Development and Cooperation Committee ECLAC Subregional Headquarters for the Caribbean
Kingston Outcome of the Caribbean Regional Preparatory Meeting for the Third International Conference on Small Island Developing States Sixteenth Meeting of the Monitoring Committee of the Caribbean Development and Cooperation Committee ECLAC Subregional Headquarters for the Caribbean Georgetown, Guyana 11 July 2013
The Process • Caribbean SIDS met from 2-4 July 2013 in Kingston, Jamaica to discuss the following: • Progress made in implementation of the BPoA and MSI; • Gaps and constraints related to Implementation of the BPOA and the MSI; • Strengthening the Implementation Framework for the BPoA and MSI
I. Review of SIDS Concerns • Reaffirmed the following: • The BPoA and the MSI; • patterns of production and consumption are indispensable in achieving global sustainable development; - the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities as set out in Principle 7 of the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development;
Unique International Position of SIDS • Recalled the following: • the unique and particular vulnerabilities; • the international community’s commitment to support SIDS; • the decision to convene a Third International Conference on Small Island Developing States; • Acknowledged that SIDS remain a special case for sustainable development
Women and Youth • Underscoredthe vital role of women in achieving sustainable development; • Stressed the following: • the active participation of young people in decision making processes; • that South-South and SIDS-SIDS cooperation complementary to North-South cooperation
Multidimensional issues • Recognised the following: • the importance of the cultural identity of people and the need to develop cultural industries and initiatives; • many multi-dimensional issues require an integrated approach to sustainable development; • the management of the natural resource base; • Sustainable patterns of consumption and produciton
II. Gaps and constraints related to Implementation of the BPOA and the MSI • Caribbean SIDS have progressed in the areas of gender, health, education and the environment. However, the following gaps prevail: • lack of political will on the part of most developed countries; • Climate change. Need concerted action to keep the global temperature below 1.5 degrees Celsius;
Gaps and constraints related to Implementation of the BPOA and the MSI.. - Natural disasters. Need to promote a preventative approach; - Health - the burden and threat of Non Communicable Diseases; - ODA – overall decline impacted negatively on that ability to respond to crises;
Gaps and constraints related to Implementation of the BPOA and the MSI.. - Graduation to middle-income status; - Use of GDP as a measure of development; - Social integration policiesparticularly young people, older persons and persons with disabilities;
Gaps and constraints related to Implementation of the BPOA and the MSI.. - Crime and violence - Unemployment. Particularly for women and youth and the brain drain; - Migration. Deal with the challenges and opportunities that migration presents;
Strengthening the Implementation Framework • Financial resources. The need for new and additional predictable financial resources; • A concrete framework. For enhancing the implementation of sustainable development; • Technology transfer. To provide environmentally sound and appropriate technologies;
Strengthening the Implementation Framework … - Financing for development. Through multilateral, bilateral and triangular cooperation; - Rio+20 processes and the post-2015 development agenda; - High-level political Forum. This has replaced the CSD as of 2013 and SIDS issues should be highlighted there;
Strengthening the Implementation Framework …. - MEAs. Increased support for implementation and reporting on these agreements; - Balanced integration of the 3 dimensions of Sustainable Development; - Climate Technology Centre and Network.; - STI for Sustainable Development;
Strengthening the Implementation Framework …. • Statistics and data gathering • Disasters. Scale up support to SIDS for resilience-building and provide financing for early warning systems.
Strengthening the Implementation Framework … -Community empowerment – vulnerable groups; - Energy efficiency and renewable energy; - The UN SG’s initiative on Sustainable Enegy for all. (SE4All).
Strengthening the Implementation Framework … - Sustainable agriculture and rural development. To promote food and nutrition security; - Caribbean SIDS platform on SCP. Provide resources for development; - Poverty eradication. Promote a people-centred approach; - Health. NCD and CDs.
Strengthening the Implementation Framework … • UN System. Emphasize the need for strengthened institutional frameworks among the UN system to increase effectiveness and efficiency in fulfillment of its functions and mandates in providing more coherent support to Caribbean SIDS in the implementation of the BPOA and MSI, while ensuring appropriate accountability to Member States.