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Availability, Reliability of some Accelerators in China. Qing Qin IHEP, CAS 15.02.2017. Acknowledgements. Jun Xing, Chenghui Yu, Cai Meng from IHEP Yongbin Leng from SSRF. Outline. Brief introduction BEPC/BEPCII SSRF C- ADS Injector - I Summary. 1. Brief introduction.
Availability, Reliability of some Accelerators in China Qing Qin IHEP, CAS 15.02.2017
Acknowledgements Jun Xing, Chenghui Yu, CaiMeng from IHEP YongbinLeng from SSRF
Outline • Brief introduction • BEPC/BEPCII • SSRF • C-ADS Injector-I • Summary
1. Briefintroduction Accelerators developed in China very quickly…
IHEP serves as the backbone of China’s large science facilities RFQ+CH RFQ+Spoke 10 MeV ADS
RAMI Analysis • Reliability • Reliability is related to the frequency of failures over a time interval and it is a measure of success for a failure-free operation. • For constant failure rates, it is often expressed as: • t is the time at which the reliability is calculated • MTBF is mean time between two failures • λis the failure rate (constant),λ= 1/MTBF.
Availability(1) • Availability is the probability of having a system or component in correct operation in a specific moment. Availability A(t) is expressed as the inverse of the unavailability Q(t): • Unavailability is expressed as: • λ is the failure rate and MTTR the mean time to repair the system or component
Availability(2) • Mean availability is commonly expressed as (uptime)/(uptime + downtime) with many different variants: • MTBF is mean time between failures • MEBFis the mean downtime • MDT = Access + Cooling + Detection + MTTR + Recover + Tuning • Operational availability: • Tt is the time in which the system is analyzed • MDTscheduledis the mean downtime due to scheduled maintenance • MDTnon-scheduled is the mean downtime due to non-scheduled maintenance
Maintainability • Maintainability is a measure of the aptitude of a system to be repaired. • Maintainability characteristics need to be specified and incorporated during system design. The objective of maintainability is to develop equipment and systems that can be maintained in the least amount of time with the least cost and resources. • Maintainability must take into account all of the actions lending to system restoration, including logistics, manpower, spare parts, maintain room, transportation, tests, and so on.
Inspectability • Tests and inspections can prevent long shutdowns or can waste valuable operative time. A balance must be achieved in regulations and good practices. Inspectability includes the accessibility of equipment and the removability of samples to evaluate the degradation and diagnostics in order to determine incipient failure. • Inspectability concerns also the monitoring aspect during the various stages of production as well as the testing period for the inspection processes. Inspectability allows to easily finding causes of failures or possible consequences in other systems and components.
Beamavailability • Hardware availability (HA) is the fraction of time that the machine is available to produce a beam during the scheduled operation time. This parameter includes unscheduled repairs and all associated cool-down, warm-up and recovery times. • Beam effectiveness (BE) is the effective fraction of beam time actually delivered to the target facility. • Beam availability (BA) is the product of the hardware availability and the effective fraction of beam time: BA=HA·BE
2. BEPC (Beijing Electron Positron Collider)/BEPCII • BEPC (1988 – 2005) BEPCII (2006 – now) A double-ring factory-like machine Deliver beams to both HEP & SR
Ways to increase luminosity Large εx & optimum param.: Ib=9.8mA, ξy=0.04 DR: multy-bunch,kb=1 93 Micro-β: βy* =5cm 1.5 cm SC insertion quads Low impedance + SC RF σz=5cm <1.5cm (LBEPCII/ LBEPC) D.R.=(5.5/1.5) ×93×9.8/35=96 LBEPC=1.0×10 31 cm-2s-1 LBEPCII =1×10 33 cm-2s-1
Collider SR Facility • Collision Mode • Beam energy range 1-2.1 GeV • Optimized beam energy 1.89 GeV • Luminosity 1×1033 cm-2s-1 • Full energy injection 1-1.89 GeV • SR Mode • Beam energy 2.5 GeV • Beam current 250 mA
Milestones of BEPCII construction&operation >1fb-1 @ 4.23 Oct. 2005 Sep. 2004 July 2005 May 2004 ~500pb-1 @ 4.26, 4.36 Oct. 2006 Oct. 2007 Nov. 2006 July 2007 ~300pb-1 @4.26 May 2008 July 2008 May 2009 July 2009 Significance >8 Top-upNov.2015 May 2010 2013 2012–13
Routineoperation of BEPCII • 6 months running with collision mode for HEP experiments • 3 months running with dedicated SR mode for users • 1 month for recovery and machine development • 2 months for maintenance during summer shutdown. • 10 beamlines, with 2 wigglers on,can be used inthe parasitic SR mode whenbeams collide.
