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Chapter 11: Use of energy balances in the compilation of energy accounts and other statistics

Chapter 11: Use of energy balances in the compilation of energy accounts and other statistics. Ilaria DiMatteo United Nations Statistics Division The 4 th meeting of the Oslo Group on energy statistics Ottawa, Canada, 2-6 February 2009. Chapter 11.

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Chapter 11: Use of energy balances in the compilation of energy accounts and other statistics

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Chapter 11:Use of energy balances in the compilation of energy accounts and other statistics Ilaria DiMatteo United Nations Statistics Division The 4th meeting of the Oslo Group on energy statistics Ottawa, Canada, 2-6 February 2009

  2. Chapter 11 This is an indicative brief outline of the chapter An annotated outline will be developed after the meeting

  3. Structure of the chapter From basic energy statistics to energy accounts B. National accounts C. Estimation of GHG emission inventories using energy statistics and balances D. Energy indicators

  4. Questions The Oslo group is invited to • provide overall comments on the intended content of the chapter • other

  5. Links between IRES and SEEA-E Presentation on behalf of: Alessandra Alfieri Chief, Environmental Economic Accounts Section UNSD alfieri@un.org

  6. Background UNSD has embarked in the drafting of the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting for Energy, SEEA-E, in close collaboration with the London Group and the Oslo Group A first draft has been prepared with the assistance of a consultant A drafting group with experts on energy statistics and energy accounts has been established to assist UNSD in developing SEEA-E A website has been created: http://unstats.un.org/unsd/envaccounting/seeae

  7. In a continuous effort to reflect in the SEEA-E the discussion on IRES and the concepts, classifications, definitions in IRES, a list of questions for clarification was prepared by the SEEA-E drafters Answers to these questions will assist in the further drafting of the SEEA-E

  8. Definition of energy products (e.g. to what extent waste is considered energy product) • Clarification of the distinction btw products which can be used for energy and non-energy products (to what extent IRES includes energy products used for no-energy purposes?) • Definition of primary and secondary energy products (at the last LG meeting, the idea of giving up the distinction was mentioned)

  9. Which classification or energy products should be preferably used? (correspondence with int. classification, Link btw product and asset classification would be useful. Will it be looked at in IRES?) • Classification of activities (what is the classification of activities (e.g. transport, manufacturing, etc. How are the classes defined?) • Classification by purpose (will there such classification (e.g. heating, cooking, etc.) in IRES?)

  10. Losses and thefts of energy (how are dealt with in IRES? (e.g. thefts part of HH consumption?) • List of preferable alternative units to be used for the various energy products (if no units can be recommended, are there some guidance on how to choose them?) • Table with calorific values and/or general advise on how to find such units

  11. Extraction of energy resources To what extent is extraction of energy resources included in IRES? How is it measured? Sales quantities? Is Own use extraction included? Flaring? Does IRES distinguish btw market and non-market flows? • Monetary information To what extent IRES deal with monetary information (e.g. prices, etc.)

  12. 12. Definition of imports/exports What are the definitions? From trade stat? How products sent abroad for processing treated? Are transit flows of electricity, natural gas and heat included in imports/exports? • Recommendations on gross vs net calorific values? • A list of definition of flows used in the balances

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