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Every year, every Scout and Registered Adult Leader needs a complete Health and Medical Form on file with the Troop. This would include: A. Part B which is the physical examination by their Doctor. B. A copy of the front and back of their current insurance card.
Every year, every Scout and Registered Adult Leader needs a complete Health and Medical Form on file with the Troop. This would include: • A. Part B which is the physical examination by their Doctor. • B. A copy of the front and back of their current insurance card. • C. A small piece of an unwashed garment they have worn…for the search dogs • D. A & B only
Answer is “D” - Part B which is the physical examination by the scout’s Doctor lets the Troop know what, if any, restrictions need to be monitored. A copy of the front and back of the family’s current insurance card would be required at the Emergency Room.
Medical Forms Mrs. Dunton would like these forms as soon as possible. Official date for Summer Camp attendees is May 1.
The Troop Committee is currently seeking parents to fill some important roles: • Membership Committee (we just keep growing) • Fund-Raising Committee (we need more than just popcorn money) See Dave Michaeli or Rick Diles for more info
Scout monthly dues are $2. We expect Scouts to pay them each month and not as a lump sum and not in advance because: • A. It annoys parents to have to dig out small bills once a month • B. It teaches Scouts to "pay-as-you-go" and to remember regular obligations • C. It makes it easier for the Troop to launder the smaller bills to avoid taxes
Answer is “B” – It would be EASIER to let families just send a $24 check. Instead we want scouts to take the time to remember their obligations and be responsible to their patrol for keeping up.
For most weekend campouts, the fee is due the Monday before the Monday before the event. The fee usually includes: • A. $10 for grub (adults are $15) • B. Any campsite fee we must pay • C. Surcharge for Scoutmaster's Retirement Fund • D. A & B Only
Answer is “D” – Please, please, please make your decision about a weekend event at least two weeks out and get those fees paid. We give each “Grubmaster” his money on the Monday night before we leave so he has a good count AND his family doesn’t have to “front” the grub.
There are two uniforms in Troop 250. Activity uniform includes Scouting T-shirt, Green pants/shorts, and Scout socks. Field uniform does NOT include: • A. Tan Scout uniform shirt with correct badges • B. Scout socks • C. Tan, camo, or blue pants/shorts • D. Scout belt
Answer is “C” – “Uni” is Latin for “one”. From the handbook “The uniform gives the Scout identity in a world brotherhood of youth who believe in the same ideals.” Troop policy is solid green pants/shorts. Official scout pants are preferred. At no time are jeans or other casual wear appropriate with the scout shirt.
Talented? On Saturday, June 12th, we are going to do a Scout Talent Show as a new fund-raiser. • Auditions are Thursday, April 15th, 6-9pm, at Grace. • Parents can join the organizing team • More info soon from Mr. Beaput
Besides the "FUN-nouncements" at Troop meetings and outings, we also communicate using: • PLC news to Patrol Leaders to Scouts • Email (troop250-request@bsa250.org) • Quarterly Newsletters • Website (http://troop250.bsa250.org) • Facebook (friend-request "Troop TwoFifty") • Twitter (follow "bsatroop250")
The primary responsibility for a scout's Advancement progress belongs to: • A. The first uniformed adult you see on Monday at Grace • B. Mom and/or Dad • C. The Scout • D. Weird Aunt Betty
Answer is “C” – Parents and adult leaders must help the scout succeed, but the true lesson of scouting is in what he learns and does for himself. We believe “success” is not “the complete absence of failure”.
If a Scout believes he is ready for a Scoutmaster Conference for his next rank, who calls the Scoutmaster? • A. The last adult leader that may have signed off on a requirement • B. Mom and/or Dad • C. The Scout • D. Weird Aunt Betty
Answer is “C” – The Scout calls the Scoutmaster. Scoutmaster Conferences must be done outside of Troop meetings. With 87 Scouts, please be flexible with our Scoutmaster.
After a Scout passes his Scoutmaster Conference, who calls the Board-of-Review Coordinator? • A. The Scoutmaster...it's his job • B. Mom and/or Dad • C. The Scout • D. Weird Aunt Betty
Answer is “C” – The Scout calls the Board-of-Review Coordinator. The Troop Committee has been great to provide many regular opportunities for Boards-of-Review each year. Eagle candidates are scheduled as needed.
Family Friends of Scouting • Tonight we’ll hold a campaign for contributions to FFOS • FFOS supports the council's operations to pay for: • Insurance • Camp Operations • Postage • Utilities • Outreach Programs • Office Supplies • Professional Staffers • Title: Family Friends of Scouting • How much should I give? • Anything you can contribute is appreciated • For each scout, the council spends $159 each year. Consider sponsoring a scout, ... or two. • We will recognize gifts of $150 or more with a commemorative Council Patch • If you can give $500 or more, your will receive special recognition from the Council • Thank you for your continued support of Scouting in the Palmetto Council More than 40% of the Council's Operating Funds come from people like us!!
Family Friends of Scouting • How much should I give? • Anything you can contribute is appreciated • For each scout, the council spends $150 each year. • Consider sponsoring a scout, ... or two. • We will recognize gifts of $150 or more with a commemorative Council Patch • If you can give $500 or more, you will receive special recognition from the Council Thank you for your continued support of Scouting in the Palmetto Council