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Education, Teachers Training and Research Within the Modern School Movement: From International Confrontation to Co-operative Self-training. Florence Saint-Luc f.saintluc@wanadoo.fr 28th of May 2011 University of Provence – UMR ADEF INRP France. Globalization , identity and learning.
Education, Teachers Training and Research Within the Modern School Movement:From International Confrontation to Co-operative Self-training Florence Saint-Luc f.saintluc@wanadoo.fr 28th of May 2011 University of Provence – UMR ADEF INRP France
Globalization, identity and learning • Economic and educational crisis • “Seven complex lessons in education for the future” (E. Morin, 1999, a UNESCO report) proposes and education to a democratic humanism and to complex thought, to prevent from blindness and illusions • Pisa inquiries : only macro-level. How to make educational systems change ? Regulations top down ineffective, transformative learning necessary : working on their actors identities. • Systemic approach : micro-macro level. Possible use of an international collaborative research • Heterogeneity and cultural differences in co-operative groups source of transformative learning?
Freinet pedagogy and Modern school • Célestin Freinet (1896-1966), a French teacher in Primary School, created the Modern School Movement. • FIMEM (Fédération Internationale des Mouvements de l’Ecole Moderne) created in 1957 : organization of RIDEF (Rencontre Internationale des Educateurs Freinet) every 2 years.
Education, training and research • Common points in Transformative Learning (Mezirow, 1991), Freinet pedagogy and Action- research (Elliott, 1991) : • Democratic education, enactive conception of learning • Intersubjectivity : socio-cognitive conflicts for a validation through consensus • Isomorphism (Niza, 1996): in order to make the pupils acquire competences and skills necessary for the implementation of a democracy, their teachers have to be trained to build the same competences and skills. The experimental probing generates this process in a complex synergy with co-operation : “experienced pedagogy”, isomorphic to action-research (Tilman and Grootaers, 2006).
Blind points • Protection against anguish (Mezirow,1991) • Perception system and blind points (optic nerve) • Systemic point of view : culture generates blind points on sociological level; resistances in educational systems preventing from evolutions • Importance of decentration for an emancipation • Interest of international confrontation to leave ethnocentrism.
Experimentalprobing • Data processing : • “Groped” experiment (expérience tâtonnée), basic natural process of learning: observation, development of hypothesis / assumption, checking, evaluation of the feedback, rejection or integration in the cognitive structure. • Process of conceptualization : theory of understanding the world. • The hypothesis / assumption :“a plausible explanation imagined to understand or achieve a goal, a rational act of invention” (Lèmery, 2010).
Process of reasoning in experimentalprobing • In the experimental probing, imagination, intuition, can impel hypotheses thanks to the abduction (Peirce), which is then supplemented, within the framework of the scientific process, by interactions between induction and deduction which give meaning to the learning.
Learning with and against designs (Giordan, 1996). • Vicarious effect (Bandura, 1977) - co-operative learning (Connac, 2009). • Socio-cognitive conflicts (Doise and Mugny, 1978) inside exchanges and democratic debates. • Heterogeneity : mutual help, richness, self-training (Mezirow, 1991) • security feeling within co-operative group and posture of guide/facilitator : self-confidence error instead of fault, intersubjectivity, new elaboration of assumptions. • Self-organization, divergent thought, creativity, collective intelligence (Mallet,2007)
Hypothesis • Within the framework of a device based on action-research, experimental probing and international cooperative confrontation in teachers training can constitute an articulation between education, training and research, base of a co-operative self-training which develops creativity, reflexivity and cooperative abilities.
Experimentalprobing in the researchprocess • Intuition : importance of visits in different countries for the creation of a collaborative research about training: participative observation, weaving of an international network ; videos (education – all levels -, training), interviews, documents studies. • Process induction / deduction : - international confrontation to disclose positive and blind aspects of educational systems or cognitive structures - self-confrontation adapted to the international context - collaborative research :co-operative design of a didactical and pedagogical engineering articulating theory and practice, i.e. education/training/research in my own thesis research.
Organizational recursions and results • Research of a didactical and pedagogical engineering proposing an isomorphism education / training / research : • Problematization : coherence theory and practice –from long worshop“International cooperation and training” RIDEF Mexico (July 2008)”to Joensuu (initial training class teacher Finland -October 2010) • Workshops in the ICEM congress (Strasbourg – 2009) : official beginning of the collaborative research • Action-research : intervention within the frame of the Freinet seminar Valencia – Spain – February 2010 • Implementation in an international co-animation : workshop « International cooperation and trainers training» - RIDEF Nantes July 2010 : towards a cooperative self-training
Conclusion • Experimental probing in a co-operative group generates transformative learning • Intersubjectivity and Interculturality generate socio-cognitive conflicts, and Co-operation creates affective conditions favoring a learning deeply integrated in the cognitive structures, which changes meaning schemes and perspectives. • The international cooperative confrontation produces a professional development (cooperative self-training) • Democratic Humanism (Morin 1999), creativity, reflexivity. • Cultural dialog, and decentration in spite of linguistic difficulties • A pedagogical engineering generating an isomorphism education / training / research based on constructivist and socioconstructivist theories of learning.
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