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Endangered and Extinct Species. By: Esteban Bolaños Viquez. Peregrine Falcon. Common Name: Peregrine Falcon Scientific Name: Falco Peregrinus
Endangered and Extinct Species By: Esteban BolañosViquez
Peregrine Falcon • Common Name: Peregrine Falcon • Scientific Name: Falco Peregrinus • Habitat: It can be found nearly everywhere on Earth, except extreme polar regions, very high mountains, and most tropical rainforests. The only major ice-free landmass from which it is entirely absent is New Zealand. • Threats: Peregrine falcons have few natural threats and may live 15 years once they have learned to hunt. Predators such as raccoons and great-horned owls occasionally take eggs or chicks from the nests. People have posed the greatest threat to this master of the air. Shooting, taking of eggs and young, poisoning and habitat destruction all contributed to the decline of peregrine falcons from much of their historic range.
Peregrine Falcon • Approximate Population: Minimum of 20,000 pairs. In Europe, the population is estimated at some 7,600-11,000 pairs and in Catalonia the population is stable with 245-253. • Measures to protect it: We are doing many things to help prevent the Peregrine Falcon's extinction. Being declared an endangered species helped to make killing Peregrine falcons against the law. Because they were endangered if someone shot a peregrine they could be fined or even sent to jail. By August, 1999, the Peregrine falcon had recovered enough to be changed from endangered to threatened by the U.S. Federal government. Many states still consider the Peregrine endangered and work to protect them. Federal and State laws still protect the falcon. It is illegal to own Peregrine feathers or eggs without a permit.
Video • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lnT2joxnkqY
Seahorse • Common Name: Seahorse • Scientific Name: Hippocampus • Habitat:Seahorses are mainly found in shallow tropical and temperate waters throughout the world, and prefer to live in sheltered areas such as seagrass beds, estuaries, coral reefs or mangroves. In Pacific waters from North America to South America there are approximately four species. • Threats: Seahorse predators include crabs, rays and tuna. Storms can cause seahorses to be torn away from where they are clinging and tossed ashore. Tossed around in stormy waters, seahorses can die of exhaustion if they are unable to grab hold of something with their tail. • People threaten the seahorse's survival. Polluted water and fishing pose dangers, but also they are hunted to be used for medicine, cooking or for souvenirs.
Seahorse • Measures to protect it: Reduce the pollution of waters, this will help all the species that live in the oceans. Stop the fishing of seahorse for commercial use.
American Lion • Common Name: American Lion • Scientific Name: Panthera Leo Atrax • Habitat: Endemic to North America and Northwestern South America. • Reasons of Extinction: Climate Change • Extinct: 11,00 years ago