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Ch 29 Review

Ch 29 Review. Civil Rights Movement. True or False. De facto segregation laws existed throughout the South. False. True or False. President Eisenhower believed that people had to allow segregation and racism to end gradually, as people's values changed. True. True or False.

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Ch 29 Review

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Ch 29 Review Civil Rights Movement

  2. True or False • De facto segregation laws existed throughout the South.

  3. False

  4. True or False • President Eisenhower believed that people had to allow segregation and racism to end gradually, as people's values changed.

  5. True

  6. True or False • John Kennedy became the first president since Reconstruction to send federal troops into the South to protect the constitutional rights of African Americans.

  7. False

  8. True or False • While campaigning for president, John Kennedy did not promise to actively support civil rights.

  9. False

  10. True or False • President Kennedy made a deal that allowed the Freedom Riders to be arrested in Mississippi if the authorities prevented violence against them.

  11. True

  12. Cases • state law schools had to admit qualified African American applicants even if parallel black law schools existed

  13. Sweatt v. Painter

  14. Cases • segregation in public schools was unconstitutional

  15. Brown v. Board of Education

  16. Cases • exclusion of African Americans from juries violated their right to equal protection under the law

  17. Norris v. AL

  18. Cases • segregation on interstate buses was unconstitutional

  19. Morgan v. Virginia

  20. Places • “march for freedom” in which state troopers and deputized citizens brutally attacked marchers in full view of television

  21. Selma, AL

  22. Places • violence against demonstrators, viewed by millions on television, that prompted Kennedy to prepare a new civil rights bill

  23. Birmingham, AL

  24. Places • sit-in at Woolworth’s that sparked a new mass movement for civil rights

  25. Greensboro, NC

  26. Places • successful bus boycott

  27. Montgomery, AL

  28. Places • assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

  29. Memphis, TN

  30. People • leader of SNCC who believed in black power

  31. Stokely Carmichael

  32. People • student who was barred from the neighborhood school

  33. Linda Brown

  34. People • one of the organizers of the Black Panthers, who wrote Soul on Ice, articulating many of the organization’s objectives

  35. Eldridge Cleaver

  36. People • symbol of the black power movement

  37. Malcolm X

  38. People • minister whose vision and nonviolent methods helped the civil rights movement transform American society

  39. MLK

  40. People • helped organize the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party

  41. Fannie Lou Hamer

  42. People • one of the founders of the Congress of Racial Equality

  43. James Farmer

  44. People • first African American student to attend the University of Mississippi

  45. James Meredith

  46. People • NAACP’s chief counsel

  47. Thurgood Marshall

  48. People • One of the early leaders of the SNCC, who later served as the mayor of Washington, D.C.

  49. Marion Berry

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