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Digestive System Vocabulary Review

Digestive System Vocabulary Review. The Living Environment - NYS 1.2 – The student should be able to describe and explain the structures and functions of the human body at different organizational levels (for example, systems, tissues, cells, organelles).

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Digestive System Vocabulary Review

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  1. Digestive SystemVocabulary Review The Living Environment - NYS 1.2 – The student should be able to describe and explain the structures and functions of the human body at different organizational levels (for example, systems, tissues, cells, organelles) Remember to wait for the vocabulary word to pop up! Can you guess it before it comes up? PB 09

  2. Digestive System This system’s function is to convert foods into simple molecules that can be absorbed and used by cells

  3. Bolus Food that has been mechanically broken down http://www.nature.com/bdj/journal/v189/n8/thumbs/4800787-f5.jpg

  4. Esophagus The tube that is the passageway from the mouth to the stomach. ? ? ? ? ? http://digestive.niddk.nih.gov/ddiseases/pubs/gerinchildren/images/fullbody-LES2.gif

  5. Peristalsis The process of wave-like muscle contractions of the alimentary tract that moves food along. http://img.tfd.com/vet/thumbs/gr294.jpg

  6. Liver Accessory organ that is located just above the stomach that produces bile (a fluid with lipids and salts) http://barrydean.files.wordpress.com/2007/09/liver2.jpg

  7. Stomach Large muscular sac that continues the mechanical digestion of food

  8. MucusHydrochloric AcidPepsin (enzyme) Three substance produced in the stomach to aide in chemical digestion

  9. Chyme Food that has arrived at the stomach and is mixed with HCL and enzyme http://blog.lib.umn.edu/trite001/pstl1082anatomy/P1060735.jpg

  10. Gallbladder Accessory organ that stores bile for release in the small intestine http://www.organ-ized.org/A4pancre.jpg

  11. Small Intestine Functions to the re-absorption of minerals, vitamins and water, as well as, digestion (finish digestion of proteins and carbohydrates). Between stomach and large intestine. http://www.scoe.com/images/Stomach1.jpg

  12. Pancreas Accessory organ that secretes trypsin, lipase and amylase to aide in the breakdown of proteins, fats and starch http://www.organ-ized.org/A4pancre.jpg

  13. Large Intestine Organ that removes water from the undigested materials that pass through it. Collects waste (feces) and responsible for expulsion from the body. http://graphics8.nytimes.com/images/2007/08/01/health/adam/8832.jpg

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