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Unit. 57. 너무 아쉬웠던 순간들. You could have told me that. 너 그거 나한테 얘기해 줄 수도 있었어 . Part 2. Sing Sing Sing. You could have told me that. You could have given me that You could have shown me that. You could have taught me that. You could have lent me that. 소리내며 , 손짓하라. Part 3.
Unit 57 너무 아쉬웠던 순간들 You could have told me that. 너 그거 나한테 얘기해 줄 수도 있었어.
Part 2 Sing SingSing You could have told me that. You could have given me that You could have shown me that. You could have taught me that. You could have lent me that. 소리내며, 손짓하라
Part 3 인선생님과 춤을~ P S 인선생님의 구조설명 인선생님의 발음설명 You could have p.p (과거분사) : 너 ~할 수도 있었어. You could habe[유우 크러v] ★ 발음 요령
Part 4 하나 더 건져먹기 ★ You could have+과거분사…→ You would haㅍe 과거분사… 조동사를 could에서 would로 바꿔볼까요? <youcould have+과거분사…>를 쓰면 ‘너…할 수도 있었어.’가 되지만 <You would have+과거분사…>를 쓰면 ‘너는 …했을 거야.’ 가 되서 과거에 이루어지지 않은 사실에 대해 가정을 하는 것은 같지만 뉘앙스의 차이가 생깁니다. 소리내며, 손짓하라 You would have told me that. You would have given me that. You would have shown me that. You would have taught me that. You would have lent me that.
Part 4 하나 더 건져먹기 소리내며, 손짓하라 You couldn’t have 누워서 떡 먹기 told given shown me that. taught lent
Part 6 최후의 만찬 소리내며, 손짓하라. 너 그거 나한테 얘기해 줄 수도 있었어. 너 그거 나한테 줄 수도 있었어. 너 그거 나한테 보여 줄 수도 있었어. 너 그거 나한테 가르쳐 줄 수도 있었어. 너 그거 나한테 빌려 줄 수도 있었어. 최종 점검의 시간 눈을 감고, 1초 안에 대답해 주세요.
He couldn’t have failed. He couldn’t have died. He couldn’t have sold it. He couldn’t have said that. He couldn’t have revealed that. • Part 7 2% 부족할 때 이번 과에서 배운 패턴이 어떻게 대화에서 쓰이는지 살펴보세요. A : Her mother has been in the hospital since last year. B : She could have told me that herself. Why didn’t she want me to know? A : You could have shown me that a long time ago. B : I tried to show you, but you have been busy since you were promoted. A : You could have lent me some money. I really needed it. B : I am telling you, I was really broke at that time. I didn’t have enough money to buy food.
Unit 58 울면서 후회하네 I should have left earlier. 나 더 일찍 떠났어야 했어.
Part 2 Sing SingSing I should have left earlier. I should have fixed it earlier. I should have bought it earlier. I should have booked it earlier. I should have called her earlier. 소리내며, 손짓하라
P • Part 3 인선생님과 춤을~ S 인선생님의 발음설명 인선생님의 구조설명 You should have p.p(과거분사) : 너 ~했었어야 했어, 너 ~했었어야 했는데. ★ 발음 요령 would have [슈더v]나 [수러v]
Part 4 하나 더 건져먹기 ★ I should have+과거분사…earlier. → I shouldn’t have+과거분사 … earlier. <should have+과거분사>를 부정형으로 바꾸면 <should not have+과거분사>또는 축약해서 <Shouldn’t have+과거분사>가 되죠. 의미는 ‘~하지 말았어야 했다’라는 후회나 아쉬움을 나타내게 되구요. 그럼 주어를 I로 해서 축약형<shouldn’t have+과거분사>를 연습해볼까요? 소리내며, 손짓하라 I shouldn’t have left earlier. I shouldn’t have fixed it earlier. I shouldn’t have bought it earlier. I shouldn’t have booked it earlier. I shouldn’t have called her earlier.
Part 4 하나 더 건져먹기 소리내며, 손짓하라 earlier. 누워서 떡 먹기 left fixed it bought it booked it called her I might have
Part 6 최후의 만찬 소리내며, 손짓하라. 너 더 일찍 떠났어야 했어. 나 더 일찍 그거 고쳤어야 했어. 나 더 일찍 그거 샀어야 했어. 나 더 일찍 그거 예약했어야 했어. 나 더 일찍 그녀에게 전화했어야 했어. 최종 점검의 시간 눈을 감고, 1초 안에 대답해 주세요.
He should have continued his studies. He shouldn’t have left the country. He shouldn’t have invested all his money. She might have lost her confidence. She might not have given up yet. • Part 7 2% 부족할 때 이번 과에서 배운 패턴이 어떻게 대화에서 쓰이는지 살펴보세요. A : I should have left earlier. I could have been here on time. Maybe I shouldn’t have come to this interview. B : There’s no point regretting it now. And it’s better late that never. A : I should have fixed it earlier. It’s my fault that she has her ankle sprained. B : Well, she should have been more careful. There was a sign for the broken stairs. A :I should have called her earlier. I should have told her that I would be home late. B : I think she would have been upset anyway. Wives don’t like their husbands to come home late.
Unit 59 내가 한 게 아니라 당했다니까요. It was written by Tom. 그거 톰이쓴거야.
