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Gifted Services

Gifted Services. Glenwood Intermediate School 2011-2012. Social Studies Instruction. Co-teaching model (core teacher & Mrs. Burchfield) Differentiated instruction in content and pacing Focus on higher order thinking skills

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Gifted Services

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Gifted Services Glenwood Intermediate School 2011-2012

  2. Social Studies Instruction • Co-teaching model (core teacher & Mrs. Burchfield) • Differentiated instruction in content and pacing • Focus on higher order thinking skills • Research and presentation skills embedded • Letter grade will appear on report card

  3. Social Studies Content We are following the newly released model curriculum from the Ohio Department of Education. Instruction will cover the history, geography, economics and government of the following developments in the Western Hemisphere (North and South America): • Ancient People and Land • Exploration and Settlement • Colonization

  4. What happens next year? Automatic placement into at least one of the following: • Enriched Language Arts • Enriched Math • EAGLE enrichment offerings

  5. Helpful Websites • National Association for Gifted Children(NAGC) Information and resources to support the needs of high potential learners. www.nagc.org • Ohio Association for Gifted Children (OAGC) OAGC advances the understanding of the needs of the gifted and promotes the establishment of programs and services for gifted students. www.oagc.com • ODE- Gifted Education State guidelines and information pertaining to Gifted Education in Ohio http://www.ode.state.oh.us/GD/Templates/Pages/ODE/ODEPrimary.aspx?page=2&TopicRelationID=503

  6. Helpful Websites • Dr. Sylvia RimmParenting Specialist, Psychologist & Gifted Children Advocate who offers outstanding resources on parenting and teaching gifted children. Her Cleveland office is home to the Family Achievement Clinic and the Educational Assessment Service, Inc. Super information on parenting for success and dealing with underachievement. She also answers questions posted online. www.sylviarimm.com • Mindware Super catalogue of brainy toys and materials for kids of all ages. www.midware.com

  7. Contact me with any questions or concerns! burchfields@plainlocal.org 330-491-3780

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