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Unit 7 Face to Face with Guns

Unit 7 Face to Face with Guns. New Horizon College English Book 1. Section B. Reading Skill. Words and Expressions. Detailed Study of the Text. Reading Skill. Reading Between the Lines. Reading Between the Lines. Reading Skills.

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Unit 7 Face to Face with Guns

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  1. Unit 7 Face to Face with Guns New Horizon College English Book 1

  2. Section B • Reading Skill • Words and Expressions • Detailed Study of the Text

  3. Reading Skill • Reading Between the Lines

  4. Reading Between the Lines Reading Skills Reading between the lines means drawing inferences about the writer's ideas from what is written and from what is not written. Writers don't always express all their thoughts directly, as a matter of style, or because they assume we know and share their views. This means that we readers have to work with the writer to discover his or her meaning.

  5. Reading between the lines usually requires close, careful reading of the entire text, rather like detective work! But by using contextual clues, common sense, and our knowledge of the world, by connecting ideas and drawing conclusions, by forming and testing ideas about what the writer was trying to say, we can usually "fill in the blanks" and discover the writer's real meaning. And that's a big part of what effective reading is all about.

  6. Example: Like most city folks, I'm cautious. I scan the street and pathways for anything—or anyone—unusual before pulling into the garage. That night was no exception. (Para. 1, Passage A) Question: What do these sentences imply?The writer is very cautious every night when he is back at home. This implies that the city has security problems and people have to be on guard against robbery or something unexpected.

  7. 1. handle vt.deal with or control Words and Expressions e.g.: I have a problem at work and I really don't know how to handle it. 我工作上遇到了一个问题,真不知如何来处理它。

  8. 2. advocatevt. advise or say that you support a particular plan or action The minister advocated a change of the tax laws.这位部长主张修改税收法。

  9. 3. affect  vt. influence or cause someone or something to change in a particular way Her personal problems seem to be affecting her work. 她个人方面的问题似乎正影响着她的工作。

  10. 4. capable  a.having the ability of or quality for doing something I'm sure he is capable of running a mile in four minutes. 我肯定他有能力在四分钟内跑一英里。

  11. 5. intend v. 1). plan, mean or make something for a particular person or purpose e.g.: This dictionary is intended for international learners of English. 这本词典是专为学习英语的外国学生编的。 2). plan or mean to do something e.g.: I intended to telephone but I completely forgot. 我原打算打电话的,可忘得个一干二净。

  12. 6. confront vt.1). face or meet an enemy, difficulty, etc. She knew she'd have to confront her parents when she got home. 她知道回家时必须面对自己的父母。 2). make someone face or consider someone or something unpleasant, difficult, etc. When the teacher confronted Tommy with the facts, he admitted it. 当这位教师把证据摆在汤米面前时,他坦白了。

  13. 7. dominate vt.have control over (a place or a person), or be the most important person or thing He refuses to let others speak and dominates every meeting. 他不想让别人说话,所以他控制着每次会议。

  14. 8. reveal  vt.make something known; show; allow to be seen All their secrets have been revealed. 他们所有的秘密都被泄露了。

  15. 9. automatic  a. (used about actions) done without thinking or like a machine She knew the lesson so well that her answers were automatic.她对这一课极为熟悉,能够不经思索随口回答问题。

  16. 10. believe in consider (something) to be of worth or to be true; have faith or trust in Many native speakers of English believe in Jesus. 许多母语为英语的人相信上帝。

  17. Detailed Study of the Text 1. It holds five bullets and stays loaded by my bed. (Para.1) Please notice that the verb "stay" is often followed by an adjective to express a situation or a condition that continues to remain. The big fire turned the whole of the city into ashes but the small house stayed standing. 大火把整个城市化为灰烬,可那幢小屋居然没有损坏。

  18. 2. I've always advocated gun control; the odd thing is I still do. (Para.2) Meaning: I've always said in public that I support the idea of gun control and the strange thing is that I am still a gun control supporter now. advocate:vt. suggest or say that you support a particular plan or action People running for president often advocate reducing taxes. 竞选总统的人往往主张减税。 They advocated strict control of pollution to protect the environment. 他们主张严格控制污染以保护环境。

  19. 3. It wasn't ignorance of crime statistics that previously kept me from owning a gun nor thinking I was immune to violence. (Para.2) Meaning: The reason I didn't own a gun was not that I didn't know the high crime rate nor was it that I thought I was not affected by violence.