Part 2 Sing SingSing It was written by tom It was sung by him It was caused by her. It was sent by us. It was mentioned by them. 소리내며, 손짓하라
Part 3 인선생님과 춤을~ P S 인 선생님의 구조설명 인 선생님의 발음설명 It was ~(p.p) by~ : 그것이 ~에 의해 ~되었다. ★ 발음 요령 · written [r이튼] · caused [커어z으ㄷ] [(규칙동사와 불규칙 동사를 모두 포함해서) 자주 나오는 동사 – 과거 - 과거분사] look – looked – looked call – called – called prepare – prepared- prepared drive – drove - driven do - did- done go - went - gone see - saw - seen take - took - taken say - said - said hit - hit - hit hear - heard - heard put - pit - put get - got - gotten keep - kept - kept play - played - played watch - watched - watched
Part 4 하나 더 건져먹기 ★ It was 과거분사 by~ → Did it have to be 과거분사 by~? 수동태 구문 <be+과거분사>을 <~해야 한다>의 have to구문과 혼합해서 과거시제 의문문을 만들어볼까요? 먼저 ‘그거 …했어야 했어?’는 <Did it have to …?>로 표현되죠. 그런데 to뒤에 수동태 구문을 붙여서 <Did it have to be … by ~?>라고하면 ‘그거 ~에 의해서 …되야 했어?’의 의미가 됩니다. 좀 더 의역하면 ‘그거 ~가 …했어야 했어?’가 되겠구요. 소리내며, 손짓하라 Did it have to be written by tom. Did it have to be sung by him. Did it have to be caused by her. Did it have to be sent by us. Did it have to be mentioned by them.
Part 4 하나 더 건져먹기 소리내며, 손짓하라 누워서 떡 먹기 written by Tom. sung by him. caused by her. sent by us. mentioned by them. It wasn’t
Part 6 최후의 만찬 소리내며, 손짓하라. 그거 톰이 쓴 거야. 그거 그가 노래 부른 거야. 그거 그녀가 야기시킨 거야. 그거 우리가 보낸 거야. 그거 우리들이 언급 한 거야. 최종 점검의 시간 눈을 감고, 1초 안에 대답해 주세요.
He was fired yesterday. She was promoted last week. They wear transferred last month. The food was delivered quickly. That name was mentioned several times. • Part 7 2% 부족할 때 이번 과에서 배운 패턴이 어떻게 대화에서 쓰이는지 살펴보세요. A : I heard a beautiful song on the radio this morning. It was sung by G.O.O.D and called “Thank you, my love” B : I think I saw the music video. It was a very beautiful one, too. A : They said they didn’t get the package yet. Are you sure you sent it to them? B : Positive. It was sent by us on the first of September. I think I have receipt somewhere. Whoops! I sent it to someone else. Sorry. I’ll send it again right away. A : It has been this way for a long time. Why is this an issue now? B : Because it was mentioned by some board members yesterday.
Unit 60 검찰 조사 결과, 아닌 걸로 밝혀졌습니다. It was proven to be wrong. 그거 잘못된 걸로 밝혀졌어.
Part 2 Sing SingSing It was proven to be wrong. It was considered to be right. It was known to be good. It was expected to be great. It was scheduled to be on Monday. 소리내며, 손짓하라
Part 3 인선생님과 춤을~ S P 인 선생님의 구조설명 인 선생님의 발음설명 It was ~ (p.p) to be ~: 그거 ~한 걸로 ~(p.p) 되었어. ★ 발음 요령 · proven [프r우븐] · considered [컨씨이럴ㄷ] · scheduledto be [스께쥴터비]
Part 4 하나 더 건져먹기 ★ It was 과거분사 to be … → 주어 was/were 과거분사 to be … <it was 과거분사+to be 형용사/전치사구>의 구문에서 주어를 인칭대명사로 바꾸고 형용사나 전치사구의 종류도 바꿔볼까요? 형용사나 전치사구의 자리에 here같은 부사를 붙여 볼 수도 있겠구요. 주어가 I, He, She일 경우에는 be동사가 그대로 was 이지만 You나 They일 경우에는 were가 되는 것도 주의해야겠죠? 소리내며, 손짓하라 I was proven to be correct. You were considered to be eligible. He was known to be nice. She was expected to be on time. They were scheduled to be here today.
Part 4 하나 더 건져먹기 소리내며, 손짓하라 have been (has) 누워서 떡 먹기 proven to be correct. considered to be eligible. known to be nice. expected to be on time. scheduled to be here today. I You He She They
Part 6 최후의 만찬 소리내며, 손짓하라. 그거 잘못된 걸로 밝혀졌어. 그거 맞는 걸로 간주됐어. 그거 좋은 걸로 알려졌어. 그거 대단한 걸로 기대됐어. 그거 월요일에 있을 걸로 예정됐어. 최종 점검의 시간 눈을 감고, 1초 안에 대답해 주세요.
It is said to be repeated. It is thought to be the best film of the year. He is considered to be the worst actor even. It is said that the rumor is true. It is said that he will be the winner. • Part 7 2% 부족할 때 이번 과에서 배운 패턴이 어떻게 대화에서 쓰이는지 살펴보세요. A : Chop up some cabbage, and eat it raw. It’s known to be good for your stomach. B : You know what? It really worked. I felt much better after I had some. A : Wasn’t it supposed to be held on Monday? B : Yes, it was scheduled to be on Monday. But I changed it to Tuesday because some of them could only make on Tuesday. A : My grandmother put soy sauce on her children’s wounds. It was known to be good for soothing a bum. B : What? Soy sauce won’t help at all. I don’t believe it.