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ORG Finance Training 2013-2014

ORG Finance Training 2013-2014. What is ORG?. In short: ORG is the Student Life office that governs all student organizations, and we’re here to help you!

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ORG Finance Training 2013-2014

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Presentation Transcript

  1. ORG Finance Training 2013-2014

  2. What is ORG? • In short: ORG is the Student Life office that governs all student organizations, and we’re here to help you! • Mission Statement: “The Organization Resource Group is a viewpoint-neutral group of students dedicated to educating student leaders about University policies and resources, consulting with organizations on how to meet their goals, and providing financial assistance through the Student Activity Fee for student organizations”

  3. Who is ORG? Derek Murray Chairman Emily Eckfeld Vice-Chair of Finance Molly Litzler Vice-Chair of Administration Elena Christiansen Comm. Coordinator Austin Gassen Comm. Coordinator Megan Govea Office Coordinator

  4. ORG Website: getinvolved.missouri.edu

  5. OrgSync:orgsync.missouri.edu

  6. $9.50 Services for Student Groups Administrative Expenses Direct Allocations Student Organization Activity Fee

  7. Eligibility for ORG Funds • To be eligible to submit a budget request, your group must: • Not be a Club Sports, Greek Life, or 501(c)(7) single-gender organization • Update your OrgSync profile each fall, and every time officers change • Send President or VP to Administrative Training at least once per academic year • Send Treasurer to Finance Training at least once per academic year

  8. Types of Budget Requests • Travel • General Expense • Honorarium • Each type has different requirements and different deadlines

  9. Budget Request Deadlines General Expense • October 11, 2013 Expenses occurring 1/1/14 to 6/30/14 • February 7, 2014 Expenses occurring 2/15/14 to 6/30/14 • March 7, 2014 Expenses occurring 7/1/14 to 12/31/14 Travel • September 20, 2013 Travel beginning 10/15/13 to 12/31/13 • November 8, 2013 Travel beginning 1/1/14 to 6/30/14 • February 7, 2014 Travel beginning 2/15/14 to 6/30/14 • April 4, 2014 Travel beginning 7/1/14 to 10/31/14 Honorarium requests may be submitted at any of these deadlines

  10. General Budget Request Policies • Requests will not be accepted after 5:00pm on the Friday deadline • Requests must be submitted on OrgSync—no emailed or paper budgets • You may not carry funds over to the next allocation period or fiscal year—use it or lose it! • You may only spend funds on categories allocated in your request

  11. Documentation • When you submit any budget request, you must document prices • E.g. cost of airfare for travel, cost of supplies for general expense, speaker cost for honorarium • Documentation must be uploaded with budget request—screenshots are best • Please make prices easy to find and easy to read

  12. SOAC • ORG does not make funding decisions • Student Organization Allocation Committee • 12 student members • 1 MSA representative • 1 GPC representative • Remaining members chosen by application process

  13. Budget Request Timeline

  14. Appeals • Budget requests may be denied for a variety of reasons: • Missing documentation • Misunderstanding • Group on hold • Appeal format: OrgSync appeal form • Secondary Appeals: only if you still disagree with decision • No new information may be submitted

  15. Honorarium Budget Requests

  16. Honorarium Requests • Speakers or Performers, professional services, or Venture Out • Great opportunity to bring in a presenter who has an outside perspective and knowledge about your group’s interests • Venture Out: Great opportunity to team-build with your group

  17. Honorarium Policies • Free to everyone • Held on campus (MU building) • Cap of $2500 per event and $5000 per year • Events over $2500: co-sponsorship by student government or University department • If over $1000, must include quote from comparable speaker • Must fit the group’s purpose • Independent documentation Note: Do not make an offer or agreement with any speakers!

  18. 1 Honorarium Request Form 3 2 4 5 6 7 8 Enter a Budget Name. This should be the name of the speaker you are requesting. Select the category for which you are requesting funds, in this case Honorarium. Enter your group’s official name. Select the line items you are requesting. If your speaker has an all inclusive fee (i.e. they ask for a set dollar amount and cover their own travel expenses), you can just enter that fee in the all-inclusive line item. Otherwise, enter each expense (speaking fee, travel, lodging, etc.) separately. Advertising should be roughly 10% of your total request Provide a brief description of the request. Enter the total amount you are requesting for that line item category. You may add additional line items as needed, until your request is complete. If anything is unclear or if you need to provide additional information, you may add a summary text box.

  19. Venture Out • Student Life office that specializes in group teambuilding and experiential learning excercises • To apply for funding: member names, student numbers, and reason for attending • ventureout.missouri.edu

  20. Craft Studio Teambuilding • Dynamic Marketing • Visioning and Goal Setting • To apply for funding: member names, student numbers, and reason for attending

  21. Honorarium Questions? Note: Due to high levels of requests, honorariums are considered on a first come, first served basis. We encourage you to apply at the earliest possible deadline or funding may run out.

