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Preparing for FY2014 Statewide Testing

Preparing for FY2014 Statewide Testing. February 2014. Dr. Frank Rodriguez Assistant Superintendent. Mark Howard Director. 2/11/14 Testing Schedule Preparing Staff & Volunteers Preparing Parents & Students Preparing for Accommodations Preparing for CBTs Wireless Testing.

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Preparing for FY2014 Statewide Testing

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Preparing for FY2014Statewide Testing February 2014 Dr. Frank Rodriguez Assistant Superintendent Mark Howard Director

  2. 2/11/14 • Testing Schedule • Preparing Staff & Volunteers • Preparing Parents & Students • Preparingfor Accommodations • Preparing for CBTs • Wireless Testing

  3. Testing schedule

  4. FCAT 2.0 Writing • Tuesday February 25 • All Students Grade 4, 8, 10 • Wednesday February 26 • Make-up Day • Test Materials Delivery • Materials will be delivered ahead of FDOE Schedule • Sign-in to acknowledge secure materials procedures • Secure Materials CAN NOT be opened prior to February 18 SAT School Day Administration for Students in Grade 11

  5. FCAT 2.0 Writing FY14 Accountability Score = 3.5 Tips and strategies - January Essentials Training • Elementary School      (slides 37-53)       • Middle School        (slides 82-90)   • High School   (slides 230-238)

  6. SDPBC Testing Schedule • All schools adhere to SDPBC Daily Session Schedules • No testing on Tuesday, April 15

  7. FY2014 FCAT 2.0Daily Session Schedules Elementary Schools Bulletin: EP 2082 ES REA https://www.sdpbc.org/Docs/DistrictBulletins/EP%202082%20ES%20REA.pdf Middle Schools Bulletin: MP 327 ES REA https://www.sdpbc.org/Docs/DistrictBulletins/MP%20327%20ES%20REA.pdf High Schools Bulletin: HSP 1988 ES REA https://www.sdpbc.org/Docs/DistrictBulletins/HSP%201988%20ES%20REA.pdf

  8. Grade 6 Math Schedule

  9. Grade 6 Mathematics CBT UPDATE April 28 – May 7 • Two 70 minute sessions sameday • Revised Bulletin #MP-327-ES/REA • Middle School FCAT 2.0 Daily Session Schedule NOTE: • Grade 6-8 Math - 2 Sessions Same Day • Grade 8 Science - 2 Sessions Same Day

  10. FDOE - End of Course Schedule Change To provide school districts with additional scheduling flexibility and optimal instructional time prior to testing, Spring 2014 EOC schedule has modified: • EOCsmay be administered in ANY order • by school, based on needs of students • One EOCDOES NOT need to be completed before another begins • All EOCsmay begin on April 21 • All EOCscompleted by designated date

  11. FDOE End of Course Schedule Change • All subjects may begin on April 21 Must complete testing by the designated date: • May 16: U.S. History, Civics, and Algebra 1 • May 23: Biology 1 and Geometry

  12. FY14 EOC Schedule

  13. FY14 EOC Schedule EOC’s may be administered in ANY order by school

  14. Preparing staff and volunteers

  15. Spring Pretest Workshops Recorded Online Training Vodcast with Confirmation Form http://www.palmbeachschools.org/assessment/vodcasts.asp

  16. School Based Workshops on Test Administration • Test Administrators and School-based Proctors • Administration schedule and procedures • Test Security policies & procedures • Electronic devices • Materials • Accommodations • Invalidations

  17. FY14 Spring Proctor TrainingBulletin # CS-214-ES/REA Face-to-Face Training Online Training https://connect.palmbeachschools.org/p4eswh1b80f/

  18. Test Administrator/ProctorLink to FAQ Online

  19. Preparing Parents & Students

  20. Communicate with Parents/Guardians and Students • Electronic Devices Policy—If students are found with ANY electronic devices, including, but not limited to, cell phones or smartphones, during testing OR during breaks, their tests will be invalidated. • The best practice would be for students to leave devices at home or in their lockers on the day of testing. • Leaving Campus—If students leave campus before completing a session (for an appointment, illness, etc.), they WILL NOT be allowed to complete that session. • Ensure that parents/guardians are aware of the test administration schedule and understand that appointments should not be scheduled on testing days.

  21. Communicate with Parents/Guardians and Students • Testing Rules Acknowledgment—Before beginning a test, students will be asked to affirm a Testing Rules Acknowledgment that reads: “I understand the testing rules that were just read to me. If I do not follow these rules, my test score may be invalidated.” • Students taking paper-based tests will sign on a signature line below the statement. Students taking CBT click a check-box.

  22. Communicate with Parents/Guardians and Students • Discussing Test Content After Testing—The last portion of the testing rules read to students before they sign below the acknowledgment reads, “After the test, you may not discuss the test items/the writing prompt with anyone. This includes any type of electronic communication, such as texting, emailing, or posting online, for example, on websites like Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. • If you are found sharing information about the test items/writing prompt, even without the intent to cheat, your test will be invalidated.” • Please make sure that students understand this policy prior to testing and remind them that “discussing” the items includes any kind of electronic communication, such as texting, emailing, or posting to blogs or social media websites, etc.