  20. 4. It wasn't ignorance of crime statistics (Para.2) ignorance: n. lack of information or knowledge Someone who has little official education may show ignorance of history, but be very knowledgeable about practical matters. 有的没有受过正式教育的人可能对历史一无所知,但对于实际的事情却知道得很多。 crime: n. wrong moral behavior in general; something which is against the law Crime is a difficult problem in many cities. 犯罪在许多城市都是令人头痛的问题。

  21. 5. ...that previously kept me from owning a gun ... (Para.2) previously: ad. before the present time The ground was so dry that it was difficult to see where the river had been previously. 土太干燥了,很难看出原先河水流经的地方。 previous: a. coming or happening before or earlier He said that during the previous year the company suffered heavy losses. 他说在过去的一年中公司损失很大。

  22. 6. ...nor thinking I was immune to violence. (Para.2) immune to: not be affected by The president seems to be immune to complaints. 总统似乎对批评毫不在意。

  23. 7. I assumed because I didn't believe in violence, because I wasn't violent, I wouldn't be affected by violence. (Para.3) assume: vt. accept or believe that something is true even though you have no facts Why do you assume that no one understands your difficulties? 为什么你认为没有人理解你的困难呢? affect: vt. influence or cause someone or something to change in a particular way The points you have raised do not affect my opinion. 你提出的那几点并不能使我改变观点。

  24. 8. I believed my belief in the best of human nature could make it real. (Para.3) Meaning: I thought my feeling that the good quality of human nature really exists could realize my conviction: you wouldn't be affected by violence if you didn't believe in violence and you yourself were not violent.

  25. 9. I should transport the gun from my residence to my vehicle, but I don't. (Para.4) Meaning: I should carry my gun from my house to my car, but I didn't do that. transport: vt. move someone or something from one place to another Trains transport the coal to the port. 火车把煤运到港口。 residence: n. a person's home; the grand house of someone important Is this your office or your residence? 这是你的办公室呢,还是你的住处?

  26. 10. What the gun is capable of, what it is intended for, still frightens me more than what it may prevent. (Para.4) Meaning: I am more afraid of the power of the gun and the purpose of using the gun than what I fear it might prevent. intend: v. 1). plan, mean or make something for a particular person or purpose I intended to prove that this woman could not have committed this crime. 我意在证明这位妇女不可能犯这种罪。 2). plan or mean to do something She intends to take a trip to China next year. 她打算明年到中国旅行。

  27. 11. I have confronted an attacker in my imagination, not in reality. (Para.5) Meaning: I have imagined an encounter with an attacker. confront: vt. 1). face or meet an enemy, difficulty, etc. People who confront their difficulties bravely are people who face their difficulties bravely and try to succeed despite them. 所谓勇于面对困难的人是指勇于面对困难并努力取得成功的人。 2). make someone face or consider someone or something unpleasant, difficult, etc. The political official is confronted with much negative reaction from the people. 那位政客面对来自人民的反对很尴尬。

  28. 12. Something makes me uncomfortable about this imagined robbery, something I don't want to admit, something I almost intentionally omitted because I am ashamed. (Para.7) Meaning: There is something that bothers me about this imagined robbery but I don't want accept there exists such a thing and I almost consciously left it out because I am ashamed.

  29. 13. ...something I almost intentionally omitted because I am ashamed. (Para.7) intention: n. what someone intends or means to do; a plan or purpose If I hurt your feelings, it was without intention. 如果我伤害了你的感情,那不是有意的。 omit: vt. not include something The news article omitted some important details. 这篇新闻报道有意删除了一些重要的细节。 When you rewrite the paper I advise you to omit the last sentences.在你重写这篇文章时,我建议你删去最后的一些句子。

  30. 14. I understand why I imagined being robbed by a man: They're physically more dominating and I've never heard of anyone being robbed by a female. (Para.8) Meaning: I understand why I imagined I was robbed by a man because men are stronger and because I have never learned that there is anyone who is robbed by a female.

