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Personal Effectiveness At Work: Achieve Success and Stand Out

Personal effectiveness at work involves utilizing all personal resources to achieve success. This program helps in clear thinking, goal setting, workplace etiquette, communication, time and stress management, conflict resolution, and emotional balance. Learn to embody high-performance behaviors and develop a plan for personal success. Discover the importance of setting goals, creating win-win relationships, and mastering self to enhance confidence and professionalism in the workplace. Stand out by taking initiative, practicing the 7 habits of Highly Effective People, and focusing on constant self-improvement. Elevate your career by showcasing excellence, professionalism, and maturity while building relationships, learning from mistakes, and setting SMART goals. This program emphasizes creating a positive impact, enhancing communication skills, and mastering workplace etiquette to excel and succeed in your professional endeavors.

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Personal Effectiveness At Work: Achieve Success and Stand Out

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  1. Personal Effectiveness Personal . . . Belonging to or affecting a particular person rather than anyone else. Effectiveness . . . Success in producing a desired or intended result.

  2. Personal Effectiveness At Work Personal effectiveness means making the most at all personal resources at our disposal - our personal talents, energy and time relative to what's most important to us.

  3. Need of this Program Personal effectiveness Creates Success. So be a star performer we don’t need only degrees & medals but also self improvement

  4. Benefits • Develop ability to think clearly and logically • Structure thoughts and present ideas cohesively and effectively • Increase levels of confidence in conducting oneself with internal and  external customers

  5. Topics • Positive Impact • Setting Goals • The trust Factor – Creating Win-Win Relationship • Self mastery – A Plan for Personal Success • Workplace Etiquettes • Communication • Time Management • Stress Management • Conflict resolution • Addressing Emotions at work

  6. Positive Impact • Set of behaviors that are beneficial at all levels of the organization • How to be the type of employee successful companies fight to keep, by applying seven high- performance behaviors to their professional life.

  7. Set of Behaviors Taking Initiative Stand Out at work 7 habits of Highly effective People by Steven Covey :- 1)Be Proactive 2)Begin with the end in mind 3)Put first thing first 4)Think win – win 5)Seek first to understand, than to be understood 6)Synergize 7)Sharpen the saw

  8. Stand Out At Work Career development is not always about moving up in the organization. It's more about constantly improving yourself and getting the most out of your job and work life. To stand out in a good way, you need to be aware of the consequences of what you think, say, and do

  9. What To think, or Not • Think You can (and will) succeed • People have confidence in us when we have confidence in ourselves,

  10. We gain confidence when Skill & knowledge grow

  11. Make self development plans Try New Things

  12. Think about your work as more than a Job • Energy • Enthusiasm • Attitude

  13. Think Excellence • Doesn't it feel great to get through the day without challenging ourselves to learn something new or do something great? • Go beyond the minimum effort, easy way and the safe path. • Work hard

  14. What to say or not Don’t use inappropriate language (like swearing) Don’t complain & Argue too much

  15. Don't talk about personal problems Don’t talk Politics & Religion

  16. What to Do, or Not Be professional by meeting commitments & respecting your responsibilities to others & yourself Look and act professional

  17. Have fun at work, and at the same time, let people know you can handle difficult situations with a level head

  18. Watch your appearance by being well groomed (bathed, trimmed, combed, etc.) and well dressed (accepted clothing for the position you want, tucked in shirt, clean shoes, matching socks, etc.). • Be mature by behaving like a reliable grownup.

  19. Create growth opportunities for yourself • Build Relationships • Learn From your mistakes • Be flexible - "That's not my job." "I don't want to do that

  20. Setting Goals • S = Specific • M = Measurable • A = Attainable • R = Realistic • T = Timely

  21. Specific – What, Why and How? Measurable – If you can’t measure it , you can’t manage it Attainable – Goals you set which are too far out of your reach, you probably won't commit to doing. Realistic - This is not a synonym for "easy." Realistic, in this case, means "do-able." Timely :-  Set a timeframe for the goal: for next week, in three months, by fifth grade. Putting an end point on your goal gives you a clear target to work towards.

  22. Creating Win–Win Relationship • Develop your communication and behavior skills to create a climate of trust, collaboration and goodwill with coworkers

  23. Self mastery – A Plan for Personal Success • Learn a set of principles and personal management skills that will change how you view your life and enable you to grow in personal confidence and effectiveness

  24. Etiquettes at work Say Hello, how are you Your Physical and Verbal behavior

  25. Etiquettes at work Sit up straight Your appearance

  26. Some more Tips • Be Self aware – Self-awareness is a critical component to etiquette in any situation. • Taking particular note of coworker annoyance is good place to start . Use them as rules of thumb for behavior that you find particularly obtrusive and make a concerted effort not to do the same. • Use common sense, try not to be too loud and unpleasant • Avoid Strong Cologne & Perfume – Use light and Soft ones • Mind your own business –

  27. Keep Your noise to yourself Use speakerphone only for conference calls Don’t talk loudly across partitions Keep cell phone ringers low Answers phone promptly, don’t let it ring several times

  28. Keep your germs to yourself • This is basic; but many overlook it • Cover your mouth when you sneeze & Cough • Failure to do so is rude, inconsiderate and stupid

  29. Communication Speak with more confidence and listen carefully to build rapport Analyze and utilize body language to your advantage

  30. Time Management Realize that time management is a myth – We have only 24 hours in a day. Time doesn’t change. All we can actually manage is ourselves and what we do with the time that we have Find out where you’re wasting time - Many of us are prey to time-wasters that steal time we could be using much more productively. Do you spend too much time 'Net surfing, reading email, or making personal calls?

  31. Time Management Prioritize ruthlessly - Learn to delegate and/or outsource.

  32. Stress Management • Avoid people who stress you out • Avoid hot-button topics • Pare down your to-do list

  33. Conflict Resolution Listen first; talk second Keep people and problem separate

  34. Make sure that good relationships are the first priority Use active listening skills to ensure that you hear and understand other’s positions and perceptions. When you talk use an adult, assertive approach rather than a submissive or aggressive style

  35. Addressing Emotions At Work Kick habits that hurt you. Habits such as procrastinating, overeating, being disorganized, avoiding conflict…etc Learn how to stay calm and clearheaded when you start to lose your temper Eliminate over-reactive behaviors and replace them with reasonable behaviors Learn behavior modification skills that people will notice—and will likely want to copy themselves Take ownership of your emotions and your reactions

  36. Attitude • Always keep a positive attitude • Talk nicely and be nice

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