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5 Common Gynecology Issues In Adolescents

Adolescence is a time when adolescent females undergo significant physical and psychological changes. The most prevalent cause for teenaged females to visit a doctor is for gynecological issues. To receive early identification and treatment of gynecological issues, speak with the top Gynecologist in Sonipat. Avoid ignoring, as this might result in the highest possible sexual function or likelihood of fertility. Read More: http://memorialhospitalsonipat.com/5-common-gynecology-issues-in-adolescents/

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5 Common Gynecology Issues In Adolescents

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  1. 5 Common Gynecology Issues In Adolescents A medical specialty that focuses on the gynecological issues that younger females (sometimes known as adolescent girls or teens) face is known as adolescent gynecology. Younger females or adolescents need much more care and attention as compared to women as their gynecological problems are different. Adolescence is a time when adolescent females undergo significant physical and psychological changes. The most prevalent cause for teenaged females to visit a doctor is for gynecological issues. To receive early identification and treatment of gynecological issues, speak with the top Gynecologist in Sonipat. Avoid ignoring, as this might result in the highest possible sexual function or likelihood of fertility. The common gynecology issues are: +91-130-224-2044 Memorial Hospital

  2. 1. Amenorrhea Amenorrhea is a disorder characterized by a lack of menstrual blood. It is of two forms: Primary and secondary amenorrhea. •Primary amenorrhea has 2 conditions: a). A 14-year-old girl initially notices a lack of monthly blood and secondary sexual features (such as the growth of breasts and pubic hair) b). A 16-year-old girl in the second condition does not have monthly periods, but her secondary sexual features are normal. •Secondary amenorrhea occurs when a woman has regular menstrual flow but ceases for three or more months owing to the lack of pregnancy and breastfeeding, menopause, or cycle suppression with birth control tablets (hormonal contraceptives). Book an appointment with the Gynecologist of the famous hospital in Sonipat if experiencing such issues. 2. Dysmenorrhea It is a medical word for uterine contractions that induce menstruation cramps, which is further classified into two types: •Primary dysmenorrhea: It is a common menstruation cramp in which pain occurs in the lower abdomen, back, or thighs, one or two days before the menstrual cycle begins. •Secondary dysmenorrhea: Other reproductive organs, such as adenomyosis, endometriosis, uterine fibroids, or infection, can cause pain. This kind of dysmenorrhea has pain that begins early in the menstrual cycle and can linger for a long time. 3. Abnormal Vaginal Bleeding It's also known as spotting, metrorrhagia, and intermenstrual bleeding. Bleeding between periods can be caused by a variety of factors, including: •Unbalanced hormones •Complications During Pregnancy •Fibroids in the uterus •Infection is a kind of infection. •Significant weight gain or loss •Stress •Cancer illnesses/diseases in women's +91-130-224-2044 Memorial Hospital

  3. 4. Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) STDs are infections that get a transfer through unprotected sexual contact. These illnesses are very contagious. Unprotected sexual contact raises the risk of contracting STDs like HIV and pregnancy. HPV, the virus that causes cervical cancer and genital warts, infects one out of every five girls aged 14 to 19. Some STD symptoms come gradually, while others may not develop at all. In females, it can be difficult to tell the difference between STD symptoms and other disorders. STD symptoms are more severe and frequent in female patients. Sexually transmitted illnesses that may develop inflammatory illnesses can damage the fallopian tubes and uterus. It can lead to infertility and an increased risk of cervical cancer. Consult a good female doctor of the famous hospital in Sonipat, who can thoroughly examine and suggest treatment afterward. 5. Pediatric vulvitis and vaginitis: In young teenage girls, vulvovaginitis is a prevalent ailment. Chronic discharge, odor, and redness are common symptoms in adolescents. While infection, pinworms, and foreign substances are all possibilities, the most prevalent cause is nonspecific vulvovaginitis. Remove irritants (shampoo, colors in washing detergents, bubble bath, fragrant soaps) by taking warm showers followed by meticulous drying (a blow dryer can be used). Apply petroleum jelly or other ointments to create a barrier layer when the skin gets severely inflamed. Conclusion Adolescents demand a compassionate, kind, and educated approach, as well as the assurance of a private doctor-patient connection without offending their parents. Make an appointment with the best Gynecologist in Sonipat to get your reproductive organs checked. Your Gynecologist will identify your issues by talking to you about your symptoms and doing tests. This content was published at: http://memorialhospitalsonipat.com/5- common-gynecology-issues-in-adolescents/ +91-130-224-2044 Memorial Hospital

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