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Roaring Twenties & New Deal Quiz

Test your knowledge on the 1920s era and FDR's New Deal with this Jeopardy-style quiz. Learn about pop culture, the Crash, and key historical events of the time!

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Roaring Twenties & New Deal Quiz

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Presentation Transcript

  1. THIS IS Jeopardy

  2. Jeopardy ??? 1920’s New Deal FDR Pop Culture The Crash 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 500

  3. Henry Ford is known for what improvement in the Auto Industry? A 100

  4. What is the Assembly Line? A 100

  5. Fear that the Communists were taking over A 200

  6. What is the Red Scare? A 200

  7. Woman with short hair and skirts during the time period A 300

  8. Who are Flappers? A 300

  9. Trial that set Fundamentalism against Evolution A 400

  10. Who is the Scopes Monkey Trial? A 400

  11. Law that helped enforce the 18th Amendment A 500

  12. What istheVolstead Act? A 500

  13. Insured bank deposits up to $5000 B 100

  14. What is FDIC? B 100

  15. Established unemployment for workers who lost jobs B 200

  16. What is the Social Security Act? B 200

  17. Provided electricity, replanted forests, and created jobs in the Poorest area of the U.S.? B 300

  18. What is the TVA? B 300

  19. FDR’s favorite New Deal Program, provided jobs for men 18-25. B 400

  20. What is the CCC? B 400

  21. The Fair Labor Act of 1938 contained what controversial issue? Still an issues today. B 500

  22. What is collective bargaining? B 500

  23. Political Party of FDR C 100

  24. What is the Democrats? C 100

  25. Informal Radio broadcasts reassure people during the Depression C 200

  26. What are Fireside Chats? C 200

  27. New Deals Programs were aimed at what economic problem. C 300

  28. What is unemployment? C 300


  30. Act by Roosevelt that drew the greatest opposition C 400

  31. What ishis attempt to “Pack the Supreme Court”? C 400

  32. FDR’s willingness to work across the political area showed in his appointment of the first women to the Cabinet? C 500

  33. Who is Francis Perkins? C 500

  34. To get the Bonus Army to leave, Gen. MacArthur… D 100

  35. What is used force? D 100

  36. Main reasons for popularity of Music, movies, radio during the 20’s and 30’s D 200

  37. What isescape from problems, inspiration and provided information? D 200

  38. First to fly across the Atlantic Ocean D 300

  39. Who is Charles Lindbergh? D 300

  40. Father of Jazz D 400

  41. Who is Duke Ellington? D 400

  42. Unemployment hit an all time high of this during the Depression D 500

  43. What is 25%? D 500

  44. MLB hero, hit 60 hrs in 1927 E 100

  45. Who is Babe Ruth? E 100

  46. 1st Movie with Sound E 200

  47. What is The Jazz Singer? E 200

  48. DC Comics hero made his Super debut in 1938 E 300

  49. Who is Superman? E 300

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