  23. Communicate with Parents/Guardians and Students • Family Letter Templates • Writing • Paper/pencil • CBT • EOCs • Student PowerPoint Presentations • FCAT 2.0 & Computer-based Testing


  25. ESE & ELL Accommodations • Schools are responsible for ensuring that accommodations designated for ESE, 504 and ELL students are provided • FY14 Goal: ZEROinvalidations for incorrectly administered accommodations!

  26. Accommodations for ESE & 504 Students • Accommodations MUST be documented on the students IEP or 504 plan • MUST be in place prior to FCAT • Accommodations MUSTbe the same or nearly the same as those needed and used by the student during regular classroom instruction and assessment activities

  27. TestHearAccommodated CBT • Changes from FY2013 • New Software Release In Late February • Updated ePat (only for TestHear students) • Improved Screen Reader Voice • Improved Software Stability

  28. Accommodations for ELL Students • All ELL students MUST have access to an approved English to heritage language dictionary

  29. Providing Assistance in Heritage Language • Test Directions: May answer all questions • FCAT 2.0 Reading: No assistance • No passages, test items or answer choices • FCAT 2.0 Writing, Mathematics , Science, EOCs:May answer a question about a word or phrase in a writing prompt, test item or answer choice • No translating of writing prompts, test items, or answer choices in their entirety


  31. CBT Required Planning Activities • Scheduling Tool (Required by SDPBC) • Excel spreadsheet with SDPBC dates • Certification Tool (Required by FDOE) • Ensure that schools are prepared for CBTs • After review by District, submitted to FDOE for further review • Infrastructure Trial (Required by FDOE) • Simulating test-day network utilization • Confirm all computers used for testing can run the appropriate software

  32. Time Line of Activities

  33. CBT Scheduling ToolFebruary 13-24 • Email will be sent to Principals with an Excel planning sheet to complete and submit • Schools must fill out the Excel planning sheet with their testing schedule for the FY14 Spring EOC’s • Submit by – DATE CERTAIN – to – EMAIL

  34. FDOE - CBT Certification ToolFebruary 24 – March 7 • CBT Certification Tool • Number of students to be tested • Number of computers available/needed • Computer & network minimum specifications • Testing Coordinator & STST/ITSA • Work together to develop testing plan • Bulletin…

  35. CBT - Infrastructure Trial Prepare for CBT’s by simulating test-day network utilization, determining any school or district issues, and confirming that all computers that will be used for testing can run the appropriate software

  36. CBT - Infrastructure Trial • District schools and Charter schools on SDPBC network follow District schedule • All Charter Schools MUSTconduct infrastructure trials using FDOE Infrastructure Trial Guide • Required for all computers that will be used for testing FCAT or EOCs • Wireless laptops for the first time for FCAT/EOC • Desktop computers used for the first time  

  37. Wireless testing

  38. FCAT Computer-based TestingElementary School Wireless • Classrooms - up to 30 laptops • Each equipped with one wireless access point • Media Center - up to 30 laptops • Students in close proximity to the wireless access points • Gym, Auditorium & Cafeteria - NOT supported • An Infrastructure trial is required prior to testing wirelessly before Spring testing. Please refer to Infrastructure Readiness Guide.

  39. FCAT/EOC Computer-based TestingMiddle School Wireless • Classrooms - up to 30 laptops • Each equipped with one wireless access point • Media Center - up to 30 laptops • Students in close proximity to the wireless access points • Gym, Auditorium & Cafeteria - NOT supported • Infrastructure Trial for each computer required prior to testing wirelesslyPlease refer to Infrastructure Readiness Guide.

  40. Computer-based TestingHigh School Wireless • Classrooms - up to 30 laptops • Media Center - up to 150 laptops • Gymnasium - up to 150 laptops • Auditorium - up to 150 laptops • Cafeteria - up to 150 laptops • Infrastructure Trial for each computer required prior to testing wirelessly Please refer to Infrastructure Readiness Guide.

  41. CBT – Laptops & Wireless Getting Started • Testing Coordinators and STST/ITSA should work closely together when planning the use of laptops • The PARCC laptop computers should be used when administering high stakes testing using laptops • Start small. On the first day of testing, choose one or two carts in classrooms to use for testing

  42. CBT’s – Getting the Most from Wireless Network • Each device takes up one connection on the wireless network • When extra laptop carts are stored within a test area, “turn off” the wireless NIC switch on all laptops so they do not add to the load on the wireless network • The same goes for student smart phones and tablets ** For assistance, please call the IT Service Desk: PX44100 **

  43. CBT’s – Getting the Most from Laptop Batteries • To ensure longer battery life – prior to testing; school techs should work with staff and/or students to “exercise” laptop batteries • Exercise Battery • Fully charge and fully drain • Normal daily use of laptops • May be left “turned on” (and unplugged) while inside the cart to drain batteries ** For assistance, please call the IT Service Desk: PX44100 **


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