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  1. Proposal Title: Mobile Learning Environment (MoLE)Project Sponsor: CNE/CNA (N7) US Participants: DD J7 JCW, ONRG, EOARD, TATRC, OASD (IHA), DMRTI, NMRCD-Peru, NAMRU-2, NAMRU-3, ADL Initiative, DISAM, NETSAFA, ONR, AETC, AFMC 711 HPW/RHAS, Navy Reservist Program 38, SPAWAR Pacific, TSWG, IDA Foreign Partners:Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, Egypt, France, Georgia, Germany, Italy, Jordan, Mexico, Netherlands, Nigeria, Norway, Peru, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Singapore, South Africa, Switzerland, Ukraine, United Kingdom UNCLASSIFIED • Abstract of Project- The MoLE CWP aims to leverage a global cellular network infrastructure, mobile phones and emerging mobile application/service models to build a mobile learning capability that integrates into the USJFCOM CIV-MIL portal to facilitate the sharing of educational content between US and multi-national partners in support of medical stability operations (MSO). • Objective • To develop and evaluate a proof-of-concept m-learning capability that enables military personnel and Coalition partners to access and perform MSO training, from any location, at any time, independent of bandwidth, infrastructure and geographical constraints. • Deliverables: • A series of technical trials of the leading smart phone and non-smart phone devices. • The delivery of an integrated m-learning capability into the USJFCOM CIV-MIL portal. • Tools for the development/conversion of training content into mobile formats. • Implementation and evaluation of mobile courseware by DOD and international partners. • Identification of technical dilemmas and barriers to cross-cultural adoption of m-learning. • Technical report that provides a business and technical roadmap for long-term adoption. • Technology Maturity: • TRL level (start of project): Individual components (mobile devices, back-end systems) is a TRL 9; however, an integrated m-Learning environment is probably a TRL 6 • TRL level (projected at completion of CW project): TRL 8.5 • Capabilities Shortfalls Addressed: • Joint Medical Training required for all Service organizations to effectively conduct joint operations (JCS J-4 ICD; 8 October 2009) POC: Herbert Boutwell; U.S. Naval Forces Europe / Africa (USNAVEUR / USNAVAF) Training Directorate; DSN: 314-626-4725, Email: herbert.boutwell@eu.navy.mil International Agreement: None Required since all activities are authorized under the Regional Security Cooperative Network (RSCN) program CWP Nomination for FY11-12

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