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Unit 4. Communication in the Workplace . Facilitator Support Materials for Communication in the Workplace . Unit Aim. The aim of this unit is for learners to develop knowledge, understanding and the skills required for effective communication in the workplace. .
Unit 4 Communication in the Workplace Facilitator Support Materials for Communication in the Workplace
Unit Aim • The aim of this unit is for learners to develop knowledge, understanding and the skills required for effective communication in the workplace. This unit is 30 Guided Learning Hours
Unit Description Communication skills cover a wide range of interpersonal skills. It is essential to develop strong communication skills for the place of work, as this will have an impact on personal success in your career. Skills such as giving a confident and articulate presentation, persuading others effectively and responding to questions are now considered essential when entering the workforce. Strong interpersonal skills when interacting with others are also essential and this includes not just the ability to tailor one’s communication style, but also the ability to fine-tune communication, register emotional cues and listen well even under pressure or dealing with difficult people or conflict.
Unit Description Continued • More advanced communication ability includes being able to articulate and rouse enthusiasm, persuade others and use complex strategies like indirect influence to build consensus and support. • At the same time, there needs to be a balance of focus on the task in hand whilst being attentive to relationships. This unit focuses on the consolidation and strengthening of a range of communication skills in varying contexts relevant to the place of work. • Specifically, the learner will be able to convey an advanced understanding of challenges and questions of others in different communication situations and respond appropriately.
Unit Description Continued Giving confident and persuasive presentations and managing an audience by anticipating and planning the reaction of others and responding appropriately is covered within this unit. A significant aspect of this unit is the demonstration of self-awareness and a willingness to learn from experience. In the first part of the unit learners consider the principles of effective communication for the place of work. This includes investigating the impact of different interpersonal communication styles and how to communicate effectively when responding to challenges at the place of work.
Unit Description Continued Learners demonstrate their communication skills for the place of work in the second part of the unit in different workplace scenarios; both in one to one and group situations. In the third part of the unit, learners reflect on their communication skills and consider ways to develop the skills they require for the place of work. Learning outcomes and assessment criteria. In order to pass this unit, the evidence that the learner presents for assessment needs to demonstrate that they can meet all the learning outcomes for the unit. The assessment criteria determine the standard required to achieve the unit.
Learning Outcome 1: Understand effective communication for work • Amplification of the Learning Outcome: • Effects of interpersonal styles on communications at work: driving style eg goal orientated, efficient, competitive, generates enthusiasm, achieves results, provides strong guidance, resents time wasters; assertive eg respects the views and rights of others, is open and direct, enables win-win solutions, own results not always achieved; amiable eg friendship important, gets others involved, concerned about feelings of others; collaborative eg looks for common ground, all ideas of group members considered, all involved in final decision, motivates group work, non-competitive, slow decision making process;
Amplification of the Learning Outcome Continued analytical eg based on facts and data, accurate decisions made, cautious, emotions and feelings not involved, directive eg used to manipulate and control, can alienate and intimidate others, no feedback sought, useful in crisis; permissive eg fosters freedom and individual responsibility, can encourage creativity, can result in confusion and lack of productivity; personality affecting communication eg extrovert, introvert, confident, optimistic, positive attitude and emotions affecting communication
Amplification of the Learning Outcome Continued • Responding to challenges; challenges eg demands, feedback on work performance, personal comments, criticism, complaints, aggression; use assertiveness techniques to achieve win-win solutions eg active listening, eye contact, posture, facial expression, gestures, tone, use of questioning to understand point of view of others, acknowledge perspectives of others, clarify the position, look for commonalities and adapt communication approaches
Assessment Criteria for Learning Outcome 1 • Assessment Criteria: • 1.1 Compare the effects of interpersonal communication styles on three different interactions at work • 1.2 Analyse four ways to communicate when responding to challenges at work
Learning Outcome 2: Be able to communicate effectively for the place of work • Amplification of the Learning Outcome: • Communication skills for the place of work: speaking eg language appropriate for audience (non-patronising, jargon free), clear, tone, posture, facial expressions; listening eg active listening, empathetic listening, responding to emotional cues (receptiveness of others, shifting attention of an audience); awareness of own emotions; writing eg style, language, tone; cultural dimensions eg sensitivity to cultural differences; plan communications eg understand objective, know audience, consider barriers to communication, anticipate responses of audience, plan how to send message, seek feedback; answer questions; respond to criticism and manage conflict
Assessment Criteria for Learning Outcome 2 Assessment Criteria: 2.1 Demonstrate effective communication skills in four interactions with others in workplace scenarios to include: giving feedback answering questions responding to criticism managing conflict 2.2 Demonstrate skills to reach a group consensus 2.3 Give a business presentation
Learning Outcome 3: Be able to reflect on own communication for the place of work Amplification of the Learning Outcome: Refection on development of skills: awareness of own strengths and weaknesses; stages in reflection eg description (What happened?), analysis (What went well? What was less successful?), clarification (Were goals met? What needs to be done differently?) and what action (What needs to be done next?) Strategies to improve communication skills: build on strengths; seek opportunities to develop identified weaknesses; seek feedback and use a mentor
Assessment Criteria for Learning Outcome 3 Assessment Criteria: 3.1 Evaluate effectiveness of own communication skills for the place of work 3.2 Summarise strategies to improve own communication skills for the place of work
Appropriate Books Borg J Persuasion: The Art of Influencing People (Prentice Hall; 3 edition 2010) ISBN 978-0273734161 Goleman D Emotional Intelligence & Working with Emotional Intelligence: "Emotional Intelligence", "Working with EQ" (Bloomsbury Publishing 2004) ISBN 978-0747574569
Appropriate websites www.video.google.com/videosearch?client=safari&rls=en-us&q=negotiation+skills&oe=UTF-8&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=X&oi=vid Video of negotiation skills and body language www.jobsearch.about.com/od/jobinterviewvideos/tp/interviewvideos.htm Videos of different of job interviews www.docstoc.com/docs/18622121/communication-styles-a-self-assessment-exercise Communication style, self-assessment