Availability of thephysics run 2015-16 • 150daysforphysics=3588hrs [13.65 %] = 3588 [6.8%] [66.80 %] Operations contains MD(33.71) + planned maintaince (45.38h) + setting-up (140.89h) + visits(13.37h) [12.75 %] [20142015]
Physics Achieved [pb-1] Availability [%] *incomplete weeks
5 systems ≈90.5% = 290.73hours = 90.5% • Dominated by high-impact faults: • RF: FrequencyControl Loop. • PS: Aging. • Controls: PSI(Power Supply Interface), Networkcommunication. • BI: Feedback system. • Cryogenics: Sensor, Turbine.
Faults[#] Duration [h] Availability [%]
Physics Achieved [pb-1] Availability [%]
Dedicated Synchrotron Radiation Operation 2015.10-11 Availability = 98.54% MTBF=54.94hr, MDT = 0.82hr 2016.06-07 Availability = 99.35% MTBF=159.78hr, MDT = 1.01hr
SSRF beamline suites construction schedule 7 14 16 23 8 36 SSRF Phase-I (7bls) Operation XIL branch Operation NFPS (5bls) Test operation Dreamline (1bls) Under construction SiP ME2 (2bls) To be started SINOPEC (3bls) Key components started HP DAC (2bls) Phase-II 1st Grup (6bls) Phase-II 2nd Grup (6bls) Project approved Phs-II 3rd Grup (4bls) New beamlines are being constructed and proposed continuously
SSRF user operation Number of users and research groups Institutions: 385 in total, including 191 universities, 125 institutes, 24 hospitals, 45 companies.
4. C-ADS Injector-I 10MeV@10mA CW • ECRIS:Magnetron, Waveguides, Gas injection, HV source, water cooling, extraction • electrodes,solenoid, power source, Chopper • LEBT: 2-solenoid,1-chopper, 1-FC, 1-ACCT • RFQ:RFQ Modules, Couplers, water cooling, Power supply • MEBT: 6-quadrupole, 2-Buncher, 2-FCT, 3-WS, 6-BPM, 2-Valve • CM: 14-solenoid, 14-Superconducting cavity, 14-Cold BPM • Beam dump line: 9-quadrupole, 4-slit, 6-WS, 7-BPM, 2-FCT, 1-ACCT, 1-DCCT, 2-Dipole, 4-SFM, 1 • -Beam dump
5MeV test stand commissioning – CM1 cavities The output energy of CM1 with 7 Spoke cavities (β=0.12) reaches 6MeV, one cavity achieved accelerating gradient of 7.75MV/m !
Beam parameters achieved • In June and July 2016, a pulsed proton beam with currents of 10.03 mA and 10.5 mA and the corresponding beam energy of 10.1MeV achieved 注入器-I 超导段出口ACCT信号: 5.24*2=10.48mA (对应质子束峰值流强)
Time distribution of CADS injector-I According to simulation results
AvailSim simulation results 10 years for simulation time, which is 87600 h
Summary • Acceleratorbasedscientificfacilitiesarebeingdevelopedquickly,withmanyuserfacilitiesbeingoperatedandconstructed. • Reliability&Availabilityareusedtoanalyzetheoperationoffacilitiesandevenatthebeginningofthedesign. • Moreeffortsareneededforbetteroperationandforfuturemachines. Thanksforyourattentions!