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Present plans in Finland for GRID computing. A steering group (Risto Nieminen (head), Dan-Olof Riska from HIP) appointed by OPM Report on national GRID computing needs given to OPM/Oct 2005
Present plans in Finland for GRID computing • A steering group (Risto Nieminen (head), Dan-Olof Riska from HIP) appointed by OPM • Report on national GRID computing needs given to OPM/Oct 2005 • Strongly motivated by LHC projects: including ALICE (core share 0,84 %) with estimated needs of (standard ALICE data-taking year T1+T2 estimates in parentheses) • CPU time: 300 kSI2k ( total 26 700 kSI2k i.e. 1,12 %) • Disk space: 170 TB (total 12 500 TB i.e. 1,36 %) • Permanent storage: 70 TB/year (total 7000 TB/year i.e. 1 %) • altogether 4,2 MEUR proposed for LHC activities Markku Oinonen at JYFL, 3rd of March 2006
Present plans in Finland for GRID computing • Participation in the Nordic collaboration within NDGF seemed to get green light supports the Nordic ALICE strategy of having T1 resources coordinated by NDGF • Funding proposed also for FUNET & Nordunet upgrades • However, LHC part for CPU & Disc space had to be put separately via HY towards OPM (DOR et al.) Signs from OPM expected during the spring -06, funding expected only at 2007 Markku Oinonen at JYFL, 3rd of March 2006
Present plans at HIP for GRID computing 1) CSC allocating 64 CPU’s for EGEE project (sepeli cluster) • will be in HIP use within LHC Computing Grid (LCG) & EGEE co-operation (CMS, ALICE, TOTEM) • eventually join to ALICE PDC’06 (technical problems just solved at CSC) ? 2) Common application for M. Ehrnrooth foundation from HIP for “transition period” before OPM funding / January 2006 • 60 kEUR applied for CMS, ALICE, TOTEM, CDF • ~20 TB • decision March 2006 Markku Oinonen at JYFL, 3rd of March 2006
Present plans at HIP for GRID computing 3) Common application for Suomen Akatemia from HIP for “transition period” before OPM funding / January 2006 • 372 kEUR for CMS, ALICE, TOTEM, CDF • ~120 TB • decision requested earlier than usually: September 2006 4) Tomas Linden coordinates the efforts at HIP 5) CSC the natural location for the infrastructure and NDGF coordination Markku Oinonen at JYFL, 3rd of March 2006
Implications for Finnish ALICE community • Exploitation of CSC resources should start a.s.a.p. • PHENIX data analysis via the standard way of using CSC resources (apply access & contact Jan Åström) • ramping up also the preparations for ALICE b) Integration of part of the CSC sepeli cluster (now finally working) to ALICE computing grid ? • Two fronts – interfacing between them not straightforward due to very CERN-coordinated nature of ALICE data handling need to start collecting experience now Markku Oinonen at JYFL, 3rd of March 2006
Notes on ALICE data analysis • Limits from the data transfer speeds ? (FUNET JYFL-CSC 622 MB/s presently) • Within the cloud model generally applied for GRID infrastructure, some of the Finnish resources should be possibly defined as Tier-2 to allow for as fluent data analysis as possible • The needs should arise from JYFL data analysis group Refining the needs for resources • Need of experienced computer scientist / physicist evident, otherwise with left hand… Markku Oinonen at JYFL, 3rd of March 2006
Finnish ALICE computing: basics / 2 Estimates for CPU time, disk space, mass storage based on a) Finnish core budget of 0,84% of ALICE costs b) estimates based on Jan Rak’s experience c) scaled with Norway’s estimate and FIN/NOR core budget (0,84 vs. 1,18 %) d) average Tier 1 numbers shared between Nordic countries (core!) Notes: a,b,d) : assumed the trend (2005-2010) from the pledged and summed ALICE computing capacity for T1 + T2 centres Trend peaks at 2009 our needs assumed to peak also at 2009 Markku Oinonen at JYFL, 21st of March 2005
Comparison: CPU time Presently, 1 kSI2k ~ 1 CPU HIP total estimated HIP CMS estimated Norway’s pledged } 70 % Norway’s pledged ALICE average T1 shared ALICE T1+T2 * 0,84% & Jan’s est. 200 – 300 kSI2k in 2009 ? Markku Oinonen at JYFL, 21st of March 2005
Comparison: disk space HIP total estimated HIP CMS estimated Norway’s pledged } 70 % Norway’s pledged a) ALICE T1+T2 * 0,84% b) Jan’s est. d) average T1 shared } 70 – 170 TB in 2009 ? Markku Oinonen at JYFL, 21st of March 2005
Comparison: mass storage Present expectation of Nordic community: tapes, not tape robot in Finland Norway’s pledged, corresponds to average T1! HIP total estimated HIP CMS estimated } ALICE average T1 shared ALICE T1+T2 * 0,84% 30 – 70 TB/year in 2009 ? Markku Oinonen at JYFL, 21st of March 2005
Finnish ALICE computing needs: summary • + 1 professional person (participates in ALICE data analysis and setting up the computing resources) Application for the Finnish Academy, deadline 15/5 (common effort) Markku Oinonen at JYFL, 21st of March 2005
T1+T2 pledged scaled to maximum at 2009 CPU time (kSI2k) Disk space (TB) Mass storage (TB/year) Markku Oinonen at JYFL, 21st of March 2005