  31. 15. I understand why I imagined being robbed by a man: They're physically more dominating and I've never heard of anyone being robbed by a female. (Para.8) dominate: vt. have control over (a place or a person), or be the most important person or thing Some people have the ability to dominate a conversation and do not permit other people to talk. 有些人能控制谈话,不让其他人发言。 hear of: to learn about; gain information about Many people have heard of web learning but they have never tried it. 许多人听说过网上学习,可从未尝试过。

  32. 16. Why is he a Negro male with a worn T-shirt and shining eyes? Why is he not a white man? (Para. 9) male: n. a man or a boy; an animal that cannot have babies Mostly males suffer from that disease; women seldom get it. 大多男性有此病,而女性很少有此病。

  33. 17. I imagine standing in a gas station on Claiborne and Jackson waiting to pay the cashier when a black man walks up behind me. (Para. 10) "Imagine" is a word learned during middle school. But be careful with how to use the word; the word "imagine" is often followed by a noun or a noun phrase. The following are examples picked up from your reading passage. I understand why I imagined being robbed by a man. 我明白我为什么会想象自己遭到一个男子的抢劫。(Para. 8) I imagine another possibility. 我又想象另一种可能性。(Para. 11) I imagine another confrontation in front of my apartment. 我设想另外一种在我的公寓前遭遇歹徒的情景。(Para. 15)

  34. 18. I try not to reveal I feel anxiety just because a black man has walked up behind me in a gas station in a bad neighborhood and he does not have a car. (Para. 10) Meaning: I try not to show that I feel worried just because a black man has walked up behind me in a gas station in a bad neighborhood and because he does not have a car. "A bad neighborhood" here means a neighborhood with a bad name because of the frequent happening of crime or violence.

  35. 19. I try not to reveal I feel anxiety... (Para. 10) reveal: vt. make something known; show; allow to be seen The article reveals a lot of information about that political official. 这篇文章披露了许多有关那位政治家的情况。 Some women do not want to reveal their true ages. 有些妇女不愿透露她们的真实年龄。

  36. 20. The man mustn't have seen my gun. (Para. 11) Meaning: The man can't have seen my gun. When we give a negative conclusion about a past event, we usually use "can't (cannot) have V-ed". The use of mustn't have V-ed to express a conclusion is American English.

  37. 21. My friend automatically locked the doors. (Para. 13) Meaning: My friend locked the doors without thinking about it.. automatically: ad. without thinking about what you are doing I automatically jump back when I see a snake. 看到蛇,我本能地往后跳。 automatic: a. done without thinking or like a machine The automatic door opens when we approach it. 我们一靠近,自动门就开了。 Many banks have automatic money machines so that we can take out some money by ourselves. 许多银行有自动取款机,这样我们可以自己取款。

  38. 22. I am disgusted she saw the man as a reminder to lock her doors. (Para. 13) Meaning: I have a strong sense of not liking and not agreeing when her friend saw the man as something to remind her to lock her doors. The citizens are disgusted with the factory because of the pollution that the factory has caused. 由于这家工厂制造成污染,居民们对它极为讨厌。

  39. 23. I wonder if he noticed us doing so. I wonder how it feels when people lock their doors at the sight of you. (Para. 13) Meaning: I don't know whether he realized that we locked the doors because we saw him. I don't know how you feel when people lock their doors as soon as they see you. at the sight of: on seeing She cried at the sight of a dog. 她一见到狗就叫了起来。 People jumped with joy at the sight of the ship coming to the port. 看到船驶入港口,人们高兴得跳了起来。

  40. 24. I fear what may happen if I don't use it, but am more afraid of killing another human being, more afraid of trying to live with the guilt of murdering another person. (Para. 15) Meaning: I am afraid of what may happen if I don't use the gun, but I am more afraid of killing another human being, more afraid of trying to accept the strong and unhappy feelings caused by the knowledge of killing another person.

  41. 25. I bet my life that he will take my money and leave. I hope I win. (Para. 15) Meaning: I risk my life on the chance that he will take my money and leave. I hope I'm right. bet: v. 1). risk money on the result of a race, game, match, or the future event Did you bet on the winner of the World Cup football game? 你在世界杯足球赛的获胜球队上下赌注了没有。 2). be very certain If you say "I bet", you mean that you are sure something is true. You will succeed, I bet. 我肯定你会成功。

  42. 26. Seeing me, he relaxes and says I scared him because of the way things have become in this neighborhood. (Para. 16) Meaning: When he sees me, he feels calm and less worried and says to me I frightened him because it is no longer safe in this neighborhood.

  43. Thank you!

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