  22. Travel Budget Requests

  23. Travel Requests • You may apply for travel funding if you are attending a conference or event that relates to your group’s purpose • Travel funding: • Transportation • Lodging • Registration

  24. Travel Policies • Rule of 4 • Generally only four members will be funded • Exceptions • You must provide documentation for the purpose and costs of your trip • ORG only funds one form of travel • E.g. If you fly from St. Louis, you can’t apply for mileage to the airport • Travel costs should be calculated as if you were leaving from Columbia

  25. Travel Policies • We only fund flights if the destination is >600 miles away • Must prove distance (online map) • Otherwise, mileage • $0.2625/mile • We cannot fund expenses for anyone other than MU students • No advisors, non-Mizzou students • Cap: $2000 per fiscal year

  26. 1 Travel Request Form 3 2 4 5 6 7 8 Enter a Budget Name. This should be the name of the trip you are requesting. You will submit a new budget request for each trip that you request! Select the category for which you are requesting funds, in this case Travel. Enter the destination city of your trip. Select the line items you are requesting. Remember, we only fund one form of transportation (i.e. you can’t get mileage and airfare for the same trip). Provide a brief description of the request (e.g. “4 registrations, $50 each”). Enter the total amount you are requesting for that line item category. This should be the total for everyone you are requesting, not a per-person cost. You may add additional line items as needed, until your request is complete. If anything is unclear or if you need to provide additional information, you may add a summary text box.

  27. Truth in Travel Policy • Reimbursement will be based on the number of people who actually attend an event • If you list four people on your budget request but only three actually go, you will receive ¾ (75%) of the total allocation • Exceptions: Notify us before you depart and we may be able to work with you

  28. Travel Itineraries • You must submit a travel itinerary on OrgSync before you depart on a trip! • Required by UM general counsel • Failure to submit one will result in a 25% reduction to your travel allocation

  29. Travel Itineraries

  30. Travel Itineraries

  31. Travel Itineraries

  32. Travel Itineraries

  33. Reduction Rates • ORG budgets a specific funding level for each deadline • If SOAC allocates more than that amount, a reduction rate will be applied to every allocation • Example: • ORG has $60,000 available • SOAC allocates $80,000 • $60,000/$80,000 = 25% reduction rate • These reductions are the most fair way to allocate limited funding

  34. Travel Reimbursements • All reimbursement forms must be submitted at the same time, by the treasurer • Reimbursements must be submitted within 45 days of your return • Each business day late = 10% reduction • Accounting Services can only reimburse the person who actually paid an expense

  35. Travel Reimbursements • You must attach original receipts/documents • Proof of expense: receipts • Proof of payment: cancelled check, online bank statement • For mileage reimbursements, simply attach an online map showing the distance; no gas receipts

  36. Proof of Attendance • We require some proof of attendance to confirm that you went where you were supposed to go and the correct number of people were with you • Picture with the place in the background, etc.

  37. Please Spend Allocated Funds!

  38. Travel Questions?

  39. General Expense Budget Requests

  40. General Expense • You may request funds for: • Copies • Advertising: MU Info or Maneater • On-Campus Rental • Reusable supplies critical to your group’s purpose

  41. General Expense Policies • ORG will not fund: • Dues • Personal items (apparel, etc.) • Computer equipment/software • Social events • Food • Fundraising

  42. 1 General Expense Request Form 3 2 4 5 6 7 8 Enter a Budget Name. This should be the semester that you will spend the funds, e.g. for a general expense budget submitted in March 2014, your budget name should be “Fall 2014 General Expens Select the category for which you are requesting funds, in this case General Expense. Enter your group’s official name. Select the line items you are requesting. If you are requesting supplies, enter each supply on a separate line item; otherwise, you would enter one line item for the total request (e.g. if you wish to apply for 3 MU Infos, you would select MU Info once and enter the total cost, $150, in the amount requested box). Provide a brief description of the request. For supplies, this should be the supply name. Enter the total amount you are requesting for that line item category. Again, enter each requested supply on a different line, but all other categories should be listed together. You may add additional line items as needed, until your request is complete. If anything is unclear or if you need to provide additional information, you may add a summary text box.

  43. General Expense Policies • MU Info: cannot relate to fundraising, must have on-campus location • Maneater: provide justification for why you need a visual advertisement • Copies: tell us what you will use them for • Supplies: why are they critical to your group? • On-Campus storage • Books: not available in library

  44. Equipment Inventory Policy • If your group receives supplies, you must document their condition every year • Equipment inventory forms must be submitted on OrgSync for all ORG-purchased items • If you do not submit an inventory, any new requests will be denied • If too many items are lost, broken, etc., SOAC may elect not to fund new supplies for your group

  45. How to Spend Allocated Funds • Copies: stop by the ORG office to pick up a copy form. Take it to Digiprint for copying and bring us receipt • MU Info: fill out MU Info Request Form on OrgSync the Thursday prior to publication • Maneater: stop by the ORG office to pick up a Maneater form and take it to the Design Center who will help you with your ad design • Rental: have the Unions bill us directly

  46. How to Spend Allocated Funds • Supplies: • Fill out an Approved Supply Order Form on OrgSync • Include exact URLs for each item • We order the items for you and have them shipped to your address • Do not purchase the items yourself

  47. General Expense Questions?

  48. OrgSync Treasurer Tools • Store • Dues • Checkbook • Invoices

  49. Other ORG Services • Equipment Rental: • Digital Cameras • Video Cameras • Table • Tent • Radios • Office Supplies • Banners • T-shirt Screen Printing

  50. Banners • ORG offers 100 free banners for student groups each year • Must be reusable for many years • 67 will be available for fall semester • Group must be in good standing • No training holds, OrgSync updated • Limit one banner/group/year

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