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Jessica Parker
's Uploads
656 Uploads
Outpatient wound care billing
10 vues
Outpatient wound care billing
7 vues
Impact of Vertical Integration in Healthcare
28 vues
Impact of Vertical Integration in Healthcare
12 vues
Shift the Focus from Denial Management to Denial Prevention
9 vues
Shift the Focus from Denial Management to Denial Prevention
9 vues
How to manage radiology claim denials?
0 vues
How to manage radiology claim denials?
1 vues
Get Ready for New No Surprises Billing Act
3 vues
Get Ready for New No Surprises Billing Act
8 vues
2 vues
What you should know about capitation reimbursement models?
1 vues
How to Boost A/R Productivity for Success of Revenue Cycle during Pandemic?
0 vues
How to Boost A/R Productivity for Success of Revenue Cycle during Pandemic?
0 vues
New CMS Proposals Streamline Medicare Coverage for Innovative and New Diabetes D
0 vues
New CMS Proposals | Medicare Coverage | Innovative and New Diabetes Devices
1 vues
What provider should know about transition to Medicaid Managed Care?
1 vues
What provider should know about transition to Medicaid Managed Care
0 vues
Tips For Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) Reimbursement
18 vues
Tips For Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) Reimbursement
10 vues
Streamlining and Automating Prior Authorization
2 vues
What is the Medicare Crossover Claim?
15 vues
Handling Timely Filing (CO 29) Denials
51 vues
Handling Denial B9 with Modifiers GV and GW
10 vues
Medical Nutrition Therapy (MNT) CPT Codes
176 vues
Understanding Split Billing for Post-Op Care
11 vues
Modifiers for Separate Reimbursement in Global Surgery
13 vues
Importance of Medical Coding Audit
181 vues
How to Increase Reimbursement for Telephone Calls?
11 vues
How to Accelerate Credentialing Process?
16 vues
Provider Credentialing issues in healthcare
14 vues
CPT Codes for COVID-19 Vaccine and Immunizations
18 vues
Newly Added CPT Codes for COVID-19
9 vues
How can Telemedicine Help My Practice?
30 vues
Billing for Audio-only Telehealth
39 vues
Most Common Mistakes in CMS-1500 Form
19 vues
Document Checklist for Provider Credentialing
18 vues
Basics of Provider Credentialing and Contracting
30 vues
Calculating Medicare Fee Schedule Rates
20 vues
Vaccine CPT Codes for Coronavirus Immunizations
15 vues