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Prepared for the Elementary Collaborative Learning Team of Halifax County Public Schools

RIGOR WITH NURTURING: Creating Rigorous Assessments Aligned with Standards. Essential Vocabulary. Essential Skills. LEARNING TARGET. Essential Knowledge. Children First for a Brighter Future. Prepared for the Elementary Collaborative Learning Team of Halifax County Public Schools

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Prepared for the Elementary Collaborative Learning Team of Halifax County Public Schools

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Presentation Transcript

  1. RIGOR WITH NURTURING: Creating Rigorous Assessments Aligned with Standards Essential Vocabulary Essential Skills LEARNING TARGET Essential Knowledge Children First for a Brighter Future Prepared for the Elementary Collaborative Learning Team of Halifax County Public Schools by Dan Mulligan, Ed. D., flexiblecreativity.com August 2014

  2. Resources to Share flexiblecreativity.com

  3. 4 – second partner Find a new friend in the room. Introduce yourself and share what you ‘do’. Find 2 comfortable seats and relax. *Please bring your handout and a pen(cil)!

  4. Premise of the Workshop As the United States continues to compete in a global  economy that demands innovation, the U.S. education system must equip students with the four Cs: • critical thinking and problem solving, • communication, • collaboration, and • creativity and innovation.

  5. a. The number of cavities the sixth graders have? b. The number of people in the sixth graders’ families? c. The ages of the sixth graders’ mothers? d. The heights of the sixth graders in inches?

  6. Premise of the Workshop As the United States continues to compete in a global  economy that demands innovation, the U.S. education system must equip students with the four Cs: • critical thinking and problem solving, • communication, • collaboration, and • creativity and innovation.

  7. It’s All About: The Second Question

  8. The WHAT

  9. Effective Instruction: focus on essential knowledge, skills, processes, & vocabulary • Three types of curricula exist in any classroom: • The Intended Curriculum: content/skill specified by the state, division, or school at a particular grade level. • The Implemented Curriculum: content/skill actually delivered by the teacher. • The Attained Curriculum: content/skill actually learned by the students. Implemented Curriculum Attained Curriculum Intended Curriculum

  10. page 3 –5

  11. NEW and IMPROVED

  12. The HOW

  13. pages 6 - 7

  14. SPREAD the LOVE Introduce your partner to the other people at your table.

  15. Advanced Organizers Use Visuals Advanced organizers help students organize the information and retain 5 times more of the information.

  16. VENN DIAGRAMS red thick small

  17. Research Related to Teaching Reading Skills from Cognitive Science Premise: The meaning of a text is NOT contained in the words on the page. Instead, the reader constructs meaning by making what she thinks is a logical, sensible connection between the new information she reads and what she already knows about the topic. Read the paragraph on the next slide and work with your 4-second partner to fill in the missing words. ENJOY! (this is NOT a test)

  18. The questions that p_____ face as they raise ch_____ from in_____ to adult life are not easy to an_____. Both fa_____ and m_____ can become concerned when health problems such as co_____ arise any time after the e_____ stage to later life. Experts recommend that young ch_____ should have plenty of s_____ and nutritious food for healthy growth. B_____ and g_____ should not share the same b_____ or even sleep in the same r_____. They may be afraid of the d_____.

  19. The questions that poultrymen face as they raise chickens from incubation to adult life are not easy to answer. Both farmers and merchants can become concerned when health problems such as coccidiosis arise any time after the egg stage to later life. Experts recommend that young chicks should have plenty of sunshine and nutritious food for healthy growth. Banties and geese should not share the same barnyard or even sleep in the same roost. They may be afraid of the dark. ~Adapted from Madeline Hunter

  20. Research on Imagery as Elaboration Students who used imagery to learn vocabulary, on average, performed # of studies

  21. Organizing Theme: Things someone would say… EDUCATIONAL STAKEHOLDER EDITION Trivia Triangle Cafeteria Worker 200 POINTS Parent Student 100 POINTS 100 POINTS Principal Superintendent Teacher 50 POINTS 50 POINTS 50 POINTS

  22. Organizing Theme: English Grade 3 Trivia Triangle parts of a story 200 POINTS transition words parts of a letter 100 POINTS 100 POINTS noun verb adjective 50 POINTS 50 POINTS 50 POINTS

  23. Science Energy 200 POINTS Hypothesis Electron 100 POINTS 100 POINTS Atmosphere Experiment Dissolve 50 POINTS 50 POINTS 50 POINTS

  24. Health/PE Body Mass 200 POINTS Equipment Nutrition 100 POINTS 100 POINTS Movement Wellness Endurance 50 POINTS 50 POINTS 50 POINTS


  26. http://etc.usf.edu/clipart/


  28. 4 – second partner Did you bring your handout with you? I just love these Dan Mulligan workshops! Find a new friend in the room. Find 2 comfortable seats and relax.

  29. GoodInstruction(Keep it Simple…Keep it Real) “We can, whenever and wherever we choose, successfully teach all children whose schooling is of interest to us. We already know more than we need to do that. Whether or not we do it must finally depend on how we feel about the fact that we haven’t so far.” ~Ron Edmonds

  30. RIGOR … with Nurturing

  31. 1 4 Team Turn 2 3

  32. Spotlight Moment page 33

  33. page 22

  34. SpintheWord modified • Remove the cards from the bag. • Place the deck of cards face down in the center of the table. • Determine the order of playing by each person rolling the die. • Each card contains: • Math vocabulary word, and • Method of giving clues • Remember: • Each person has a turn, • Each person has a lifeline! • Enjoy!

  35. Click on the arrow to start and stop spinner.

  36. Thank you for your commitment to children! "It's your attitude, not just your aptitude that determines your ultimate altitude." --ZigZiglar Dan

  37. Identifying Similarities and Differences

  38. The process of identifying and articulating similarities and differences among items. Comparing The process of grouping things into definable categories on the basis of their attributes. Classifying The process of identifying and articulating the underlying theme or general pattern in information. Creating Metaphors The process of identifying relationships between pairs of concepts (e.g., relationships between relationships). Creating Analogies What processes can students engage in to identify similarities and differences?

  39. If you want a learner to truly understand and own essential knowledge, expand your exploration from ‘what it is’ to also ‘what it is NOT’.

  40. page 46 Work with your partner to prepare a conceptual example that can be shared with your staff.

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