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The Natura 2000 Network Some figures

The Natura 2000 Network Some figures. DG ENV.B.2 – September 2007. The Natura 2000 network :. A major pillar of biodiversity action in Europe A combination of species and habitats protection Habitats Directive (SCI) ~ 13 % of EU 27 territory Birds Directive (SPAs) ~ 10 % of EU 27 territory.

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The Natura 2000 Network Some figures

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Natura 2000 NetworkSome figures DG ENV.B.2 – September 2007

  2. The Natura 2000 network: A major pillar of biodiversity action in Europe A combination of species and habitats protection Habitats Directive (SCI) ~ 13 % of EU 27 territory Birds Directive (SPAs) ~ 10 % of EU 27 territory

  3. The Natura 2000 network Total land area: ca.850.000 km²(ca. 85 million ha – 20 % of total land area) Total marine area: more than100.000 km²(> 10 million ha) Total number: ca.26.000 sites (N.B. These figures are estimates, taking into account the overlap between SCI and SPAs)

  4. Natura 2000 - latest figures: Birds Directive (SPAs): 4.830 sites = 486.571 km2 Habitats Directive (SCI - September 2007): 16838 sites = 526.375km2 Added in October 2007: 4255 sites (90 000 km2; +17%) in 8 new MS: CZ, EE, LV, LI, PL, HU, SK, SL

  5. Natura 2000 - latest figures: Added in October 2007: Pannonian region (completely new to network) 721 sites (14963 km2), 3 MS Atlantic region (amendment) 294 sites (10234 km2), 9 MS Boreal region (amendment + 3 new MS) 1250 sites (27694 km2), 5 MS Continental region (amendment + 3 new MS) 1990 sites (36710 km2), 11 MS


  7. pSCI data base – June 2007Natura 2000 Barometer

  8. The evolution of the Natura 2000 networkSites of Community importance 2001-2007

  9. SPAs database – June 2007 Natura 2000 Barometer

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